Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 518 Things will never be solved easily

The appearance of Susanoo shattered the confidence of those bodyguards. Although they also felt the power in Luo Bing and Thor, it seemed that the level was so exaggerated that they did not expect it.

"I'm not sure, but from the looks of it, it's definitely not an ordinary person. And I would like to advise you that the Finks family is not as simple as you think. If something happens one day, it will be It's your own fault."9

"Is it just like this?" Luo Bing continued to speak reluctantly, he wanted to bring back everything he deserved.

"Finks, you have to see the situation clearly. If I didn't make a compromise at the time, none of us would have good fruit to eat, especially you." Dimon also responded with a displeased face. Not the other side's lackey.

This time, the principal, Dimon, couldn't bear it. He is an aspiring elite, and even if he doesn't work under the Finks family, he can still seek other ways, so there is absolutely no need to bow down like others.

"Is there anyone else who doesn't agree?" Luo Bing looked around, and the bodyguards also retreated, no one dared to come forward and shout.

"Damon, you old man, how dare you make such a compromise, believe it or not, I fired you!" Finks yelled, ignoring the people present at all.


"Okay, if you have a personality, you can wait for me. Nian

"Ah? Oh, I just know, the tuition fee will be free of course, this is what we should do." Dimon said suddenly, he already knew Luo Bing's potential lines.

Seeing the departure of Finks, other school officials approached Damon and persuaded him to put down his posture to avoid losing his job.

Such terrifying remarks immediately aroused the vigilance of the school officials. As for Dimon's judgment level, they are obvious to all, so in order to avoid 043 getting caught, a group of people immediately asked what the basis was.

After that, Luo Bing turned around very freely, while Thor, who was dazed by the side, quickly stepped forward and followed. He never imagined that things would progress so quickly.

"You mean, those two guys are related to the big crisis a few days ago?" everyone asked.

"You're scared." Luo Bing suddenly laughed and used the illusion at the same time.

The leader who was caught in the illusion, completely lost the Action Ability. He was dazed on the ground like a walking corpse, and he has become a crippled person.

As the team leader who was fighting against Luo Bing, the man's timid expression was incomparable. He opened his eyes wide in fear, as if he had seen the abyss.

Dimon was at a loss for words, he knew it was Luo Bing's warning. If he is still obsessed and continues to favor Finks, then disaster will definitely befall him.

"Mr. Dimon, you have already seen what happened. Instead of repenting, Finks tried to attack us personally. If we call the police now, is it clear who is right and who is wrong?

"Huh? Are you teaching me how to do things? This school is run by my family, so I need to be inferior to others?" Finks continued to shout.

But this time, Dimon did not heed the advice of his colleagues. According to his judgment, an event that is enough to destroy the Finks family is very likely to break out in the recent period of time.

After the two left, a mess was left in the chaotic room. Facing such an embarrassing situation, the young and vigorous Finks couldn't help it.

"Okay, I know what to do. I will announce now that Finks will be expelled from school, and I will also compensate Evelyn for her mental damage."

Seeing that the situation was under control, Luo Bing put away his majesty, turned to look at Principal Damon again, and threw out an offer that he could not refuse.

"The two guys who came to make trouble are definitely not ordinary power users, and I think the thunder and lightning emanating from the big man should be the same as the thunder that came out of the sky a few days ago." Damon said in a serious tone.

Furious, Finks walked out of the office, but he didn't have the guts to pursue Luo Bing. Instead, he secretly ran to the back door, intending to take revenge through other means.

When Damon said this, everyone was shocked. Because they all know that the principal in front of him is not someone who likes to talk nonsense. Since he can make such remarks, it can be seen that there are still many shameful existences behind the Finks family.

In the process of fighting against Sharinyan, it is extremely dangerous to face those eyes. But how could Luo Bing let outsiders know about this important intelligence.

"Very good, I hope you can keep your word this time, otherwise I will definitely stay with you to the end."

"Well, the two guys on the left and right have not gone far, you can go and take revenge."

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