Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 445 Reproducing the Power Gem

Luo Bing's sudden stop made Gao Tianzun immediately alert. He knew that the young man in front of him was by no means good, so after hearing about the other party's problem, he also began to plan countermeasures.

"Mr. Luo, the heart of the universe is in it, is there anything you are worried about?" Gao Tianzun said cautiously, the ambition that had been revealed earlier was also much restrained.

As for Luo Bing himself, after listening to Gao Tianzun's response, he laughed out loud and said straight to the point: "I can understand that this treasure house is guarded, but I see their state, it is not like Are you guarding something?" 5

As soon as this statement came out, the atmosphere between the two suddenly dropped. And after Gao Tianzun confirmed that his conspiracy was exposed, he also put down unnecessary concealment and instead revealed his true thoughts.

"As expected of the guy who won the championship, I still underestimate you. But now, do you think you can still leave? 967" Gao Tianzun's eyes became serious, and behind that expression was action implement.

I saw Gao Tianzun waved his sleeve robe, and the closed treasure door suddenly opened. To Luo Bing's surprise, a siphon device was placed in the treasure vault.

"Find the target, quickly activate the device!" The leader of the guards in the treasure vault issued an order to his subordinates.

Under his command, several strong alien men threw the energy bodies in their hands into the furnace of the equipment.

With the rapid operation of the machine, a stream of matter similar to a black hole began to constantly absorb Luo Bing inward.

"Gao Tianzun! What do you mean?"

Luo Bing said with a bit of embarrassment, but at the moment, he was actually still pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, not fully showing his full strength.

"Haha, I'm still complimenting you (befa), how come you haven't seen the situation clearly yet?

"Humph! It's really you who deceived me, but do you think this little siphon device can subdue me?"

"Definitely not, so I have something else specially prepared for you. 35

While speaking, Gao Tianzun took out a delicate red gem from his waist. And with the appearance of that object, Luo Bing, who has always been calm, also showed a look of astonishment.

"This is the power gem? You have that thing, I have already destroyed all the Infinite Gems!"

"Huh? Destroy? Are you kidding me? Infinite Gems are a product of the will of the universe, and if you only understand this stuff with simple material common sense, you're dead wrong."

Gao Tianzun spoke triumphantly, like a winner announcing a speech. With the end of his lines, this guy finally moved his true spirit.

"Luo Bing! Although you and I have no complaints and no regrets, in order to fulfill my wish, I can only feel sorry for you."

After all, Gao Tianzun threw the power gem in his hand into the siphon device. With the continuous increase of the power gem, the horsepower of the siphon device has also reached a peak.

Under the interaction of various energies, Luo Bing was finally defeated. He was forcibly brought into the treasure house and bound.

"His Holiness, thank you for your help. Now that Luo Bing has been captured, what should we do with him?" the guard leader asked humbly. God is good.

"Let's strengthen the restraint first, this guy is not a simple character, and you can't be careless." Gao Tianzun said indifferently, and began to look at Luo Bing.

A little later.

Luo Bing is already bound by five flowers, and the material that binds him is much tougher steel than Adamantium.

Such treatment shows how worried Gao Tianzun is about Luo Bing escaping or resisting.

"Gao Tianzun, do you want to take away my heart of the universe by treating me like this?" Luo Bing asked disdainfully, not at all afraid of his own situation.

"Yes." Gao Tianzun remained indifferent.

"Oh? I wonder, is there any desire for a character like you that can't be satisfied?

"Definitely yes, as the so-called desire is hard to satisfy, but this time I am not for personal reasons.

"Then what are you for?

"It has nothing to do with you. 35

"No! It definitely has something to do with it. Remember when I told you earlier that I wanted to ask you some questions?"

Luo Bing's eyes became firm, and Gao Tianzun also showed a hint of hesitation after hearing it. After a brief silence, Gao Tianzun made a bold decision.

"You all go out, I have something private to tell this guy. Remember, no one is allowed to enter here without my order, and any troublemaker can be killed without mercy.

Gao Tianzun gave instructions to the eagle and dog beside him, and they agreed immediately after hearing it, daring not to hesitate.

In particular, the leader who led the team was extremely exaggerated, wishing to wave the whip in his hand so that those subordinates could leave quickly.

"Mr. Luo, you and I are left here. If there is anything you want to express, just say it."

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