The three of Luo Bing left with Ku Peng's farewell, and facing their distant back, the man known as the evil scorpion also seemed a little depressed.

From the beginning to the end of the whole incident, Luo Bing was in control of the rhythm, and the sense of participation that was put aside made Ku Peng aware of it later.

"Brother, your face is not very good." A young man said with a smile, he was very good at observing other people's emotions.

"Well, this is the first time I've done this deal with people, and we have to be wary of them.

Ku Peng will not completely trust Luo Bing, but for the latter, it is already irrelevant.

According to Luo Bing's plan, as long as the whereabouts of the samples are framed to the Mexicans, it is enough to trigger a rift between the drug gang and them.

At that time, as long as Thor comes with a thunderbolt, then the side quest can be successfully completed.

Thinking of this, Luo Bing involuntarily looked at Reynolds. He is the key to the whole incident, and there must be no mistakes.

It's just that the more Luo Bing got to know, the more he felt that the other party was a little useless.

Reynolds, who was still in pain, couldn't compare to Sentry in the 616 main universe.

The latter is an exaggerated existence enough to destroy the unit universe, and even the Tribunal of Life and the Transcendent cannot erase it.

On the other hand, the addict in front of Luo Bing was thin and weak in character. His height was 190, and he was bent to about 170 by him.

"Tsk... Could this system be wrong? This guy is too useless." 39

Luo Bing complained in his heart, but taking into account the feelings of the other party, he still showed a concerned look.

"Reynolds, do you know who sent us here?" Luo Bing asked jokingly, he didn't want to make the journey too boring.

"I'm not sure, is it Griffin from the Poison Gang?" Reynolds asked tentatively.

"Griffin? What kind of guy is that? We have nothing to do with him." Luo Bing responded quickly.

"That's Aunt Roland from West Street? She's been wanting me to find a girlfriend for her son."

"No, the people you mentioned are irrelevant at all, they are the people around you." Luo Bing gave an obvious hint.

"Maran, Poppy, Ayton, Jesta..." Reynolds said several names in one breath, except that Jenny was not mentioned.

"Hey! You idiot, it's Miss Jenny, who commissioned us to rescue you.

Finally, Thor, who couldn't stand it any longer, interrupted Reynolds' speech. And the other party showed a distressed look after hearing it.

"How is this possible, she is already pregnant, it is impossible to think of me again."

Reynolds smiled bitterly. In fact, he also cared about Jenny very much. It's just that he himself knew very well that, as an addict, he couldn't give each other happiness, so he buried that feeling in his heart.

"Idiot, believe it or not. It's so stupid for a girl like Jenny, how could she like you?" Thor was even more depressed than Reynolds, and his expression of jealousy had reached the point of incomprehensible.

"Huh? Is that true? Was it really Jenny who asked you to come and save me?'

As if seeing hope, Reynolds kept asking Luo Bing for confirmation. Luo Bing, out of irritability, quickly gave the answer the other party wanted.

"Yes, it's Miss Jenny who asked us to come here. If you're still a man, you should quit this damn drug, and then take the one that Miss Jenny is marrying back home."

Luo Bing said indifferently, but Reynolds' heart was already hot. He can't wait to fly to Jenny's side now, hold her in his arms, and convey all his love.

.~ Thank you, thank you for helping me, thank you factory.

Reynolds said happily, he kept nodding to Luo Bing and Thor to express his gratitude.

"You don't need to thank us first, as the saying goes, you can go to the Three Treasures Hall without any problems, and there are still some things that need your help, which was agreed before.

Luo Bing's ruthless performance again brought Reynolds back to reality. When the guy heard that there were other things he needed help, a kind of nervous thought that was characteristic of small people would arise spontaneously.

"What else do you need me for?" Reynolds asked nervously, he didn't want to put himself in danger anymore, because at this moment he had a hope.

"It's not a big deal, you just have to tell the drug gang that the Mexican asked you to steal the sample, and that's it. 35

As soon as Luo Bing said this, Reynolds' face suddenly became extremely embarrassed. Beads of sweat began to form on his forehead, and his dilated pupils were a bit terrifying.

"What are you kidding, they're going to kill me," Reynolds said in a panic.

"Oh? Then do you think you can escape forever? Even if you can, what should Jenny do? She's a bar with money. As long as you use your identity information, your location will be revealed."

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