Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 428 Past Champions (Part 2)

It is said that the master is now dealing with other things, so Luo Bing and their spacecraft temporarily parked on the top floor of a building near the master's residence.

From here, you can clearly see the whole picture of the statue pillar.

Although it was already in Sakaar, Red Skull really dared not risk his own life to gamble with Luo Bing like this.

If he loses, his life will be lost, and he also knows that the master Gao Tianzun can't really fight against Luo Bing for himself, especially since he has brought Luo Bing and Thor to Sakaar. The use of the Grandmaster is no longer there, and he is useless.

Unless the Grandmaster has a new order that needs to be completed by himself, otherwise it is really useless under the Grandmaster with his strength.

Losing his life in a moment of anger with Luo Bing is really not worth it for the shrewd Red Skull.

Luo Bing slowly took the Wind 14 Stormbreaker off Red Skull's head, and said lightly: "Why bother, why bother, wouldn't it be over sooner, talk about it?"

Red Skull hesitated, "What else?"

"Definitely speaking about this past champion, can you tell me your life, you deserve it too?"

Luo Bing looked at Red Skull with disgust in his eyes, and wished he could slap him.

This bastard, he and Thor didn't say when they saw the statue wrong at first, just made it clear that they wanted to see the two of them make a fool of themselves, and now he dares to slap sloppy eyes in front of him.

Thor also gathered around, listening intently.

After all, there are not only the statues of him and Hulk in those statues, he has wanted to know the whereabouts of the horse-faced Thor since he was a child, and every time he asked Odin, he did not get an answer.

Even Heimdall, who claims to be insightful, cannot find the signs of Thor in the universe with the power of Bifrost, as if he has evaporated from the world.

Today, I finally found his footsteps in Sakaar, and maybe I can know something, which makes Thor not excited.

Red Skull said, "Let me tell you in advance, I don't know the whereabouts of Thor, the horse-faced Thor you mentioned. If you want to know, just wait and ask him when you see the master, don't wait for a while and you blame me if I can't tell you.

"All right."

Thor sighed, thinking of the moody, neurotic Grandmaster gave him a headache, and getting what he wanted out of his mouth was no easy task.

Especially since he once built up his rebellion and Sakaar was a real wanted criminal, it would be even more difficult to ask Grandmaster Gao Tianzun about the horse-faced Thor.

Luo Bing said lightly: "Then tell me everything you know. If you let me know that you have cheated or concealed something, I will definitely make you regret coming to this world."

Hearing Luo Bing's blatant threat, Red Skull felt very upset, but he also understood that Luo Bing was not joking for him. Since the other party said so, he really dared to do it.

In desperation, Red Skull had to honestly explain everything he knew: "The six huge amounts of statues are Hulk, the horse-faced Thor, Ares, the humanoid Ted Salis, Chief, definitely, and our esteemed Prince Asgard, Thor Odinsen.35

Thor snorted, Red Skull's flattery was completely useless to him, and he said impatiently, "Hurry up and keep talking, or even if my brother-in-law doesn't kill you, I will kill you."

Glancing at the Stormbreaker supported by Thor with some fear, Red Skull continued: "You should know that the Grandmaster's greatest hobby is designing all kinds of competitive games and gambling..."

After half an hour...

Because of Grandmaster Gao Tianzun's personal preference, people on this planet like to watch arena fights, and this 967 preference has long been known for thousands of years.

The two brothers, Master Gao Tianzun and Collector, belong to the Society of Elders of the Universe and have always been synonymous with immortality.

So even after so many years have passed, the residents of Sakaar have changed from generation to generation, but this hobby of watching competitive games has been passed down from generation to generation, as if it has long been engraved into their blood, deeply ingrained and ingrained from generation to generation. handed down.

Shaking their heads, temporarily leaving these messy thoughts behind, Luo Bing and Thor looked at the majestic Optimus Prime, and their eyes became solemn.

In just half an hour, Red Skull had already told them a lot about the Battle of Champions.

Since this kind of competitive game has been watched all the time, the Grandmaster himself does not find it boring, but enjoys it, so it is always necessary to have fresh and powerful blood to participate in the battle of champions, to compete for the position of the champion.

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