Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 320 Love You 30Times!

The sea breeze blew slightly, and the three girls discussed their future plans while eating lunch.

As for Little Morgan, she is still playing unscrupulously outside. She is a child who will never grow up, and is full of interest in novelties every day.

Picking up shells and exploring the seabed are all things she does every day.

Although her age and temperament have always remained at the age of eight, Little Morgan is not as naive as those children her age. Although she loves to play, she has set a standard timetable for herself.

Although in this cosmic environment, it is very difficult to learn and improve. The skills you learned in the last second may be completely forgotten in the next second, but Morgan still spends a lot of money every day. Time to recharge myself and study some of the notes my father once left.

Although she couldn't understand many things, but... she knew that it was a letter left by her father she had never met. This alone was enough to make Little Morgan bear his temper.

Pepper is very reassured about "903" Morgan, who is alone on the seabed, because she is wearing a full set of Mark 46 rescue armor, which is designed by Tony himself for Jr. Morgan. The nano armor can be changed at will. File size.

The big fish and prawns on the bottom of the sea are bullied by Morgan every day.

Moreover, Morgan is also very obedient, and does not wander into the deep sea at all.

What's more, whenever she exceeds Pepper's allowed play range, the armor on her body will activate the automatic home function, and J.A.R.V.I.S will send her to Pepper's side unharmed.

"Plop..." The white-purple rescue armor jumped into the water, and Little Morgan started today's underwater paradise again.

The waters are beautiful, with coral reefs of various colors rising and falling, and there are tropical fish that are common to the earth, but more really a variety of other fish that glow and look good.

As for the name, Morgan still can't fully recognize it, because she remembered the name one second, and the next second will be forgotten because of the law, so... Morgan used his own unique way to name them all one by one. name.

"Xiaobai...Xiaolan...Xiaozi...I'm here to play with you again..." Xiao Morgan let out a series of silver bell-like laughter, and gently stroked those who were in her Little fish wandering around.

Maybe it's been a long time, those glowing little fish are not afraid of her at all, instead they have become good friends with her, wagging their tails in front of the intimate white-purple rescue armor.

The nano-armor layer on Morgan's right hand gradually faded away, revealing her slender, snow-white little hand. She stroked the little fish, and her big eyes completed a crescent moon.


The water surface was rumbling, and the bottom of the sea also suddenly attracted an undercurrent. The fishes with colorful lights around them were frightened and immediately ran away into the distance.

When Little Morgan saw this scene, his little face suddenly became unhappy, the armor on his little hands was covered again, and he looked angrily at the behemoth swimming in the distance.

"Damn big fat man, come to eat my little friend again, you should beat him!"

As Little Morgan spoke, an energy cannon was released from her palm and instantly rushed towards the fat man in front of her.

The big fat man in Morgan's mouth is actually the deep-sea overlords of this sea area. It is a native marine creature on SK King, a giant carnivorous fish. After full adulthood, its size can grow to the same size as a blue whale, but Its combat power is much stronger than that of the blue whale, and it is somewhat similar to the mosasaur in the dinosaur period on the earth.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" tragically whimpered, the voice was very anthropomorphic, and it made people feel a little creepy.

Its skin is very thick, and Morgan definitely just jumped the energy output level to the lowest level, she just wanted to teach this big guy a lesson, and didn't mean to kill it at all, she was just a child's mentality, and she also maintained the attitude in the face of the world. Her innocence.

"What did you say? You didn't come to eat my friend?" Little Morgan frowned and stepped forward suspiciously.

In the process of getting along for a long time, she can distinguish the real meaning of these fish from their emotions, definitely, this is also related to SK Wang Xing's high IQ of marine animals.

As soon as Morgan stepped forward, he was pushed up by the big fat man in her mouth, all the way to the other coastline.

"What the hell are you trying to do? Hey!? Mom will blame me if I go out of the safe zone." Morgan frowned, but she felt the unease of the big fat man under her, and finally she pursed her mouth and silently climbed onto its back.

" J.A.R.V.I.S, release the child safety mode of the rescue number, authorization code-STK_1596A8AEF188E8464F861D1AB1885D2322A3F2CD75PC3; verification password: 'I love you three thousand times,

"Okay, Miss Morgan, safe mode is unlocked, do you want to activate the combat mode? Do you activate the one-hit kill mode?" J.A.R.V.I.S asked mechanistically.

"NO!" Morgan shook her head. She modified the armor permissions without authorization, just to keep her mother from worrying.

Soon, the big fat man took Morgan to another coastline.

And when he got here, Morgan also knew what the big fat man's intention was to bring him here.

" your father stranded because of an accident?"

"No wonder you came to me in such a hurry..."

Little Morgan flew out of the water, frowning slightly as he looked at the 'super fat man' as big as a hill...

"I...what am I going to do? The rescue armour just isn't pushing enough, your dad is too big..."

Morgan was very embarrassed. She looked at the big fat man in the sea and his mother's expectant eyes, and the little head started to have a headache.

"If the sisters were here, there would definitely be a way...but...if they were told that I was out of the safety zone alone, they would definitely blame me, and they would never give me the rescue armor in the future. now..."

Morgan glanced at the state of the super fat man at the moment, and then looked at another coastline that was out of reach, and his mind changed sharply.

"No, the super fat man can't hold on for long, and even if I go back, I won't be able to catch up..."

Thinking of this, she began to put hope on herself.

"Okay!! Then let me think about it, I am Tony Stark's daughter, I can definitely do it! 35 Little Morgan didn't know what to think, and smiled confidently.

Then, she fell to the ground in an instant, engraving formulas on the sand beside her.

On the other side, Big Fatty and Big Fatty's mother constantly use their natural advantages to spray sea water at Big Fatty's dad on the coast.

"First...I need a rocker! One big enough to knock up a hill!"

Little Morgan rolled his eyes, and then a flash of inspiration flashed, and he instantly understood what he should do.

With a bang, she rushed into the woods in the distance, and used red laser rays to cut off a big tree surrounded by five people. Then, she returned to the beach again and dug a small hole around the big fat man's dad. Sandpit.

After that, she flew 5.0 through the jungle and found everything she needed.

everything's ready!

ten minutes later...

"Go home! Super fat man!" Little Morgan shouted a high Roar, her carefully designed rebound device was activated, and only heard a 'boom'! The water splashed a huge wave of up to 20 meters, and the stranded super fat man also successfully fell into the sea.

"Hee hee hee...that's great..." Little Morgan danced with joy. This was the first time she used scientific knowledge to accomplish something that was impossible in her opinion.

In an instant, the fascination brought by science also really made J. Morgan see a grand blueprint.

"woo woo woo woo!!!

The big fat family of three happily played in the water, and the little Morgan floated quietly in the sky, looking at the happy family, she also laughed.

But...with a smile, his eyes were slightly wet.

The picture of a family reunion is so good...

But...what about my own father...?.

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