Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 452 The Son of Odin

In the rolling valley, Thor Thor and horse-faced Thor are galloping at high speed. After they felt the abnormality of the environment, they wanted to reach Luo Bing and others so as to understand the development of the situation.

"Thor, that was all 200 years ago, you don't have to worry about it at all. In my opinion, the most important thing now is to figure out why Hoddle came here.

"Brother-in-law, I'm sorry, I can't listen to you this time. I have something to tell the guy in black." Thor walked to Hoddle's side, his eyes widened with anger, and the thunder on his body burst out even more. An incalculable threshold has been reached.

But the sad thing is that even though Balder's death has been "processed", it still can't escape Odin's eyes of wisdom. When he learned the truth of all this, the word anger could not explain his mood at that time.

"Thor 'Nine Eight Zero', the black clouds above him are not something that little characters like Red Skull can summon. They are elements from Asgard, which is one of Asgard's elements."

As soon as he said this, Thor stopped immediately. His face began to twist, and his body trembled slightly. "What you said is not a nonsense to fool me, is it?

Distraught, Odin expelled Hodl from Asgard, and all deeds related to him were wiped out without reservation...

On the other hand, Hoddle, as the god of darkness, always exudes a melancholy aura. Under the influence of that strange aura, even his father Odin didn't like to be in contact with him very much.

As for the reason why he would be expelled from Asgard, it was his jealousy of his brother Baldr. Even the god-like guy can't escape emotional interference in the end.

At that moment, Hoddle seemed to be reborn. In his eyes, Balder's death would make people notice the existence of the night god Hoder.

"Then tell me why he was expelled? Will Hoddle become the next Hela?"

"That's right, I'll tell you the matter now. Hoddle is also your father's child. According to his seniority, he should be your and Hela's older brother.

"Thor, do you have any impression of that black cloud in the sky?"

Baldur is the god of sunshine, he always shines with dazzling light, and anyone who has come into contact with him will be attracted by his extremely divine appearance.

"What? What do you mean, the guy who used that black cloud is also from Asgard?" Thor asked in surprise, slowing down his flight speed.

"Yes, if I'm not mistaken, the owner of that black cloud should be Holder." Horse-faced Thor responded hesitantly.

After saying that, Thor directly unleashed his thunder power, and reached Luo Bing's side with a flicker. With the sudden appearance of this guy, the atmosphere that was still tense at first was instantly disintegrated.

"Definitely not. The reason why you don't know this is because you were not born when Hodder was expelled from Asgard." Horse-faced Thor replied calmly.

Hoddle became a floater, he wandered aimlessly in the universe, I don't know how many years passed, he finally met a guy who appreciated him...

But when Thor listened to Luo Bing's words, he was not as obedient as usual, but gave an opposite answer.

Horse Mian Thor's sudden question made Thor a little dazed. After a brief thought, this guy actually gave an extremely idiotic answer.

The story about Hoddle was finished, and Thor also showed an ugly look after listening to it carefully.

Thor's second problem is also what Thor worries about. He couldn't give a unilateral conclusion, so after thinking for a while, he decided to tell the other party all about Hoddle, so that we could find out the answer together.

Thor's hands began to tremble, and his anger revealed what he was thinking at the moment. In order to prevent things from getting worse, Thor gave his opinion.

"Is it Red Skull's spell? Or that female assassin?

Hela wasn't alone in Odin's early days as a god-king. In fact, a larger part of the support comes from his two sons, one is called Balder and the other is Hoder.

Ma Mian Thor was shocked when he heard this, and then said to himself: "Odin, your son really didn't inherit a little bit of your wisdom.

"Thor? What are you doing here? This is not the place you should come." Luo Bing's tone was very impatient, because he knew very well that the combat level of the current personnel was far higher than Thor's.

On a full moon night, the haunted Hoddle led Balder to his bedroom. He used mistletoe to pierce the opponent's chest while the opponent's Ability could not be fully exerted.

"Fathers are tough on their children, but Hoddle is not forgivable. If I had been there, I would have blasted that guy's head and let him know what the right thing is."

"Yes, you're right, but I must be on guard against anyone who could be a danger to Asgard. 35

"Hoddle? I am familiar with the name. He is an existence that my father has forbidden to discuss, just like my sister Hela..."

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