Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 516: The Use of Shaking Wheel Eyes

The discipline in the classroom became extremely tense because of Luo Bing's appearance, and as the teacher of that school, the middle-aged man on the podium also immediately intervened.

"You don't need to be like that, otherwise reasonable things will become unreasonable. Let's wait and see." Luo Bing remained calm, he had been waiting for the appearance of heavyweights.

"Oh? Who are you?" Luo Bing asked disdainfully.

As time went on, the incident attracted more and more attention, so that the principal had to come to adjust.

"Hey! Who are the two of you? Get your dirty hands away!" A black security guard shouted loudly, and the rest of the guys followed suit.

"You've all heard that, what should you do with a scum like this?" Xi.

As soon as Luo Bing said this, Thor immediately took Finks to him. Then he kicked the opponent's knee socket, forcing the guy to kneel.


"Sir, please leave here immediately, otherwise I will hand it over to the police." The principal's name is Damon, a middle-aged man in his 50s. It seems to be working in education.

The characters gathered in the At the moment room are all high-level executives, which shows how much they care about Finks' personal safety.

As for the other students, some of them have the psychology of watching a play, while others think that this is the time to express.

"Sir, please let your friend let go of that student, okay? If there is any problem, we can take a more irrational way to solve it, can't we?" Dimon said with a smile, his calmness made Luo Bing Disgust arose.

"What about the specific method?" Luo Bing continued to ask, he needed a clear content, not an ambiguous answer.

"I molested Evelyn and often did some outrageous things." Finks said dumbly, acting like a mental retardation.

"Brother-in-law, what should we do now? As long as you give an order, I will bring them all down." Thor said without shyness, he cared about the feelings of others at all.

"Okay, since you are the most influential guy in this school, let's come out and talk.

How to say, the Finks who was dragged to the ground, his family background is the investor of this school. If you can have a good relationship with him, you will get help to varying degrees in both academic and employment.

"I secretly took a video of her bathing, mailed her sex toys, sent pornography software, and tried to rape her..."

Luo Bing gave Thor a look, and after the other party understood his intention, he walked out of the classroom with Finks wrapped around him. Although some unscrupulous security personnel tried to rescue Finks during this period, Thor was immediately resisted.

"You're right, there is indeed a more rational approach, but it depends on whether it can satisfy me." Luo Bing replied indifferently, and sat on the sofa, despising the attitude of a tyrant. people in the house.

"Finks, Evelyn is my sister, what nasty things have you done to her, don't you need me to meet for you?"

"I forgot to tell you, this guy has a very bad temper. If you don't want to cause any trouble, it's best not to act rashly."

"It's the principal of my school, my name is Damon, and this is my business card. The principal of 35 is an extremely gentleman, which is in stark contrast with Luo Bing Thor.

Everyone walked out of the teaching building, and they became a beautiful landscape on the empty playground. In order not to let the situation continue to deteriorate and spread, Dimon proposed a plan to go to the office to negotiate.

Just when Finks answered honestly, Luo Bing, who was getting more and more uncomfortable, suddenly stopped the other party's "report" and turned his attention to those school personnel.

However, the answer he got was something he would never forget for the rest of his life.

I saw Luo Bing stand up and smash the table in front of him with one palm. When the crackling sound spread, Luo Bing's emotion was quite terrifying.

・・・・・Seeking flowers...  

Out of a profit-seeking thought, some students immediately showed the situation in the classroom to the school guard, and the other party arrived at the first time after learning that it was Finks who had been "unfairly treated". on site.

"Call the police? You maggot-like fellows, you dare to ask me about fairness and justice? Don't you know that I'm catching this kid for nothing? Then let him answer it himself.

When Luo Bing pressed the other party, he had already opened the kaleidoscope blood wheel eye. Under the gaze of his cursed eyes, the other party couldn't make any concealment at all.

"Okay, just do as you said." Luo Bing agreed to the other party's proposal, and then everyone moved to the principal's office together.

Luo Bing looked at Principal Damon with a serious face, and after knowing the seriousness of the situation, the other party also immediately ordered everyone not to act that intensified the conflict, so as to avoid hidden dangers to the personal safety of Finks.

"Sir, I don't think this is a good attitude. If I call the police, I believe it will be you who will be embarrassed." Dimon said threateningly, hoping to intimidate Luo Bing.

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