Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 494 Self justice


Reynolds radiated energy directly, and everything he passed became barren. And under the interference of his powerful Ability, the instrument that has been binding the ability users has also entered a state of paralysis.

Ironically, Reynolds, who was supposed to deal with criminals, became their savior in disguise. Such an absurd scene really embarrassed Reynolds himself.

After losing the bondage, the criminals each exerted their own abilities. In an instant, the interior of the prison, which was originally airtight, suddenly became a stage for a grand fireworks show.

All kinds of abilities gathered in that place, with so many tricks and strange energy, even Luo Bing in its heyday could not match.

"Hahaha, although I don't know what happened, the damn machine is finally ineffective."

A man with flames all over his body spoke happily. In order to release the pent-up anger in his heart for a long time, he immediately attacked the surrounding environment.

Huge amounts of flames surrounded the entire prison. Although other inmates told him not to be too public, he still failed to persuade him.

"Waste, as long as you are afraid, I will never be caught again." Huo Nan said triumphantly, and his ignorant and shallow knowledge could only bring the end of his life in the end.

Just as the guy was talking nonsense, an angry Reynolds suddenly attacked him. With just a shoulder punch, the opponent was embedded in the wall, and several ribs were broken.

"Ah... Who the fuck are you".?" Huo Nan said very unhappily, in his opinion, this was completely a sneak attack.

"You don't deserve to know my name, you just need to know your crime.

Reynolds said with a serious face, and then took a more lethal attack. However, this time, he was a rare flutter.

At a critical moment, the fire man dragged himself out of the dangerous environment through the ability to control fire.

"Haha, he made a contract with the flame elf. It's impossible to catch up with him at a speed like yours." The ignorant people watching the play sneered at Reynolds' fluttering. And that sarcastic remark became their dying words.

The unhappy Reynolds swung a big hand, and then an invisible gravity completely crushed those idiots. The scene of blood and flesh was scary, and even the fire man who had just escaped from the dead was terrified of Reynolds.

"Friend, you and I have no grudges in the past, why do you have to be my enemy?" Huo Nan asked suspiciously, he no longer had the confidence to defeat Reynolds.

And Reynolds, who has always carried out his "belief", immediately stated his position after listening to the other party's words: "Hmph, it is useless to talk too much, a heinous guy like you is simply not worthy of living in this world.

After the words, Reynolds with a stern face took another attack. This time, he did not hold back, and directly released all the energy that had been developed on the fire man.

The supersonic impact trajectory is an existence that Huo Nan can't avoid at all. When Reynolds' sturdy body collided with each other again, the fire man immediately vomited blood.

"You don't eat and drink your fucking toast!"

The fire man's evil was born out of courage, and directly activated the Fire Control Ability. He wanted to burn Reynolds to the ground to heal the humiliation he had just suffered.

But just at the critical moment when the flames were about to engulf Reynolds, something called Huo Man thought that he didn't dare to think happened. Those flame elves had directly released the contract with him and were no longer under his control.

This is a vicious event that violates the magic rule, and is a taboo existence for all elements. But even so, those flame elves still chose this approach.

The reason is simple, they don't want to be annihilated by Reynolds.

.~ Hmph, what kind of face does a guy who has to throw away his tools scream in front of me! 35

Reynolds glared angrily, and then huge amounts of flames devoured the "unfortunate" guy alive. Although he begged for mercy, he could not shake the determination of the other party.

After a while, Huo Nan became a mass of scum and died in the most inappropriate way of death in this life. And after getting rid of that guy, Reynolds also came up with an idea (good luck).

He suddenly jumped into the air, and immediately surrounded the entire prison with waves of fire. Because of his abundant spiritual ability, the power exerted by the flame has also been qualitatively surpassed.

If it wasn't for the same level of power to interfere wholeheartedly, then they could only act obediently within the flame range. Once someone touches it rashly, it will end up the same as the fire man.

"The villains of Singed Prison, I will punish you. Anyone who dares to resist will be subjected to my endless wrath!"

Reynolds enlarged his body shape through the mimesis of flames, and with the issuance of his declaration, all the psychics, including the guards, also realized the seriousness of the problem.

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