Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 504 Reynolds of Escapism

At the top of the Empire State Building, Jenny stood on the observation deck. Because At the moment nothingness completely occupies Reynolds' body, so Reynolds has changed a lot in appearance.

However, even this situation did not delay Jenny's pity for Reynolds. She approached so boldly that Doctor Strange had to warn her.

"Miss, your behavior is very dangerous, please stand back." Doctor Strange said seriously, he didn't want to see any unexpected pictures.

However, before Jenny could reply, Luo Bing on the side answered her.

"Stephen, Miss Jenny is the key to awakening Reynolds' main character. Without her help, Reynolds will never be able to overcome."

Luo Bing's words made Doctor Strange slightly embarrassed. He had to make a choice, whether to trust an ordinary woman, or to follow the plan made by the Illuminati at the beginning and wait for the reinforcements of Professor X and others.

Just when he was in a dilemma, Thor floated to the top of the building, picked up Jenny, and started flying towards Reynolds.

"Big man, what are you doing?" Doctor Strange looked stunned, but Thor ignored his plans at all.

"Stephen, you have to believe in our choices. Nothingness can't be defeated, except for Reynolds himself, and that lady is the key to awakening Reynolds."

Luo Bing once again emphasized the importance of Jenny, and this time Doctor Strange had to choose the default. He couldn't do both to stop Thor and limit the nothingness at the same time.

After a while, Jenny got right in front of Reynolds with Thor's help. She stretched her arm into the space-time barrier and touched Reynolds' body as a visitor.

When the temperature of Jenny's bare skin was transmitted to Reynolds' body, the guy whose eyes were violent and cloudy suddenly became bright.

"Jenny? Is that really you, Jenny".?"

Reynolds said incredulously, and the guy with the same expression was Doctor Strange. The reason why he made the same expression was because during the whole contact process, he did not relax for a minute or a second.

But despite this, Reynolds, who regained his senses, broke the time barrier with ease, and he could even use the words "going through" to describe the simplicity of breaking the barrier.

"Jenny, I thought you...." Reynolds said excitedly, his eyes were starting to turn red, and the golden light that had been lingering around him instantly dimmed a lot.

"Reynolds, you idiot, look at what you have done!" Jenny's eyes also burst into tears, but before expressing her emotions, she must make Reynolds aware of the current situation.

When Jenny's words entered Reynolds' ears, the guy also set his eyes on the ground.

He saw displaced people, saw buildings destroyed by energy. It was a hellish sight, with all manner of debris littering the streets of New York City.

"I did all this?" Reynolds said tremblingly, and he began to panic.

"Yes, although I don't know why you are like this, but you must stop now." Jenny gave Thor a look, and then the other party used her power of thunder to allow her to float in the air. middle.

Jenny continued to move forward, and she embraced the silent Reynolds in her arms, just like a mother caring for her child.

The picture is warm, but Reynolds's heart is shaken. He didn't dare to face what happened in front of him, because in his eyes, such a sin must be paid for with his life, and he didn't want to lose Jenny again.

The more Reynolds thought about it, the more inflated the negative emotions he had just suppressed in his heart. After waiting for nearly a minute, the nothingness that finally disappeared reappeared in Reynolds' spiritual world.

66.~Oh, poor Reynolds, you don't want to lose the most important woman again, do you?" Niu Wu said with a sinister look, he already knew the answer, and was waiting for Reynolds to answer.

"I don't want to lose her again, but what should I do?" Reynolds, with a cowardly character, once again demanded help from nothingness (okay).

"My friend, we are two-in-one beings. Your troubles are mine, and I will help you avoid these bad things and let you and Miss Jenny live a good life.

Nothingness showed his trump card, a trump card that Reynolds simply couldn't refuse. After listening to Void's opinion, Reynolds slowly closed his eyes, and he once again gave the control of his body to Void.

As soon as the picture turned, it was still Reynolds in Jenny's arms, and a thick black mist began to gradually radiate from his body. When Luo Bing saw the picture, he immediately shouted at Thor above: "Let Jenny leave that guy! 35 minutes later.

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