Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 241 You and I in front of the tree

In the scarlet world, a strange flower blooms quietly.

"I didn't expect you to be a fucking child..."

" that you?" Hei Jue floated alone in the sky.

" doesn't make sense..." Minato Namikaze looked at Kakashi beside him, frowned at each other, and looked puzzled.

But the power is completely lost.

In the distance, Obito's body curse struck and he lost his ability to move. His limbs were nailed to the ground by the black sticks that were formed by the yin and yang, and his eyes were dull.

"Then what... Who can explain to me... What the hell happened?" Luo Bing scratched his head and glanced strangely at Hei Jue floating beside him.

But how can this be so good that there is another son?

Turns out he was just a pawn...

"By the way...Look at this situation, your prom party is over? Dance less when you are older, look at that Uchiha... Madara, right? 35


But never imagined...

"You are not the mother... Who are you? What did you do to the mother!!! Hei Jue shouted angrily, and the whole person fell into madness again.

At the moment... Madara Uchiha, who was physically separated, felt exactly the same as Obito, half of his body fell to the side of Hashima, who was nailed by the black stick, and the two looked at each other.

Madara, whose name was called, raised her head in confusion.

It's usually more than one brother-in-law or something, and he's used to it.


"Me? I don't know, I just broke into a different space and was dragged here by the singularity?"


Hei Jue stared at Luo Bing who emerged from the singularity in a stunned manner. Befa's life fell into deep thinking.

"Good guy, he was so desperate, he broke his waist"

"Luo!!! Big Brother Luo!!

The land of the dead... The six-path sage---Otsutsuki Yui's soul looked strangely at the development of all this, and fell into a long silence.

"Mom.... Dad???"

too difficult!!

Wasn't it an accident that he appeared in his divine power space from the beginning? Was it intentional?

This is completely different from what I imagined!!!

Obito on the ground was completely at a loss. He thought that he finally figured out what had happened, but he didn't expect... reality gave him another blow.

"Besides, with your respectable face, your face is as black as carbon, how can your mother be better?" Luo Bing glanced at Hei Jue contemptuously, and suddenly frowned, thinking of something.

"Did I remember wrong???"

What he encountered in the White World Prison was also a cocoon.

However, this is a beautiful dream and even a nightmare. The vitality of their bodies is being stripped and extracted layer by layer by the large cocoon, and the big tree behind the supporter.

Madara has always thought that Hei Jue is the embodiment of his own will, so he has incomparable trust in Hei Jue.

Who can tell me... why Infinite Monthly Reading finally summoned a dad!!!

At the moment, they are basking in their own perfect dream.

"Oh, which woman with horns are you talking about..."

Madara's face darkened in embarrassment when her name was called.

"That's right! That's my mother-in-law!!" Hei Jue yelled frantically.

It didn't last long in silence...

Madara's entire body began to swell, and his body gradually tore apart, turning into a singularity from his upper body.

Naruto and Sasuke, as well as Kakashi, Minato and other survivors supported a special enchantment, and it was because of this special enchantment that they evaded the technique at the moment when Infinite Tsukiyomi cast it and survived. Disaster.

On the tree of gods!

But the scene was embarrassing to death.

This situation looks familiar, isn't cocooning popular in the universe now?

"No... Wait, if I want to explain... shouldn't it be up to you to explain it? Senior Luo?" Minato Minato is still reasonable, but his heart is not very calm now.

The white cocoons hang on the tree like a collective hanging, which is quite a bit like hanging from the southeast branch.

The most shocking thing was Sasuke and Naruto.


At the moment, the moon in the sky presents the appearance of the reincarnation eye of the nine-goose jade. The rhizomes of the flower split into thousands of pieces, turning into layers of white cocoons, and in the white cocoons sleep one after another comatose ninjas. .

What the hell is going on???

Luo Bing waved at Kaguya Otsutsuki who got out.

Under such circumstances, under the helplessness of Naruto and Sasuke, under Hei Jue's frantic laughter.

What the hell is this for!!!

Could it be that Big Brother Luo is the real behind-the-scenes boss!!????

"But your son is so dark..."

I am so hard!!!

And Madara Uchiha... Just when he thought that 873 was the big boss behind the scenes and the final winner, he was suddenly attacked by Hei Jue.

This Luo Bing can't take it.

"Well...she's here..." Luo Bing finally cleared his head and nodded suddenly.

At the moment the blackness...the brain is full of Chaos.

It clearly remembers... that he was split by Kaguya's mother using yin and yang escape... Moreover, he still has some memories of Kaguya.

Luo Bing was stunned, he was sucked by Singularity without noticing, and he still doesn't know what happened.

Obito always thought that he could control everyone in the ninja world, but he didn't expect that he was also a pawn of Uchiha Madara.

Immediately after...

But...why can he come out and plan all this???

Excuse me...

Seeing that the situation was irreversible, seeing that the enemy used the last trump card, the vast scene could not be stopped at all, and as a result... Finally, a big brother Luo was summoned???

"Senior Luo?"

At this stage, almost everything is transparent.

His body was separated, and Hei Jue cried out in surprise.

Because the vitality is too strong, the two people who have separated their bodies have not really died until now.

Naruto and Sasuke glanced at each other strangely, their eyes were full of confusion, and at this time they were almost unable to turn their heads.


In midair, Madara Uchiha, who was controlled by Black Jue, laughed wildly.

"Hey hey hey...don't talk nonsense, I've never had the habit of liking a man's wife"

Just as his voice fell, because the seal had been broken, a mosaic-like crack in time and space appeared not far from Luo Bing, and the young lady with horns finally got out.

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