Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 353 Discovering Time Fragments

"Ohh Ohh ohh!"

Deadpool kept whining, using both hands and feet, expressing his strong protest to Luo Bing.

However, Luo Bing just cast a look at him, I am with you, and then there is no more.

At the moment Luo Bing has put all his attention on the ten thousand miles around.

Although the narrowness of time has been broken by him, he always feels that there is still an inexplicable power in this place that has not dissipated.

However, it is expected that the hundred-legged worm is still dead and not stiff. The time is narrow and I don't know how many billions of years it has existed. How can it be so easily removed and removed, there must be some law power left.

And Luo Bing is very interested in this power of law.

Luo Bing instructed: "Gwen, watch the two of them, I'm exploring this place.

14 Gwen nodded and said, "Okay, I will be optimistic about the two of them, boss, don't worry, we will wait for you to come back."

"Woo? Woo, woo woo, woo woo, woo woo woo!"

As soon as he heard Luo Bing was leaving, Deadpool's eyes widened instantly, even if he couldn't hear what he said, Luo Bing thought he could guess what he meant from his speechless voice.

It's nothing more than: What? You want to go, my boss, you unblock me before you leave, you're almost suffocating me!

Luo Bing shook his head and said: "Wait, just you, Ge Xiaolun told you to shut up this ability will be automatically lifted after an hour, I will not interfere before this, just give you a quiet opportunity ,take care of it!

"Uuuuu..." Deadpool was still unwilling, and wanted to impress Luo Bing to gain freedom.

However, Luo Bing is already determined not to take this set, and solemnly said: "Look at the little Spider-Man, they say that they will be repaired in place, and there is no complaint. You are looking at you, can you? learn."

Good guy, it's better not to say this, as soon as he said it, Deadpool immediately blew the pot. Yes, even if his mouth was sealed, Luo Bing could guess that he was breathing fragrance. In desperation, he had to speak again. : "Okay, the time is tight and the task is heavy. I won't bother with you here. I'll go check it out and let's go."

After saying this, Luo Bing never gave Deadpool another chance to "fight for leniency". As soon as he moved his footsteps, his entire body disappeared in place, not even a single afterimage remained.

The time is narrow originally on a planet, but that kind of law force is not spread throughout the week, but only limited to that radius.

For this planet, the narrowness of time is a forbidden place on the planet, a minefield that outsiders can never touch.

However, when Luo Bing cracked the narrowness of time, it was equivalent to unveiling the veil of this behemoth.

The reason why he hasn't left is because Luo Bing wants to try his luck again to see if there are any treasures left here, or energy substances that can be absorbed.

Luo Bing is very open to this kind of behavior that looks like picking up garbage, "It doesn't matter, just be Taobao, treasure!"

You must know that in this kind of ruins, you might just find something that is a treasure. If you finally come here, Luo Bing doesn't want to waste this opportunity in vain.

Although he always held this kind of thought, Luo Bing actually held a hopeless attitude towards it in his heart, but after he inspected it for about half an hour, he rejected this kind of thought.

"I'll go, there are still fragments of time law left here." Luo Bing muttered to himself, his eyes blinked, and his shocking emotions permeated.

He is now standing on top of a brown low mountain, and the remnants of the world's law fragments are surrounded by him. This kind of mysterious and mysterious thing may not be seen or felt, but for the opening of the three hook jade writing wheel As far as Luo Bing, who has developed The God's Telekinesis, is concerned, it is simply not worth mentioning.

The six-pointed star spun in his eyes, and the picture in front of him was some luminous, firefly-like fragments of time, without a master and without his own consciousness.

Luo Bing grinned and said, "Hehe, I knew this trip would not come in vain, and I found the treasure."

Luo Bing rubbed his hands together, thinking about how to use these time fragments, and at the same time he was thinking about the real use of these fragments and what they could bring to him.

After thinking about it for a while, Luo Bing waved his hand and said, "Hey, what is this all about, since I don't know how to make the best quality products, I'll pack them all up and take them away! 35

It can be said that the decision he made is not greedy. It is no exaggeration to say that his current decision is almost equivalent to taking away the entire time in a narrow package.

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