Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 431: Nowhere to be found

Gao Tianzun was wearing a golden yellow dress, looking quite extravagant. He looked like a shrewd businessman. The most eye-catching thing was his chin, which had a sea-blue stripe on it, adding a mysterious feeling. .

The reason why Red Skull was promised to come to Sakaar at the beginning was entirely because the master claimed to know the whereabouts of the Heart of the Universe, otherwise he would not have the time to run so far and participate in any championship battle.

The answer also satisfied him very much. Luo Bing is handsome, slender, and neither humble nor arrogant in temperament.

Originally, he thought that he could only get the whereabouts of the Heart of the Universe from the master, but he didn't expect that the other party actually had a part of the Heart of the Universe, which directly saved him a lot of trouble.


Just kidding, he spent so much effort in order to obtain the complete Heart of the Universe, and now the duck that is about to reach its mouth has absolutely no reason to let it fly.

Yes, very -champion temperament.

He has long wanted to know what this man in the galaxy who has achieved the realm of "barrenness" looks like.

"You are talking about the King of Champions. I also want to ask you, what is the origin of this, why he also wants the Heart of the Universe, and, are you sure that person is qualified to be my opponent?"

"Uh, this..." Gao Tianzun touched his chin and said: "You have too many questions, I need to answer them one by one, the first one, I can't tell you his background yet, but I promise , you will be pleasantly surprised when you see him.

"Do you have?" Luo Bing squinted his eyes, and his eyes flashed.

While Luo Bing was observing Gao Tianzun, the other party seemed to be talking to Thor, but he was actually observing Luo Bing.

Luo Bing's straightforwardness made the master slightly stunned, "Mr. Luo is really a cheerful person, I like it very much, yes, I can tell you clearly, I have what you want."

Is it possible that the master also has a part of the heart of the universe?

The grandmaster nodded and said: "Yes, it is indeed participating in the championship battle, but I want to tell you in advance that you are not the only one who wants the heart of the universe in my hands."

Luo Bing's words are definitely not blind and arrogant. His current strength is also the top combat power in the entire 616 main universe. There are really not many people who can be his opponents.

After receiving the confirmation from Grandmaster Gao Tianzun, Luo Bing's mood suddenly became excited, and he said in a deep voice, "That's great, there's nowhere to go if you step through the iron shoes, it won't take much effort to get it!"

Luo Bing's duel with that person, he has been looking forward to for a long time.

This was the conclusion that Grandmaster reached for Luo Bing in his heart.

He noticed that the other party used the word, he had, not he knew.

Noticing Luo Bing's absent-mindedness, the master just smiled and continued: "As for the third question, if you ask me if he is qualified to be your opponent, I can tell you responsibly, he is good enough, if you say Who is the most qualified to be your opponent in this universe, that person must be him." And.

Luo Bing casually looked at the lively scene outside the window, and thought in his heart: Well, you didn't answer the first two questions, I hope I can give an accurate answer to the last one.

"You'll go head to head with that person, and you should have heard about him after entering Sakaar just now."

Gao Tianzun pouted and said, "Ah Ou, Mr. Luo, I won't just give you a treasure like the Heart of the Universe for nothing, I also have my own conditions. 35

"Mr. Luo, it's better to meet you if you're famous, but I've been looking forward to seeing you in Sakaar for a long time, and I finally saw you today. 35

The grandmaster pretended to laugh mysteriously. For a game madman like him, the so-called heart of the universe is not important at all, and a hearty arena duel is what he likes to watch.

"I know, Red Skull had already told me when I came, wasn't it just to participate in the championship battle, trivial.

Luo Bing waved his hand, and being able to participate in a duel to get the Heart of the Universe is simply a blessing for him.

Luo Bing tucked up his sleeves, as if he was looking down on life and death, and would do it if he didn't agree.

Luo Bing smiled at this and said directly: "Since I'm here, I won't go around with you anymore, I know what you want me to do, and you should also know what I want.

"Second, I don't know why he wants the Heart of the Universe. When he learned that I had the Heart of the Universe in my hand, he voluntarily stayed here to fight. In order not to make him too lonely, I worked hard. Kung Fu invited you, Mr. Luo.

"Yes, the Heart of the Universe has been divided into four parts, Mr. Luo has already got one of them, and I also have one here."

"Anyone else? Who is that person, let him come out, I'm going to fight him one-on-one. 35

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