Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 448 Tilt Libra

In his young form, Gao Tianzun is an absolute fighter, his eyes are firm and strong, and the most terrifying thing is his determination to never admit defeat.

"Luo Bing, this is not the way to go. Gao Tianzun will become more and more brave in battle, and sooner or later, we will be exhausted. 35

"Good guy, Luo Xuan can actually tie with Gao Tianzun, it seems that we are winning."

"You idiots, how can I tolerate your nonsense!

"If you surrender now, there is still time.

" two despicable villains, actually joined forces to plot against me!"

"Gao Tianzun, since you are not benevolent, don't blame me for being unjust." Luo Bing shouted, and immediately put his hands behind Gao Tianzun's back.

Gao Tianzun, who knows the power of the power gem, will not let Luo Xuan complete the fusion. After seeing Luo Bing's behavior, he increased the output of power in an attempt to stop the development of all this.

Gao Tianzun, who was spitting out the liquid of life, roared with hatred. But for the loser, any form of abuse is futile, and only by writing victory can all endgames be reversed.

"Old thing! Don't repeat nonsense over and over again, this time it's annoying." Luo Xuan said with a smug smile, and as his ally, Luo Bing also showed the same look.

Luo Xuan, who regained his strength, was like a face-turning monkey, ignoring the help Luo Bing gave him before. Although his attitude was rather bad, he didn't dare to be slighted at all regarding his cognition of the situation.

After Luo Xuan finished expressing his opinion, he ejected it like a missile. At this moment, Gao Tianzun has completely entered the state of the whole domain.

Although facing Luo Bing's encirclement and suppression, this strong guy still showed no trace of defeat, which can be described as extremely difficult to deal with.

Luo Xuan rarely said dejected words, and the reason behind this behavior was the previous behavior of suspended animation. Luo Xuan divided his life body into two, so his current strength can also be at the general level before.

"Hey! It's this time, why are you still posing?" Luo Bing yelled, ready to replace Luo Xuan.

"How is this possible?" Gao Tianzun muttered to himself, with a suspicious look on his face.

Gao Tianzun spoke with a dignified expression, but at this moment Luo Bing and the others were also affected by gravity, and it became difficult for them to walk.

Luo Xuan shouted loudly, and once again launched a hand-to-hand fight with the opponent. In an instant, the collision of limbs was overwhelmed, and the power produced after 980 was even more terrifying and alarming.

Gao Tianzun was angry in the face of danger, and directly opened the whole domain. The so-called global domain is actually a method of forcibly bringing the body into a saturated state. Its application concept is similar to Kai's Bamen Dunjia, except that the former is another existence of Level Universe.

After learning the truth of the matter, Luo Bing had to change his plan. He took out the emerald-red power gem, converted it into a pure energy body, and injected it into Luo Xuan's body.

Between the lightning and flint, Gao Tianzun has already reached the side of the two. He turned on the manipulation mode and directly interfered with Luo Bing's gravitational structure around them.

"Luoxuan! Stop this guy's spellcasting, we can't let the situation continue to deteriorate!"

"Old man, don't think that you are invincible. In this vast starry sky, you and I don't know anything about it. 35

However, even though Gao Tianzun counted all the calculations, Luo Xuan's body was still not considered, and he was able to adapt to the penetration of the power gem so quickly.

With the expansion of Gao Tianzun's entire domain, his body also glowed with white light. That is the leakage of pure power, which shows what kind of terrible energy the Gao Tianzun of At the moment has stored.

When both hands had different attributes, Luo Bing started with Shunbu, and flashed directly behind Gao Tianzun, with a surprise move.

A dazzling red light flashed, and Luo Xuan, the young man in white, also let out bursts of roars. His pupils began to dilate, and the blood vessels in his body also showed strange fluorescence.

Just as he was waiting for the other party's response, Luo Xuan, who had wanted to retreat before, burst out with an extraordinary power, changing the surrounding gravity structure.

This is how the power gem exerts 14 effects. Since there is no medium to guide, Luo Xuan can only rely on his body to bear the power of the universe.

Just as the two in front were fighting fiercely, Luo Bing, who had never participated in it, also began to make some moves. He first concentrated the material energy in the right hand, and then concentrated the spiritual energy in the left hand.

"What do you know, just be quiet and optimistic, don't have so much nonsense."

"I know what to do, and I don't need your command."

Luo Xuan clasped his hands together, and then placed them on his waist. That was the pre-action for him to use Ability, and it was a complicated procedure that had to be carried out.

The bodies of the two collided again, and a violent roar echoed throughout the planet. The only difference from before was that Luo Xuan actually had an influence on that Gao Tianzun through physical means.

"Okay, since you don't eat or punish you for toasting, then I won't be soft-hearted anymore."

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