Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 192 The Dark Elephant Realm is Coming, and the War Begins!

Comrade Dai was sipping tea leisurely in the office when he was suddenly surprised by the report of his subordinates.

Then, he immediately came to the front station command center.

On the way he came, he quickly reported the matter to Nova Supreme.

At the same time, the entire Nova Corps shrank in an instant, and the Nova warriors dispatched to various planets immediately returned in spaceships.

Nova Corps' source of power, Nova, is a super-powerful biological computer.

Like the Supreme Intelligence computer of the Kree Empire, it belongs to another kind of creature.

In terms of the origin of species in the universe, such calculators cannot theoretically be called machines, they are also a kind of creature, a great creature that existed in ancient times.

Although it no longer belongs to their era, there are still many cosmic kingdom forces that have their shadows.

In some civilized countries, this kind of computer life is generally called "prophet", or "mother of life", and only the really rising powers deserve to have them.

From another point of view, only with this type of super biological computer can it be called a powerful 840 force in the universe.

And every leader of Nova Corps is named after 'Nova'.

And wanting to become a 'Nova' does not depend on elections or abilities.

Everything depends on the choice of the super biological computer 'Nova'.

That is to say, the leader of each Nova Corps is the one chosen by Nova.

'Nova' is like a machine that can predict time. He can see through the potential of his life and the height he can reach as soon as the baby has landed.

This is the case for every Nova Corps soldier, who have gone through strict selection before the 5,000 Nova Corps of today was born!

The detection and sensing system of the "Nova" is quite powerful, and it sensed the arrival of the Thanos Legion 50,000 light-years away.

Subsequently, it quickly spread the news to the frontier station, and then spread it all over the planet step by step.

Obviously, even 'Nova' with supreme wisdom was a little panicked at the moment.

"That's the Dark Elephant Realm! Damn it, Thanos' Legion!"

"Their goal is the power gem! 35 Lao Dai reacted (befa) in an instant, and then his back was chilled.

The Dark Elephant World came with great fanfare, and did not hide its traces along the way.

He is so powerful that he doesn't need any clumsy tactics at all, and he can easily crush every planet.

Whether it is the Kree Empire or the Nova Corps.


Their leader is Thanos.

A character who has been rampant in the universe for tens of thousands of years, a real overlord of the universe!

Over the years, his achievements in various galaxies have resounded in every corner of the universe.

And now...

He's finally getting his hands on this part of the galaxy...

Lao Dai and the top officials of the legion had long expected this picture, but they didn't expect him to come so quickly and seriously.

There were no advance troops to probe.

Here he comes, all the battleships! All coming!!!

"come yet..."

"Open the final plan" Nova Supreme sighed, looking at the picture displayed in the virtual projection, she knew that this was the last chance.

"Yes!" Lao Dai nodded firmly, his right hand trembled slightly, not nervous, but excited.

The day is finally here!

Come on! Nova Soldiers! Show me your strength!

"Received! Commander!

"Open the Laser Defense Barrier"

"Open Plasma Isolation System"

"Opening the Thermal Protection Barrier"

"The first and second nova teams are ready, open the standby cabin"

"The doombringer is ready, the mechanical revolution is ready...'

"Turn on the anti-gravity defense system"

"Open the Empire's ultimate defense barrier...

"Plasma beam deployed! Begin level 1 charge"

‘Quantum Connection is deployed! The third series of counterattack flames are preset!

"Nova's output level is adjusted to the maximum, and the level 1 overload defense net is ready!


Huge amounts of Xandar Star was instantly surrounded by various barriers, and at one time dozens of defensive apertures like rainbows and countless defensive turrets were erected.

Various overloaded instructions are endless.

A piercing siren sounded over the entire Xandar star!

"Alert! Alert!"

"There is an invasion of foreign enemies, please move all residents to the safe house"

"Alert! Alert! 35

"There is an invasion of foreign enemies, please move all residents to the safe house! 99

The siren constantly sounded in the sky, and for a while, the houses on the street shrank into the ground in an instant, and one by one, the lift houses emerged from the ground, transporting the panicked residents to sneak into the underground safe house.

That is one of the most developed methods of Nova Corps, and it is also the last line of defense for residents' safety!

"An enemy has invaded!?" Phil Coulson instantly bounced off his seat and rushed towards Luo Bing's bedroom.

At the same time, a group of guard soldiers, ready to go, ran to the door.

Unlike Nova Corps' '5000 Heroes Group', young warriors who do not meet the selection criteria of 'Nova' will choose to join the conservative guard army.

The Guard Army has a military strength of 5 million. It is the standing army of Xandar Star. Although it does not have the honor of Nova Corps, it is also a good force.

The Nova Corps is external, and the Guard is internal.

But now the enemy is now, there is no difference between the various arms.

Today, they are all warriors who guard the country and protect the planet!

"Please move to the safe house! This place will soon become the main battlefield!" A man in a standard military uniform shouted to Fitz and the others in the house.

The "Guest Hotel" where Luo Bing and his party lived was actually a department similar to the embassy.

In the face of this great enemy, the Guard Bureau has not lost its sense of proportion and is stably carrying out its own task.

Although there is no humble and noble in Xandar, three, six, nine and so on.

But in the mission code of the guard army, protecting the "Guest Hotel" Earth's neighbors and successfully entering the underground safe house is the first rule!

"Is there going to be a war? I can help" Fitz yelled at the door.

"No, no, I can't let you take this risk, sorry, it's my duty, please follow me into the safe house! The young man refused verbally.

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