Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 462 Buying and selling fails, benevolence and righteousness are not there

The bustling crowd was full of voices discussing Luo Bing. And for that kind of discussion, Luo Bing, the protagonist, is dismissive.

He went straight to Evelyn and looked directly at the man beside him.

"Sir, congratulations on winning the championship, I didn't expect you to be so powerful." The elite man said very politely, as if he felt threatened.

"Thank you for your congratulations, but I'm sorry to tell you that our agreement can't work anymore." Luo Bing replied coldly, and dragged Evelyn to him.

"Wait a minute, this is different from what we said before, you can't unilaterally tear up the contract if you don't "nine-eighty".

"Yes, as a concession, I can give you half the money. That's enough for you to find 100 girls like her."

"No, that's two different things. I only want this girl. Since I've already abided by the promise, you have to fulfill it!" Shake a little.

"Brother, otherwise I'll go with him, don't be embarrassed." Seeing that the situation was not good, Evelyn planned to make sacrifices. But just as her voice fell, Luo Bing suddenly Raged.

"Enough! I don't have time to talk nonsense with you here! Whether you accept it or not, you can't take her away from here."

Luo Bing grabbed the opponent's index finger, and with his powerful force, instantly subdued the sad man.

"Damn, do you know what you're doing? This is Victor. Creed's chassis. He won't let you go for this kind of thing."5

Although the man was in pain, he still did not forget to threaten Luo Bing.

"Humph! Don't use such words to scare me, I don't even care about the gods in the sky, how can I be afraid of a small regional boss?"

After Luo Bing finished speaking, he released his palm. Although the handling of this matter violated the "fair" contract, in any case, it was impossible for him to agree to the other party's request.

After dismissing the elite men, Luo Bing took Evelyn to the door. He had to settle the girl before he could move on.

However, it was not long before the two left. A muscle car with headlights surrounded them all at once.

The humming sound was like a clamoring tone, and the rows of vehicles listed showed the maliciousness of this group of people.

"Hey, do you think you can really get away?"

Just as Luo Bing was observing the situation at the scene, the elite man who had been cleaned up before suddenly jumped out of the car at the front.

When Luo Bing saw that it was the guy, his nervous nerves instantly calmed down a lot. It's not that he deliberately looked down on the other party, but it was always better to face known threats than unknown dangers.

"Friend, I've given up the money, you don't need to be like this." Luo Bing said politely, he didn't want to fight fearlessly.

"Huh? What the hell are you talking about now? If anyone can do the same thing as you, then we won't get along in the future!

It turned out that the so-called elite man was actually a partner of that underground boxing tournament. Since he planned behind the scenes, he also acted as a scout.

It's just that he never imagined that the dark horse he had finally found was an uncontrolled type, and it was very dangerous...

Facing the reprimand from the elite man, Luo Bing also seemed a little impatient. He didn't have time to deal with these guys, so he didn't waste his words and directly led the topic to the key point.

"Tell me, what are you guys thinking?" Luo Bing asked.

"It's very simple, I want to let my brothers taste the taste of that girl. As for you, I will sell you to the cave and become a plaything for those rich women."

As soon as this statement came out, Luo Bing burst into laughter. Although he lost all his abilities, his arrogant character did not feel lonely.

"Sell me into a brothel? How dare you think about it!" Luo Bing continued laughing, his attitude exaggerated, as if the other party was an idiot.

"Damn, at this time, you still dare to look down on me and die for me!"

With the man's hysterical roar, the group of punks dressed in punk style swarmed up. But unfortunately, these guys are not only alive and dead, there is no chance at all to hurt Luo Bing at 5.0, and even getting close to him is an extravagant hope.

In less than a minute, dozens of younger brothers were lying on the ground, each wailing in different styles.

"Hey, your little brother is too unsatisfactory, aren't you going to come over in person?" Luo Bing continued to laugh, even more exaggerated than his previous attitude.

"you you...."

The elite man was so angry that he couldn't even say basic words. But just when this guy was embarrassed, a fierce and strong man jumped out of the vehicle he was riding in.

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