"Sabretooth, the cooperation between us is very simple, as long as you help us find Logan." Luo Bing said calmly, with Thor's support, he returned to his previous posture.

"Okay, since it's like this, then I won't force you to stay. These things are some of my greetings, I hope you don't refuse.

"Mr. Luo, I heard that person call you brother-in-law, are you married?" Evelyn asked shyly, the blush on her face could not be hidden at all.


Luo Bing's serious expression made Thor feel guilty, he silently put down the wine bottle in his hand, got up and followed Luo Bing to the door.

Luo Bing's proposal is perfect, Sabretooth has no reason to refuse. Because this is a good thing for that guy to kill two birds with one stone.

"Hmph, as expected of a businessman, he still thinks about business when his life is at stake... Well, I can help you unify the forces of Hell's Kitchen, what do you think?"

Therefore, after 980 listened to Luo Bing's proposal, Sabretooth immediately released his Beast form and knelt down on one knee to show his friendliness to Luo Bing and others.

"Okay, it's not a problem. But I want to ask, what's your purpose in finding that guy?" Sabretooth asked suspiciously.

Now that Sabretooth has come to this point, Luo Bing can't continue to be humble. He took the suitcase in the other's hand, and after thanking him, he left with the two beside him.

a little.

"Little ones, no one can say anything about what happened tonight. If you let me know, then don't say I won't show you mercy, do you understand?" Sabretooth said in a serious tone.

Sabretooth clapped his hands as soon as he finished speaking. When the crisp sound came out, two sturdy men came over, each carrying a suitcase.

"Okay, okay, I don't need to know about you. But I still want to ask, since it is a cooperative relationship, what benefits will I get?"

"Yes, his sister is my wife, what's the problem?" Luo Bing said lightly, without thinking too much.

"Brother, are those two guys reliable?" the man asked in a low voice, for fear of being eavesdropped on by others.

Sabretooth's answer immediately shocked the other party. He never imagined that the boss, who usually looks majestic, is now willing to rely on others.

Luo Bing agreed to the other party's request, and when Thor heard the word "wine", he disarmed Lei Ting and completely ignored the fortification.

"Nonsense! It's not the 616 main universe now, and everything has to be cautious, not to mention that my Ability is not as good as before, and I can't have a single wrong move."

"Yes, my partner is a little bit uncomfortable here. At noon tomorrow, this guy and I will come over together." Luo Bing first pointed to Evelyn, then turned his attention to Thor.

"This is..." Before Luo Bing's words were finished, Sabretooth interrupted his questioning and said directly: "Mr. Luo, this is my little intention and my apology, I hope you don't refuse. .

"Girl, don't you like it here?" Luo Bing deliberately changed the subject, he didn't want to make the atmosphere awkward.

After listening to Luo Bing's words, Sabretooth nodded silently. As long as he knows that the other party is not dissatisfied with him, it is enough to make him feel at ease.

Evelyn lowered her head, if there were other women in the scene, then she would definitely know what was behind Evelyn's behavior.

Roar answered in unison, but after that, a guy who seemed to be very shrewd quietly raised doubts to Sabretooth.

Luo Bing's tone was suddenly serious, and Thor also immediately gave a warning, amplifying the power of thunder in his hands.

"It's not something you need to worry about unless you have other ideas. 39

"Well, there are some, I'm a little afraid of the people here." Evelyn responded coquettishly.

"You two, is there something urgent?"

As the saying goes, exchange tea for tea, and exchange wine for wine.

Seeing the backs of Luo Bing and the two leaving, Sabretooth, who had an extremely sharp vision, stepped forward and started to strike up a conversation. At this moment, he has changed his hostile appearance before, and is completely the face of a businessman.

Back to the underground arena.

"Don't worry, their interest is not here, we are just a pawn to them.

Luo Bing and others had already gone, and the originally noisy underground arena suddenly became deserted. All the younger brothers focused their attention on Sabretooth, waiting for the other party to speak.

"Friend, since the misunderstanding has been resolved, why don't we have a drink together?" Sabretooth said with a smile, without any selfishness mixed in.

"Huh? Brother-in-law, if anyone dares to talk nonsense, I will turn him into dust.

"Okay, since you said so, then it's not good for us to continue to shirk the blame.

"Okay, let's get out of here then."

"Oh, then it's fine, I'm just curious..."

Luo Bing got the reward he deserved, and Thor got the wine he wanted. As for Evelyn, she showed a little sadness, and the reason was because Thor called Luo Bing Roar.

Luo Bing smiled at Evelyn, then walked up to Thor and instructed him: "There are a lot of people here, don't reveal our identities when we are new here, you and I leave here.

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