Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 423 What can I do with you?

Shhhhhh! Shhhhhh!

Various laser rays are emitted, intertwined in the cosmic starry sky, colorful and dazzling.

This kind of scene is no less than the scene in the movie Star Wars when Luo Bing was on Earth.

The spaceship they are riding is indeed the treasure that Red Skull placed at the bottom of the Contraxia star. It doesn't look like much, but its lethality is amazing. The spaceship attack of ten interstellar robbers is also completely true.

bang! bang bang!

The laser rays of those interstellar robbers were all collided and exploded in midair, and there was no chance of getting close to their spacecraft.

Luo Bing looked at this scene and sneered in his heart, this Red Skull obviously had the ability of 14 to those interstellar robbers, but he still wanted to let him help, and he wanted to watch the big show on the side, it was ridiculous.

Luo Bing is a vengeful person, and he has quietly recorded this account.

Gradually, those interstellar robbers also discovered that something was not right, and realized that they had mentioned the iron plate this time, and it was quite difficult to ride a tiger.

In desperation, they could only send out a signal of reconciliation: "Several friends, since both of us are in a stalemate, let's just leave if we don't go.

Red Skull sneered: "Joke, if you provoke Lao Tzu, you want to pat your butt and leave, there is no such simple thing!"

From the bottom of his heart, he has always been the devil in World War II, the leader of HYDRA, Red Skull. This kind of decisive character cannot be changed.

Especially today, these interstellar robbers angered him and made him smell blood, and it was impossible not to kill.

"Friend, we warn you that although your spaceship battle is very strong, if you are unwilling to make concessions, we will pay the price to destroy you!"

The interstellar robbers are all outlaws. After being provoked by Red Skull, their blood surged and they became crazy.

Luo Bing watched the big play with all his time, although he knew that it would be a lose-lose scene if it went on like this, but he didn't care at all, no matter what, it was impossible for the other party to hurt him and Thor.

As for Red Skull, what if he dies here, anyway, he is going to see the master, Sakaar, where Thor has been, and the two of them can find it.

I believe that after arriving in Sakaar, the Grandmaster Gao Tianzun will not fight against the two of them for the servant of Red Skull.

Red Skull asked: "Mr. Luo, you have seen the situation. Now, are you still going to stand by?!"

Luo Bing didn't answer his question, but chatted with Thor, "Thor, what kind of person do you think your old sister is?"

Thor understands Luo Bing's intentions, and he smiles: "My old sister is fierce and likes to bully me, but brother-in-law, don't worry, she has absolutely no guts to abuse you.

Luo Bing nodded and said, "Well, I don't think he has either.

Not to mention too much, just relying on his one move [Strong Person Identification Technique], he can make Hela obedient.

Red Skull said anxiously: "Mr. Luo, what are you two talking about, if you don't make a decision, we're really going to die with those bastards!"

Luo Bing said lightly: "Mr. Skeleton, please understand, this level of energy explosion can't hurt Thor's and me's bodies at all, and you are the only one who will perish with them.

"What do you mean, do you really want to get rid of me here, I tell you, if the master can't see me, he will not forgive you two!

Seeing that the energy of the spaceship was almost exhausted, Red Skull became more and more anxious, and his tone was full of sternness.

Luo Bing teased: "Yoyo, you dare to threaten me, you are also the founder of HYDRA, the biggest spy chief, how come you are in outer space 967 but your brain is not easy to use, you don't really think that the master will do it for you Turn your back on me completely.

Thor also sneered on the side, "Brother-in-law, this is a typical example of being used to being a dog, and has forgotten that he is a person, no, I see his current vital signs, he is not a ghost or a ghost, at best it is a ghost. Live Deadman.


One of the interstellar robbers' shells hit their spaceship, causing the entire spaceship to shake violently, and the lights flickered.

Red Skull roared: "Luo Bing! Thor! You two are really playing me! 35

"Hmph, with my strength, even the Grandmaster Gao Tianzun has to give me face, you've been acting like a dog along the way, I've long disliked you, so what can I do with you?

Luo Bing's face also sank. If possible, he wouldn't care about Red Skull's life or death, and it would be best to just die with the group of interstellar robbers. Anyway, it's a dog bites a dog, and neither side is a good thing.

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