Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 369 Carol's 3 Glasses of Wine

At the dinner party, people from all walks of life kept toasting Luo Bing. Those who knew the origin of Luo Bing's identity were naturally very enthusiastic. The fact that someone is Her Majesty's sweetheart is enough to make all the gods rush.

And those who don't know the origin of Luo Bing, can get in this way, this is not a fool, just seeing Luo Bing standing so close to Her Majesty, and there are various other people fawning in the past.

All kinds of phenomena, even if they can guess with their butts, Luo Bing is definitely a noble person worthy of their fawn.

"Mr. Luo, it's really hard to come to Asgard for thousands of miles, come and have a few more drinks!

"Mr. Luo, I believe that no matter in Asgard or damned on Earth, men who can drink must be warriors, can you give me a face?

"Speaking of warriors, there is a tradition in our Asgard that guests from afar are well-deserved warriors as long as they drink ten glasses of wine in a row. Is Mr. Luo interested in challenging it?"

For these polite remarks, Luo Bing also always refused to come, and toasted one by one with a smile on his face, who didn't know they thought they were old friends who hadn't seen each other in years.

Luo Bing laughed and said: "Haha, I, Luo Bing, came here to thank you all for your care, and it's all for my face, there's no reason not to drink it, but it's okay to drink ten glasses of wine, I don't want to come in vertically, Go out sideways"""

"Ha ha ha ha."

Hearing Luo Bing's joking words, everyone burst into laughter, creating a joyous atmosphere.

Deadpool, who was driven to the distance by Luo Bing, looked at this side secretly, and said to himself: "Che, let me drink less, I think you are having a good time too. 99

At first, seeing that Luo Bing didn't want to participate in this kind of entertainment, Hela was going to order the show to end early, but now that Luo Bing was handling it like a duck to water, she put away the idea and stood by to watch the game.

At this time, Captain Marvel Carroll, who had been drinking quietly in the corner, came over, raised the glass in his hand and said, "Mr. Luo, let's drink one for the two of us."

Luo Bing said helplessly: "You too come to join in the fun, okay, just drink!"

It can be said that in the entire Avengers, apart from himself, the top fighting power is nothing more than a few people: Thor Thor, Hulk, Doctor Strange Strange, Scarlet Witch Wanda, and then there is the Captain Marvel Carol in front of him you.

Definitely, Hela doesn't technically count, her relationship with the Avengers is entirely due to chance having his reasons.

And in these first-tier teams, Carol's combat power is definitely among the best. At this stage, only Thor and Wanda can compete with her.

For this kind of general, Luo Bing should give absolutely no less attention.

So, this time Luo Bing was very aggressive, and it was just three drinks in a row.

Carol asked puzzledly: "Mr. Luo, what do you mean, do I need three drinks too?"

Luo Bing smiled, shook his head and smiled: "You definitely don't need it, every one of these three glasses of wine I drink has a reason.

Carol said curiously: "The reason? What reason, then I'll have to listen carefully. 35

Hela was also attracted to her attention, and she was calm and listened attentively by the side.

Luo Bing smiled and slowly began to explain: "This first glass of wine doesn't mean much, it's entirely because we two old friends, the old fighters haven't seen each other for a long time, and we just decided to have a drink.

Carol raised her eyebrows and said: ".~ Ofkos, definitely, that's why I came to you.

"Hahaha." Luo Bing laughed twice and continued: "As for the second one, I want to thank you.

"Thank me? What does this mean?" Carol frowned, obviously not knowing what direction Luo Bing suddenly said "thank you".

Luo Bing sighed and said, "This thank you is for me personally, and what I mean on behalf of our Avengers, and also for Chili Pepper and Morgan, you can stay here and work hard to find Bifrost, and do it for the league. After so many things, when (Nuo Hao) at the beginning or you saved Stark whose life was on the line, no matter which one, I should thank you well.35

Hearing this, the smile on Carol's face was also solemnly replaced, and she said with a serious face: "If you thank me for these, then I will not appreciate it, because it is completely unnecessary, I am also a member of Avengers, you can Don't forget, Nick Furui was inspired by me to form Avengers. Speaking of this, you are still a later one.

Luo Bing laughed at himself and said: "Yeah, although I am the leader of Avengers now, but in detail, you are still a senior, but I am a little ignorant of praise hahaha.

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