The next day, Evelyn finally walked into her dream campus, and at Luo Bing's request, she chose to stay on campus to study. In this way, it not only facilitates the travel of Luo Bing and Thor, but also ensures the improvement of Evelyn's studies.

"Brother-in-law, can I really drink?"

But just when Luo Bing was about to make a rough move, the closed door was smashed open by a brute force. And then there were a group of rogue-like guys.

"Miss, is it open now?" Luo Bing was very polite, he wanted to make a good impression.

"Tell me, what the hell are you doing here? I don't like those products that come to the door." The woman said impolitely, and took out a cigar from her pocket.

The girl raised her face as she spoke. When her face was met, Thor was stunned.

After bidding farewell to the other party, Luo Bing immediately began to deploy the main quest. He could not delay any more time, and he had to restore the original Ability before the Pharaoh gathered the heart of the universe.

He is a drug addict, and has entered the point where he cannot extricate himself. If it weren't for the exaggerated power of the explosion of millions of Fixed Stars in his body, he would have died from the erosion of drug addiction like ordinary people.

"Hey! Watch your words."

After the two of them reached an agreement, they walked into the dilapidated bar together. Since At the moment has not yet opened, the interior of the bar is also very deserted.

"Robert Reynolds, an addict.

"Yes, but not more than one bottle, you must promise me."

After Luo Bing arranged the route, the two moved to the place he said. About half an hour or so, they were standing at the door of the bar.

"Illiver, I told you very clearly yesterday that you are not allowed to step into my bar again." The bar owner named Jenny said without any fear.

"Oh...I don't know the guy you're talking about, if there's nothing else, please leave the two of you.

The female boss stood up, and her answer was obviously deceptive. And Luo Bing did not intend to continue to take a softer approach after listening to it. Even with violence, he would dig out the news of Reynolds.

The huge space is still filled with the smell of alcohol, but there is only one employee in charge of cleaning, and she is also a woman.

"Is it here?" Thor asked curiously, he didn't want to take another step.

"Thor, let's go to the MG Bar first, I heard that the place is messy, maybe we can get some useful clues.

Luo Bing saw Thor's mind, (befb) and also gave him some care. And after Thor listened to Luo Bing's arrangement, his tired eyes suddenly flashed with excitement.

"Thor, come to a bar with me later." Luo Bing said seriously.

"Miss Jenny, you really disrespected me last night. According to the agreement, I brought my brother here to find you."

"Hmph, I don't care if he is really stupid or fake, as long as he comes to me, he must obey the rules."9

The female bartender was not very happy, while Luo Bing immediately apologized. "This girl, I'm really sorry. There's something wrong with that guy's head. I hope you don't mind too much."

"Don't worry, I'll just satisfy my cravings and pass the boring time."

According to the known intelligence, Sentry Reynolds often went to bars and other similar occasions, and the main purpose was to facilitate the trade of drugs.

The female bartender stopped her dirty work and sat on the chair next to her. It is not difficult to see from her tone that she is the owner of this bar.

"Huh? Brother-in-law, are you going to drink so early?" Thor asked equally seriously.

"Idiot, how is this possible? It's a mission, a mission!" Luo Bing said helplessly.

"Don't worry, it's definitely not wrong. While I'm collecting clues, you can go and drink a few glasses of wine to pass the time, but you can't drink too much.

"Haha, as expected of the owner of the MG Bar, his style of conduct is really tough. Since you have already asked this, then I will not talk nonsense with you. Do you know this guy Reynolds?" Luo Bing suddenly turned serious and asked. sat down together.

However, after hearing his question, the other party was extremely impatient: "Ha? What time is it? Don't you alcoholics need to rest?"

Judging from the decoration style, the owner of the bar should be very longing for the life of a cowboy. All the elements that can be built have a strong western style.

A wretched middle-aged man appeared in front of everyone. For such an embarrassing scene, Luo Bing had to give up his plan to be rough, and instead focused on the group of guys.

At the same time, he walked to the back of the counter and took out a modified shotgun.

'Reynolds? Which Reynolds are you talking about? The lady boss asked relentlessly.

"I'll wipe... this is too beautiful." Thor said involuntarily, so that Luo Bing beside him felt embarrassed.

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