Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 407 Contra Summer Star

Thor suggested: "The master guy is in Sakaar, and this guy, like the Collector, has been around since the universe was born, and maybe knows where the heart of the universe is."

After that, he also whispered: "I was forced to participate in the championship battle in Sakaar by him, and I also had a fight with Hulk. I must find a place this time."

Luo Bing said solemnly: "Thor, I advise you not to provoke that grandmaster if you have nothing to do, he is not a character to be provoked.

Thor waved his hand and said, "Sorry, brother-in-law, you've been worrying too much. In fact, that guy is not as powerful as the "nine five zero" rumored in the outside world. Back then, Valkyrie, me and Hulk escaped. If he didn't catch it, and Loki left with a spaceship, the Grandmaster still couldn't do anything.""

"That's just his appearance, do you really think he can't keep you guys if he wants to? Don't take a guy who has existed for hundreds of millions of years too simple. 39

Luo Bing looked at the starry river outside the window with dignified eyes. Gao Tianzun is an unfathomable character, but he only likes to create various games. When Thor and the others left, it may have been intentional.

"Forget about Sakaar, even if Gao Tianzun really knows something, it's not that easy to tell us."

Luo Bing directly rejected the idea of ​​going to Sakaar. Don't Gao Tianzun play a big game, and assign them a game level that can't be broken for hundreds of years, and let them break it, it will be too much time-consuming.

"Apart from Sakaar, are there any other good places to go, such as if I didn't come, where were you going?"

Rocket Raccoon said: "Boss, we are going to Contraxia at first, if you are interested, we can go there."

Luo Bing nodded and said: "Contra Xia Xing, this is a good place, not bad, we'll go wherever we go and set off.

"Follow your orders!

Contraxia Star, this is a planet that doesn't care, it is also one of the largest information transfer stations in the universe, and it is one of the planets most frequently inhabited by predators.

Here, there are all kinds of characters of the three religions and nine classes, and they are mixed with each other.

Here, it often represents black market transactions, bars and casinos, information transmission, and various venues.

It can be said that Contraxia is a paradise to enjoy, a place full of alcohol and blood.

Today, Luo Bing and his party walked in this area, this piece of land.

Came to one of the central cities of Contra Summer Star, watching all kinds of neon lights flashing around, smoky, full of cyberpunk style.

Looking at the surrounding skyscrapers, bars and casinos, Luo Bing praised: "It's not bad here, it has a San Andreas feeling."

Xing-Lord echoed: "Which legendary sin city is it? Although I left the earth when I was a child, I still heard of its famous name. 35

"It's right there." Luo Bing nodded, still quite satisfied with this place.

Since ancient times, the places with the fastest transmission of news and the most news from all walks of life are often in this dark and gray area, and it may be possible to get some unexpected gains here...

At this moment, a voice sounded: "Hey, hey, isn't this the son of Yondu, Quil, the man who can dance the most among the plunderers, has come to Contraxia Star, long time no see."

Hearing this voice, Quill smiled knowingly, already knowing who was coming.

Everyone followed the sound and found that it was a team of interstellar predators, and the leader of them was swaggering towards them.

"Hi Grayling, long time no see."

Seeing the man, Quill came up affectionately and gave him a hug, and the other Guardians of Galaxy members nodded to him.

Only Luo Bing and Thor, two "outsiders", do not know why.

Quill said quickly: "Boss, I forgot to introduce you, this is Grayling, who used to be my father Yondu's deputy, and later Yondu's whistle and arrows were also inherited by him, this time we come to Conte La Xia Xing, he is also mainly responsible for arranging food, drink and entertainment... ah no, it's business. ĥ

Luo Bing said with a smile: "So that's the case, I've heard Quill and the others have told you for a long time. Back then, when the Predator 5.0 was killed by electric shock, it was very difficult for them to escape without your help.

Grayling took three steps and took two steps, took Luo Bing's hand and said, "You are Mr. Luo Bing from Avengers, your name is like thunder, and I have admired it for a long time.

Luo Bing said politely: "Haha, no matter what, it's all due to the promotion of heroes from all walks of life in the universe, and it's just a fake name. Having said that, this time we have to trouble you for all the file size matters in Contra Xia Xing. What a lot of trouble."

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