Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 199 Travel ends, return to Earth

On Xandar, the Nova warriors are celebrating the victory of a great battle.

This victory came a little suddenly, and was somewhat inexplicable. Although they did not know why they won after knowing the victory, the celebration was over.

In the word of mouth of Nova Warrior.

Mr. Luo Bing from Earth was almost touched to the sky by them.

Just showing up, without saying a word, he directly scared away the leader of the opposite side, Thanos.

You must know that he is the most ferocious guy in the universe, he didn't even dare to let go of a fart and ran away frantically while covering his face.

Could there have been some big, unspeakable secrets that happened to Thanos and Mr. Luo Bing before?

For example... Thanos was actually pressed to the ground by Mr. Luo Bing and hammered "Eight Five Seven" early?

So now, as soon as we meet, it will trigger the plot of the shadow in my heart??

Various versions of the legends spread at the speed of light among the inhabitants of Xandar.

Moreover, this news was not only spread within the Nova Corps, but soon spread to every corner of the galaxy through other means.

Soon, the name Luo Bing became a household name.

It used to be the request for help from the Nova Corps of Xandar Star. After many planets received it, they immediately called the troops to prepare to go to the rescue, but the order here could be conveyed. Before the troops were assembled, the Nova Corps came from the other side. Exciting news of a big win.

Baby, that's the dark quadrant.

That's the Thanos army.

How... so easy to win???

It sounds like bragging, but the Nova Corps never lies, and lying is against their own laws. Shortly after the incident, the Nova Corps ground condition detection system clearly extracted the battle scene at that time, and then It was placed on the homepage of the Nova Corps official website.

Then downloads and plays began to skyrocket, reaching an astonishing number.

That's right, the universe has the Internet, and Nova Corps sometimes publishes some information about the scavengers of the most wanted criminals in the universe on its official website, and also publishes some bounties.

However, unlike Earth's Internet entertainment use, few people in the universe use this stuff for entertainment in luxury.

After all, the universe is too big, and it takes a huge amount of consumption to build this kind of thing. So far, the Internet of Xandar Star can only cover dozens of star groups around it.

Compared with Andromeda, which has a more developed entertainment live broadcast industry, the Milky Way is still a little behind in this regard.

Luo Bing once participated in the storm Famira held by Andromeda, and the live broadcast method is much more advanced than the Milky Way.

But even so, Luo Bing has become a hot 'big internet celebrity' in the word of mouth in the Milky Way



Let’s call it a ‘big internet celebrity’.

At least now, his fame is no less than that of Captain Marvel, who is engaged in the "Internet celebrity" industry.

Captain Marvel has worked hard in the galaxy for so many years, saving one after another on the verge of destruction, but he still can't compare to Luo Bing's record.

that man!

But the man who scared away Thanos when he showed up!

A character who defeated two generals in the Black Order with just one look!!

That's a real cosmic boss!

All the above cognitions are the unanimous evaluations of the inhabitants of the Milky Way.

And... Ever since some gossip from nowhere confirmed that Captain Marvel and even the Star Lord of the Guardians of Galaxy are also earthlings, this small planet that has never been heard of has attracted everyone's attention in an instant.

For a long time to come, I am afraid that Mr. Phil Coulson will be busy with the establishment of diplomatic relations between various planets.

After Thanos left, especially after Supergiant and Corvus Glaive collapsed to the ground, Ebony Maw commanded the soldiers to board the ship quickly and flee.

Nova Corps took advantage of the situation to pursue.

pulled between each other.

Although the Thanos Legion suffered heavy losses, it was also severely damaged, especially when the Hei Yao general became the second Hei Yao general, and three of them fell into Luo Bing's hands...

Among them, Black Dwarf died on the spot.

Corvus Glaive and Supergiant became prisoners and were held in the Nova Corps secret prison.

Perhaps because of the victory of the war, Nova Supreme gave up and continued to accept the inheritance, sighed with relief, and looked at Luo Bing with a complex face.

"Who the hell are you? 33 she asked curiously.

"Earthman" Luo Bing replied with a smile.

Nova Supreme rolled his eyes, and became a little more curious about the mysterious earth in his heart.

Although she had been preparing for inheritance before, but through the main body of the super biological computer 'Nova', she also clearly saw everything that happened outside.

After a beam of destruction, including the Thanos warship, broke through all the defenses of Xandar Star, at that time, she panicked in her heart, thinking that Xandar Star would be destroyed.

Unexpectedly, everything happened so quickly, this handsome man in front of him directly took action to save or even reverse it all.

"Thank you for your help, Xandar will never forget the friendship of Earth"

Nova Supreme didn't ask anything, and looked at Luo Bing solemnly.

"I think it will be safer to keep the power gems with you. At the same time, after part of Nova's carrier has been authorized by Nova, it has agreed to settle on Earth. In terms of 5.0 and scientific research and technology, I will rank a top nova team. Help the earth to build and develop together"

Nova Supreme is very sincere and has provided a lot of free help to the earth not only in terms of technology, but also in terms of materials.

In fact, it is also a thank you.

Luo Bing did not refuse.

When the Nova carrier successfully settles on the earth, the earth can also be directly connected to the cosmic Internet, and then it is a real period of strong development.

After all this was over, in order to prevent the Thanos army from returning, Luo Bing left his contact information on Xandar, copying Captain Marvel's set.

Afterwards, he temporarily imprisoned Corvus Glaive and Supergiant in his own divine space, and took Phil Coulson and his party directly back to Earth.

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