Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 524 The Power of M1y

The guy in charge of speaking to the media is Finks' father, Old Finks. He is a "successful" businessman and a clever lobbyist.

Especially when dealing with the media, this guy can always grasp the direction of the fishing reel, so that the blind masses can keep pace with him.

So after Old Finks listed rows and rows of "evidence", all the media companies that were present at the scene simply changed the air and began to verbally criticize Evelyn, and even planned to conduct a human flesh search on her.

"Damn it! These unscrupulous idiots, how can they be so gullible with that old bastard!"

Thor Rage in front of the TV again, ever since he saw Evelyn's scar, he's been in that state all the time.

"Most of it must have been bribed by that guy, and some of it must have just followed suit. But I don't believe any fool would believe his nonsense, because it's impossible for that kind of person to start a media company."

Luo Bing answered in a heavy tone, and the anger spitting out of his eyes at the moment was no worse than Thor's.

"Brother-in-law, let's go to the scene. Expose that guy's lies and give Evelyn justice." Thor made his suggestion, but Luo Bing immediately rejected it.

"No, in this case, we will even be self-inflicted. Besides, I don't want Evelyn to appear in the camera, which will cause more trouble to her life in the future.

"Then what do you think we should do? We can't let that guy lead by the nose, right?"

"Definitely not. Let me handle this matter. You are in a very unstable mood right now. You will be there when I need you."

Luo Bing stood up immediately after giving the order. He wanted to go to Evelyn's school again to have a final negotiation with the school.

Although Thor was full of anger at the moment, due to Luo Bing's request, he could only sit on the sofa angrily and continue drinking the wine in his hand.

"Evelyn, don't leave the house during this time. If you need anything, you can tell Thor and let him do it for you." Luo Bing said relatively gently, he didn't want the other party to feel restrained.

"Okay, I know brother Luo Bing, thank you for taking care of me." Evelyn replied very well, but the pain in her heart cannot be replaced by others.

"Well, let's do this first, I'll go back when I go." Luo Bing left their house and started rushing towards the school.

And shortly after he left, Thor drank all the wine and paced back and forth in the house, as if looking for something.

Thor's impatience was seen by Evelyn. This reasonable girl knew very well that the other party actually wanted to drink, but she couldn't get away because she wanted to take care of herself.

In order to free Thor, and at the same time allow herself to be quiet for a while, Evelyn makes a request to Thor, pretending that she wants to eat a hamburger and hope that it will be satisfied.

"Are you hungry?" Thor asked curiously, as it was less than two hours before lunch.

"Well, Ken may be in a bad mood, so he has a big appetite." Evelyn said pretendingly.

"Okay, I'll buy it for you right now, is there anything else you want?" Thor's expression changed subtly, obviously he had already thought about what kind of drinks he should buy.

"Well... if you can, bring me some fries or something." Evelyn continued her performance, she wanted to make this commission look more realistic.

No problem at ~, I'll buy it for you. Remember to stay at home and don't move around. "

Thor walked out of the house after a brief explanation, and Evelyn did as the other party asked, to be alone in the living room.

But the so-called unforeseen circumstances, what no one thought was that Finks would take revenge on Evelyn as soon as he was released.

This guy used his personal connections to investigate Evelyn's home address. After noticing Thor walking out of the house, Finks rushed into their home with his pony.

"Bang——" (Is it okay)

With a loud explosion, the door was broken open by an ability user. And after the smoke cleared, Finks' twisted face also appeared in front of Evelyn.

"Stinky bitch, you dare to call the police and arrest me, it seems that I am too lenient with you." Finks said loudly, and began to carry out atrocities...

Begging after half an hour.

Thor, who was holding a pile of goods in his hands, rushed back happily. But when he was about to arrive at the door of his house, he noticed something strange.

"Why was the door broken?" Thor wondered in his heart, and got the answer in less than a second. "Damn, someone broke in."

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