Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 522 Uninvited Guest

Strong people usually don't need to talk nonsense. When Tony and Richards stood in front of Luo Bing, the guy guessed the general intention.

Luo Bing invited the two people on the opposite side into the room, and immediately began to communicate in a very dull state.

"Let's sit down, you two, there is some food there, if you don't dislike it, we can chat while eating.

Following Luo Bing's words, Tony cast his eyes on the dining table beside him. Although the above delicacies are considered delicious, compared with what he usually eats, there is still some gap.

"Thank you for your kindness, but we've already eaten." Tony said bluntly.

"Well, since it's like this, let's eat it ourselves."

Luo Bing returned to the table and gave Thor a look. Immediately, the two of them started eating on their own, completely ignoring Tony and the others.

"Hey! Do you think we came here just to watch you two eat?

Richards, who has a frizzy personality, suddenly expressed his dissatisfaction. As his partner, Tony tugged at the corner of his shirt secretly, motioning him to stay calm.

"Oh? I didn't expect Richards' character to be so violent. You and Richards in our cosmic dimension have completely opposite personalities." Luo Bing said with a smile, while leaning his body to the side, completely An indifferent look.

"This has nothing to do with character or anything, I just ask you to talk to us in a formal state."

Richards' performance was tough, much to the chagrin of Thor, who was also short-tempered. But still Luo Bing is a calm guy. After seeing that the other party was really angry, he also changed his attitude.

"Okay, I apologize for what happened earlier. Now let's talk about serious business. What are you guys doing here?" Luo Bing asked suddenly and seriously.

"We came here this time because someone reported you for using your abilities indiscriminately."

Tony stood up at this time and played the original video prepared in advance. As for the content inside, it was naturally the scene when Luo Bing and the others were arrogant in school.

About 3 minutes or so, the video is all played. But before Tony could be questioned, Luo Bing took the lead and asked, "What's the point of this video?"

As soon as this remark came out, Tony's face was also a little overwhelmed, but in order to avoid the worsening of the situation, he still prepared to bow before the soldiers.

"Mr. Lo, did we meet once?" Tony asked.

"Yes, I saw you in the underground boxing match." Luo Bing replied quickly.

"Okay, since you remember me, I'm not going to go around in circles with you. My name is Tony Stark, I'm a member of the Illuminati, and my allies include Professor X and Doctor Strange."

"I know all this, I'm just asking you, what exactly are you here for. 35

"Finks suspects that you are terrorists, and as a party to maintain order, I have an obligation to evaluate you.

Tony finally spoke his true thoughts, and his words also caused Luo Bing to smile. After listening to this, the guy simply stood up from the chair and gave a weird smile.

"Finks? Report us? Say we're terrorists? This is really a slap in the face..." Luo Bing's tone was full of sarcasm, and Tony and the others were also suspicious after hearing it.

"Mr. Luo Bing, if there is anything we don't know, please tell me frankly and openly, so that everyone can discuss." Tony said.

"No problem, but this matter didn't start because of me, so I need to ask the parties to come out and talk to you personally.

Luo Bing summoned Evelyn, and the other party came out of his room immediately after hearing his voice.

"Evelyn, these two guys are here to find out. Tell them about your own harassment and don't be afraid."

Luo Bing returned to his seat, and Evelyn also sat next to him. At the moment, the staff layout in the room is very interesting, and it has the feeling of a round table meeting.

"Two gentlemen, I have heard what you just said. This guy Finks is an out-and-out bastard, he is slandering brother Luo Bing.

Eve 5.1 Lin said indignantly, but in order to prove that she did not intend to protect Luo Bing and the others, this girl who was already hurt, actually took off her shirt in public.

When Evelyn's tender skin was exposed to the air, everyone was stunned by the scene in front of them.

Her body was covered with scars, and even the bruises had not gone away. The already thin body can't find a place to look down.

Such a heart-wrenching picture immediately aroused Thor's anger. He smashed the table with one punch, then yelled at Evelyn, "Why didn't you say this sooner!"

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