As mentioned before, Thor has never felt pity for female assassins. So even though Litaya screamed like a pig and a dog, the giant man, who was about 2 meters tall, remained motionless.

"Thor!" Luo Bing focused on his brother-in-law.

"What's the matter, brother-in-law?" Thor responded quickly.

Thor will never make a fool of himself to keep his hands until he has completely defeated Ritaya.

"Woman, although you don't know your name yet, if you have an afterlife, be an upright person. 99

Luo Xuan's reminder instantly brought Luo Bing back to his senses. He looked suspiciously at Gao Tianzun on the tower, as if he was observing cells with a magnifying glass.

"Okay, then I'll leave it to you, the remaining guy, I will compete with him for the final championship! 35

And it was because of this performance that Luo Bing was relieved. He knows how terrifying a person's power can be when he is sad and angry, and he also understands how crazy a person is when he is jealous.

Thor's question is also what Luo Bing wants to ask. In order to clarify this matter, the personnel in the field locked their eyes on Gao Tianzun's tower almost at the same time.

Just when he was about to fight back, Luo Xuan, who was in the distance, suddenly used his mind to communicate with Luo Bing using spirit as a medium.

Thor clenched his fists after saying his last "goodbye." As that action was fully formed, the lightning inside the shield made a neighing sound like a horse, and distorted its body.

Gao Tianzun didn't trust someone with wolf ambitions like Red Skull from the very beginning. The reason why he was still under his command was entirely due to the tension of manpower.

Gao Tianzun's reminder-style words made Luo Bing smile. He was certain that the other party didn't see the situation through, so he simply went downhill and stopped arguing with it.

".~ Mr. Luo Bing, I think instead of worrying about the Red Skull's intrusion, you should focus on the competition for the championship. No matter how the situation changes, I can assure you that the Heart of the Universe must belong to the champion. .

After Thor answered, Luo Bing returned to his battlefield. At the same time, the couple, who were labelled as insidious and intrigue, also quietly deployed their plans.

Luo Bing muttered to himself in his heart, but Gao Tianzun, who was on the tower, did not waver at all.

Thor's face was full of disbelief, and at the same time, a thick black smoke appeared in the corner of the arena, just like when Litaya appeared.

"Brother-in-law, I have already dealt with the assassin, and now there is only one enemy left." Thor was not very happy, but Luo Bing's response exceeded the other's expectations.

"Do you have confidence that the pair of dogs and men will be handed over to you? 35

As Thor spoke, a strange smile (Nuo Wang Zhao) raised on the corner of his mouth. If the expression at that time was put on the screen, everyone would agree that this guy is the villain.

As the black mist gradually dissipated, a figure that Thor hated, finally appeared in front of his eyes.

"Thor, you bastard, how dare you beat my woman!"

"Luo Bing, be careful with deceit. That Gao Tianzun knows your strength and mine, but it's really inappropriate for a guy like Red Skull to spoil the situation."

Thor was familiar with the scolding from the black mist. But Thor didn't want to jump to conclusions without actually seeing the deity.

"Oh, respected Mr. Luo Bing, although this is not in line with the rules, but you have also seen that they are a couple relationship. In this world, who would stop the love between couples?""

As to why he indulged the Red Skull, the reason was pretty simple. That is to want to use a knife to kill people, to avoid the trouble of doing it yourself.

"Gao Tianzun! Is this okay?" Luo Bing asked the other party, and he was dissatisfied with this situation.

"What the hell is this old guy trying to do?

Gao Tianzun's response really made Luo Bing laugh. He never imagined that the other party would actually say such ridiculous remarks.

"Well, don't worry, I'm here, everything is safe.

"Haha, don't worry. Dare to show your affection in front of Lao Tzu and see if I beat them to death.

The bright red protective cover slipped down like shattered glass, and the huge arena also entered a state of dead silence again.

"No! It's not that simple, the woman is still alive.

"Red Skull? Why are you guys here?"


Now that the plan is coming to an end, he doesn't want to have any interaction with that guy anymore. Although the opponent can be wiped out by moving his finger, he can take into account the concerns that will chill the hearts of the rest of his subordinates, so this has created the current situation.

When everything stopped, the shield was empty. And because of the loss of the host's support, the peculiar bracelet no longer continues to function.

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