Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 425: The Black bellied Luo Bing

In the master ship of the interstellar robbers.

Several strange-looking alien creatures were staring at Luo Bing's spaceship not far away with solemn expressions.

"Boss, what kind of trick is this on the other side, do they know that we can't fight hard, so they used the defensive mode?

"I don't know, just wait and see, I feel something is wrong with that layer of light curtain, so it's better to pay attention.


Just when they were still puzzled, they saw Luo Bing's spaceship burst out with a dazzling divine light.

The leading robber shouted: "No, order all the spaceships to avoid!

It's a pity that he said this sentence too late. It was almost 967 years old when he said it. The beam composed of the source power of Soul Gem had already swept towards them, and the power was so great that nothing along the way could resist.

A loud bang!

The spaceship that was initially contacted by the beam exploded directly, turning into a slag flame that filled the sky, and Shuosuo fell.

Immediately afterwards, there was another bang, bang, bang... a lot of loud noises, and other spaceships followed suit and were smashed to pieces.

As for the interstellar robbers in the spaceship, they naturally went to "heaven" with their beloved spaceship.

As the most precious Soul Gem in the universe, even if there is only a little bit of remaining power, it is definitely not something that these unfavorable interstellar robbers can resist.

When all the spaceships exploded, the scene was undoubtedly strong, and at the moment, from Luo Bing's point of view, he felt like he was watching a Firework feast, dazzling and dazzling.

Red Skull gritted his teeth and said, "Luo Bing, are you satisfied now?"

Although all the interstellar robbers have been eliminated, he has completely lost the original power of Soul Gem. Although it is only a trace, it is rare and precious. As the only gem power in this universe, what Red Skull has lost can be used immeasurably. to describe.

Luo Bing said without a smile: "Satisfied, I'm quite satisfied, you didn't get rid of all the interstellar robbers with the help of me and Thor, I'm more than satisfied, I'm proud of you.

"Red-faced monster, I swear by the glory of the Northern God, your expression is the most beautiful expression I have seen along the way, at least for me.

"Enough for the two of you! Damn it, why did Gao Tianzun ask me to pick you two up to Sakaar, why do you meet those robbers who don't have long eyes, why, why!"

Red Skull, who had been suppressed for a long time, couldn't take it any longer. He screamed in anger, and his black cloak was shaking violently, representing the anger in his heart.

Luo Bing snorted coldly and said, "Hmph, since I've said it all, I've wanted to scold you for a long time, pretending to be something, why didn't you call a master at this time? I guess it's not bad. You are still a hypocrite. the terrorists!

"Brother-in-law, I can't stand him for a long time, let me kill him!

"No, don't rush to kill him first."

Luo Bing waved his hand to stop Thor's actions, looked at Red Skull maliciously and said, "I've changed my mind now, I want you to return to Sakaar intact, and finally let the master give me as a gift."

"Gift? What gift?" Being stared at by Luo Bing made Red Skull a little terrified, always feeling that something bad was waiting for him.

Especially when Luo Bing mentioned the word "gift", he thought of his eyes again, giving Red Skull the feeling that he was facing the devil.

Although purely from the appearance, he himself is more like a devil.

Luo Bing smiled and said in a pretentious manner: "I won't tell you now, but don't worry, one day you will know what I mean."

He had already figured it out, anyway, whether he or Thor went to Sakaar on this trip, he would definitely participate in that championship battle.

Although the master has already given a bargaining chip - the whereabouts of the heart of the universe, he believes that if he makes one more request that is not excessive, the master will agree.

That is when the time comes to let him give himself the Red Skull as one of the champion's rewards, and he is taking the Red Skull as a gift, packing it back to sk King Star and giving it to Steve Rogers to deal with it.

I believe that with their grievances, if nothing else, Captain Marvel, Steve Rogers, Bucky, and other members who participated in World War II will not forgive Red Skull.

At that time, it was the beginning of the real suffering of this guy who carried the blood and chaos!

"Hey hey, retribution, it's all retribution."

Thinking of this, Luo Bing couldn't help laughing in a low voice, he didn't even think that he still has such a dark side.

But that scene, think about it will be very enjoyable.

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