Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 413 The mysterious bar owner

"I count three seconds, and if you don't speak, I'll smash your head to pieces!



"Wait! Wait! 35

Before Thor uttered a word, the girl could no longer resist the threat of death, the trace of luck in her heart was completely gone, and she cried and said: "Two eldest brothers, no, two uncles, ten 100 million universe coins, it's not enough for you to smash me into pieces!

Luo Bing and Thor looked at each other and smiled, Luo Bing said lightly again: "Since you can't come up with it, then ask your boss to come out. I believe he should have the strength."


As soon as she heard that she was going to call the boss, the girl's expression was a little embarrassed. Behind the embarrassment, there was some 14 hard-to-perceive fear.

Luo Bing narrowed his eyes and said softly, "It seems that you don't intend to make compensation, so don't blame us for not saving face."

Luo Bing gave Thor a look, the latter understood, raised his mace high, and slammed it down on the top of the girl's head.

"Don't! Don't!" The girl shouted loudly, her face was as pale as a piece of white paper, and her whole body was shaking.

"Master, please forgive me, I really dare not ask our boss to come over, the Vagabond Bar has already been smashed by you two, if he finds out, he will definitely kill me.

Luo Bing snorted coldly and said, "Hmph, if you don't call him out, I can kill you right now!"

" still kill me."

The girl gritted her teeth and slowly closed her eyes, looking like she was about to die.

This time, Luo Bing was a little surprised, thinking who the big shot behind the homeless bar was, who actually made this girl would rather die than call him out.

Luo Bing asked puzzledly: "You are not afraid of death, why are you afraid that your boss will know about it, and besides, this bar has become like this, doesn't he have to know it sooner or later?"

The girl shook her head and said, "No, if you can let me go today, I will restore the bar to its original state as soon as possible, but if he finds out, he will make my life worse than death.

She couldn't forget that man's ruthless appearance did not look like a devil, because in her opinion, that man was originally a devil!

The girl would rather die, but this time, it made Luo Bing difficult. He didn't really want to kill the girl, he just wanted to lead out the people behind the scenes, but according to the current form, it was very difficult. Hard to do.

Killing is also not enough, this is equivalent to having a complete bad relationship with the people behind the scenes, and it will be very difficult to inquire about the news.

But if you don't kill it, you won't be able to achieve what you want...

For a time, Luo Bing's eyes flickered, staring at the girl, wondering what he was thinking.

Pointlessly, he entered a dilemma.

Suddenly, Luo Bing realized a problem, and he asked in a condensed voice: "You just said that you can restore the bar's appearance before your boss comes back, it should take time, right?

The girl nodded and said, "Well, it is necessary.

"So, your boss isn't in Contraxia?"

"He is often absent, and the homeless bar is not the owner's only property. As for where he goes, no one knows." The girl did not dare to hide anything, and wanted to exchange her honesty for a chance to live.

"Waldfack!" Luo Bing slapped the table next to him, turning the table into powder.

They were busy performing such a play, and the main character was not there for a long time. Does this mean that they are busy working in vain?

Thor also said angrily: "Then try to get in touch with that guy now and tell him that if I don't see him today, I'll set his bar on fire! 99

Perhaps because she heard too many harsh words, the girl Cong's initial fear has weakened a lot, and after thinking about it, she said, "Why did you meet our boss like this, or did you originally come for him?

When 950 thought of this possibility, the girl Roar sucked and closed her mouth suddenly. At that moment, she met in horror, and she might be right. The purpose of these two people was the boss from the beginning.

Touch her, mess with her, threaten her, blackmail her...

In this series of things, the final spear points to the boss behind the scenes, only the boss is their real purpose!

But if that's the case, what the two guys want to do, the purpose is really unimaginable.

But the only thing that can be known is that, as a pawn used in this matter, it will definitely not end well.

You will be thrown away mercilessly!

Thinking of this unacceptable consequence, the girl was really afraid, and said tremblingly: "You... who are you, why do you want to enter the homeless bar, and what is the purpose of looking for our boss."9

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