Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 527 The Unfavorable Cooperation

Tony's anger is easy to understand, because he has always used Finks as a fuse and kept attacking Luo Bing and the others, even when the other party was "acquitted", Tony was a little fortunate.

Luo Bing's tone is full of warning, it is definitely not a simple threat, but a solid implementation.

"Hey, what are you going to do?" Tony asked suddenly in a panic, he was afraid that the other party would do something out of control.

He summoned J.A.R.V.I.S, just a simple password, the other party has fulfilled all his requirements.

And just when he wondered if the two behind him could keep up, Thor actually flew in front of him.

"Okay sir, I'll do it right away."

Tony and Luo Bing had a brief discussion on this issue, and finally they reached a consensus. In a cooperative model premised on mutual respect, Tony started his own actions.

"You mean you want me to help you find the Finks?" Tony asked rhetorically.

In a blink of an eye, the three of them had arrived on the rooftop. Originally Tony wanted to use a helicopter to carry it, but Luo Bing refused immediately.

With Tony's intelligence, he naturally understood the other's mind. This guy immediately stopped the two people in front of him, saying that he could give some help, but he must be allowed to participate in the rescue.

"Okay, then follow me, that place is about 10 kilometers away from here, and we have to be at full power. 35

"It's very simple, since you refuse to help us, then we will solve it in our own way. But I must tell you that all the consequences are because of your inaction."

Luo Bing responded, and Thor, who was with him, immediately summoned the thunder... When a lightning flashed across, the guy's body was covered with light blue runes, which looked like It's like an ancient totem.

Moreover, if Evelyn suffered inhuman abuse, then Finks must be punished in the same way.

5.1 What's even more surprising is that the guy just relied on the explosion produced by kicking the ground. Such a mysterious and exaggerated performance once again made Tony fall into contemplation.

Tony deliberately made things difficult because he was very upset with Luo Bing's countermeasures against him. However, just after he said these words, the two guys on the opposite side turned around without saying a word.

Looking at the exaggerated scene in front of him, Tony Stark was a little dazed, but fortunately, this guy has experienced storms and waves, so his recovery speed is much faster than ordinary people.

"J.A.R.V.I.S, find me all the surveillance footage of the Finks.

"Well, I think you come to me, it must not be as simple as just show me the video, tell me what you are here for." Tony said helplessly, his mood was as bad as stepping on shit .

The guy said that the movement of the helicopter was too loud, which could easily arouse the vigilance of Finks and his party. Other faster and more efficient methods of movement must be employed.

"No, we have our method. 35

"This guy is hiding there, let's go over there now." Tony vowed, knowing that the longer the time dragged on, the greater the danger Evelyn might suffer.

In 30 seconds, Thor and Luo Bing arrived above the designated spot. And in the next 10 seconds, Tony, who was late, finally rushed to the scene.

After Tony finished speaking, the injection system under his feet was fully activated. He flew directly into the air and began to move towards the port.

"Tony, you can lead the way." Luo Bing looked calm, not worried about falling behind.

"Okay, it's not too late, please lead the way." Luo Bing responded immediately.

Facing Tony's proposal, Luo Bing didn't hesitate at all, he agreed to the guy's request, but also put forward his own bottom line, that is, Finks must be punished.

"That's right, they're in the Warehouse in the sixth row."

"It's very simple, I believe that with your strength, you can easily call up the surveillance "060" screen of the whole New York City. Luo Bing answered seriously.

The two of them overlapped, and Thor put Luo Bing on his shoulders and prepared in a crouching posture.

However, when the hard facts were placed in front of him, although he was unwilling to admit it, he finally realized his misjudgment.

In less than a minute, a recorded image of Finks appeared on the huge screen. And the most recent picture is displayed in the abandoned Warehouse near the port.

As for Luo Bing himself, he also transformed into Susanoo through the effect of the blood wheel eye. Although it does not have the ability of Flight, it can also resist the thunder effect on Thor.

"Is it this place?" Luo Bing asked a question, but Tony didn't respond immediately. Instead, he activated his infrared scanning device to check the current Warehouse one by one.


"Excuse me, this should be the task of the police, not my duty."

As soon as he said this, Tony couldn't help but twitch. He put on his high-tech battle suit, and then asked Luo Bing if they needed the same equipment for assistance.

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