Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 416 Red Skull Reappears

The mysterious man in black robe's tone was very indifferent, and he didn't mean to take the Vagrant Bar in his heart at all.

Luo Bing asked in confusion: "I smashed your store, you are not angry at all?"

"Haha, as I said just now, a small bar is nothing compared to Mr. Luo.

Luo Bing smiled and was noncommittal about such polite remarks.

On the contrary, there were 10,000 grass and mud horses in the girl's heart, and Roar roared past, thinking: Brother, you said you didn't care about this bar, if I knew, I would have smashed it for them just now, and I wouldn't be so scared now.

Luo Bing continued to ask: "They said, you are often not in Contraxia, but today I just happened to come back to meet you?"

"It's not a coincidence, I came back on purpose.

"So, you know I'll be here, you know I'll be looking for you?!

"Yes, in addition to this, I also know what you are looking for me for."

Speaking of this, Luo Bing's eyes gradually became sharper, and he said lightly, "Then tell me what I am looking for you for."

The mysterious man in the black robe did not directly answer Luo Bing's question, but stuck out a red, bony hand from the black robe. When he flicked his hand, the girl fell unconscious and unconscious.

Immediately afterwards, a faint voice came from the black robe: "You came to me for the heart of the universe.


Luo Bing's fist clenched suddenly, a blast of air erupted, and all the tables, chairs and benches beside him turned to dust.

Regarding the matter of the Heart of the Universe, he can ask the person in front of him, but if the person in front of him has not waited for him to speak, he has revealed his purpose, which would be a little scary.

Such people, whether they are enemies or friends, should be guarded against.

The moment Luo Bing was about to start, the thunderous aura around Thor's body became even more boiling.

Anyway, the other party has already seen through their identities, so there is no need to hide anything deliberately.

Feeling Luo Bing's killing intent, the mysterious man in black robe said, "Don't be nervous, I have absolutely no malice, besides, I know your strength, I'm not your opponent at all.

Luo Bing said lightly, "Then take off your hat and tell me who you are."

"as you wish.

The mysterious man in black robe slowly took off the brim of his hat, revealing a terrifying face.

That is basically no longer called a face, it is simply a skull that has not completely rotted away, and it is red and bright, as if it has been covered with blood.

This face alone can explain why the girl is so afraid of him.

But Luo Bing's expression gradually became more exciting after seeing that face.

He couldn't forget the face, the face that had messed up World War II, the face he had seen in the history books, and he believed that if Steve was here, it would be deeper than him.

"Are you... Red Skull?" Luo Bing still couldn't believe it even though he recognized it.

"Yes, it's me." Red Skull nodded, not intending to hide his identity, and answered very neatly.

"What's going on, haven't you been guarding Soul Gem on the planet Womir, how did you become the owner of this bar. 55

・・・ Flowers・・・0

Realizing that the other party was really that terrifying figure during World War II, Luo Bing felt a little dreamy.

It's a pity that Captain America was not brought here. He is looking forward to the meeting between these two people, which must be a very interesting thing.

"Yes, I have been guarding the Soul Gem for a long time so far in my life, but since the Soul Gem was taken and Thanos started Infinity War, I am nowhere.


Speaking of this, Red Skull's calm expression finally changed, mixed with remorse, anger, and relief.

Soul Gem has always been his cage, only when Soul Gem is gone, that bondage can disappear, and it has given him peace all these years.

"It's understandable that I don't stay on Planet Womir, but why did you go to Planet Contraxia and change your life to become a bar owner in full swing?"

When talking about these words, even Luo Bing felt incredible. The combination of this series of things is really unimaginable.

But as for the matter, he just puts it in front of you like this, and you can't even believe it.

Also, although he had long heard that the Red Skull could know the origins of living beings, and could accurately name each person's father, the most famous ones being Thanos, Gamora, Hawkeye and Black widow.

In this regard, Luo Bing once said from the bottom of his heart: Isn't this Nima a paternity test, and compared with his own unreliable abilities, it is not far behind.

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