Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 498 The Spread of Panic

The destruction of the city continues to magnify, and the spreading panic is swallowing the reason of every resident.

Seeing that the incident was gradually developing towards collapse, Luo Bing and others, who were galloping, also felt a burst of unease.

"It seems that Reynolds is completely insane, and if the situation continues to deteriorate, I am afraid he will play the wrong mind of the earth.

Luo Bing spoke bluntly, and Thor on the side was aware of the danger. But unlike the two of them, Jenny, who was sitting in the back of the car, still had expectations for Reynolds.

"Mr. Luo Bing, Reynolds is not that kind of bad guy. He must have been manipulated by something, otherwise he wouldn't have done such an unconscionable thing." Jenny said with an embarrassed expression.

"If that's the case, it's terrifying. The existence that even Reynolds can control is obviously not something that the two of us can solve. But you can rest assured 14. The probability of such a thing happening is very small."

Luo Bing's answer is not good or bad. On the one hand, it shows that he has the confidence to stop Reynolds' destruction, and on the other hand, it also confirms that Reynolds has become a bad guy.

Faced with such a dilemma, Jenny had to remain silent. But even so, the woman's heart is still burning with burning love.

At 1:11 a.m., the top of the Empire State Building.

The nothingness with a smile on his face is waiting for his opponent to challenge him. According to his analysis and judgment, Qin Ge Lei should be responsible for this important task.

What surprised him was that the first guy who appeared in front of him was a middle-aged man with a beard and fancy clothes.

"Oh? A flying cloak? That's interesting." Nihwa said with a laugh, ignoring Doctor Strange at all.

"Hey, you pervert with long hair, stop your stupidity now, or I'll make you kiss the donkey's ass."

Doctor Strange replied without showing weakness, and he has never been afraid of "word discussion".

"Okay, since you're in such a hurry to be reincarnated, then I'll help you out."

Nothingness stood up, and he began to look at Doctor Strange's attire, first of all to speculate on the opponent's Ability. But while he was still observing, the other party had already made a preemptive strike.

Regarding the ability of nothingness, although Doctor Strange has not personally experienced it, he still knows a thing or two through Professor X's dictation.

In order to avoid getting himself into a passive state, Doctor Strange directly used his ultimate mystery, the exile of the monsoon. It is the ultimate magic that brings together all the spells, even Thanos must use the Infinity Gauntlet to resist.

When that force slapped on the body of nothingness, the blink of an eye lit up New York City again. And it is for this reason that the location of the two of them was exposed.

"Brother-in-law, Reynolds is at the Empire State Building!" Thor said towards Luo Bing, and the other party immediately became serious and said, "The Ability just now should be the exile of the monsoon, it seems that Stephen in this dimension has already Battle with Reynolds."

For this kind of situation to happen, it is not the situation Luo Bing himself wants to see. Because the powerful Reynolds can easily kill Doctor Strange.

If such a thing really happened, it would be Luo Bing's loss. In his plan, the existing positive characters will be a powerful help for him to win the heart of the universe.

In order to avoid a bad situation, Luo Bing immediately urged Thor to help, so that Reynolds could not wipe out Doctor Strange.

"Okay, leave it to me to deal with it.

Thor flew out of the car and moved directly towards the top of the Empire State Building. And in the process, the nothingness, which was greatly damaged, also returned to its original state.

"The trick just now is very good, but unfortunately the power is a little lacking." Niwu still said with a laugh, the more he knew about the enemy, the stronger his Ability.

As for Doctor Strange, Stephen, 030, he put himself into a dead end. Since the highest level of other means was used from the beginning, the remaining attack methods can only be called futile.

After seeing Stephen's embarrassed expression, nothingness understood the reason. He moved his muscles and bones, and then responded in the same way.

"Monsoon's Banishment! 95

The void shouted loudly, and then a colorful light appeared impressively. He completely copied Doctor Strange's trick and amplified it with his Ability.

Faced with such an exaggerated means, Doctor Strange was stunned. He even forgot to escape, and the whole person fell into a state of self-doubt.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, Thor, who was speeding, also arrived at the scene. He relied on Thunder's swiftness to take Doctor Strange away from the attacking track.

As the two quickly left, a gap that was enough to tear apart time and space suddenly appeared on the top of the mountain in the distance.

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