Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 183 The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.

little Spider-Man swings around the city.

On the one hand, it is to clean up the cobweb he once left, and on the other hand, to see if there is anything that needs his help.

Now Peter, hangs out with old ladies and grandpas crossing the road all day.

It's because there really isn't any criminal who needs his shot!

Still, as a friendly neighbor Spider-man, Peter does everything he can to do.

"Here, little guy, be sure to pay attention next time." Peter untied the trapped balloon from the big tree on the side and handed it to the group of children in front of him.

"Thank you, Spider-man! You are amazing!" The children waved their hands in joy.

Got...that balloon~ has lifted off again.

Ashamed, Peter fired a cobweb from his right hand and pulled the balloon down again.

The kids cheered Roar again.

"Mr. Spider-man, why do you always wear a mask? Iron Man, Batman and the others don't wear masks," a little boy asked, his big eyes flashing with doubts.

"This is a secret~" little Spider-Man gave a thumbs up, and then a backflip cobweb shot, swinging on a swing and disappearing in front of a group of children.

The reason why Peter has been wearing a mask is because he is worried about Aunt May's safety.

He was afraid that those bad people couldn't deal with him, and then went to trouble Aunt May.

He must not put Aunt May in a safety hazard.

This, when Uncle Ben passed away, became Peter's firmest goal. [ps: Aunt Mei sounds too old, and there is no distinction between aunts and uncles abroad]


A visible Shockwave swept across the city, and everything became new.

"What's the matter, battle suit sister? Is there an enemy invasion? Where?" Peter's nerves instantly tightened, and his eyes looked around at everything that was changing around him.

What he calls the sister of the battle suit is the artificial intelligence AI that comes with the Spider-man battle suit.

In fact... Tony had named this artificial intelligence when he was developing it, but Peter couldn't remember her name, so Roar was generally called 'battle suit sister'

"Don't worry, Peter, I have already contacted several other artificial intelligences, this is Mr. Luo Bing's magic" The voice of the battle suit sister was clear, like a girl next door.

"It turned out to be Big Brother Luo..." Peter breathed a sigh of relief. Looking at the completely different environment in front of him, he couldn't help but admire: "Magic is really amazing."

"Yes," Battle Suit sister replied rationally.

As the sun went down, Peter finished dealing with the unusual events of the museum and sat alone on the roof of the building.

He likes to stand in the sun at this height, which makes him feel very comfortable.

After over two hours of chatting with Deadpool, Peter looked at his phone bill worriedly.

The Avengers have no salary, resource sharing, and the point system of S.H.I.E.L.D is completely different.

There are also no bonuses and task rewards.

Peter's day-to-day expenses are earned through his other journalist status, and he is not short of money, and his Spider-man photos and personal photos of the Avengers have taken the world by storm.

Definitely, most of them were earned by the newspaper company.

But Peter also has a lot of money, and he likes photography, he has a hobby in this area.

For him, more money and less money are indifferent things, and every day is a new day.

"It seems that I won't be able to chat with Wade for so long in the future, and, on Mr. Stark's wedding day, what am I going to give?" Peter frowned and thought, he admired Mr. Stark, just like Big Brother Luo.

After thinking about it for a long time, little Spider-Man didn't come up with any suitable gift, so he scratched his head and had a headache.

"It's time to go home for dinner, I don't know what Aunt Mei made today." Peter thought of Aunt Mei's craftsmanship, smiled, jumped up, and jumped directly from the building.

Peter's house.

"Squeak..." The door was opened by Peter from outside.

He held a bouquet of flowers in his hand, which he had bought while passing by the store.

Aunt Mei likes flowers very much, and the yard is full of all kinds of flowers.

"I came in through the gate this time, I didn't go over the wall," said little Spider-Man, pressing a button, and the Spider-man battle suit on his body slowly detached.

This villa was given by Luo Bing after Queens was destroyed. The location is close to the city, quiet and elegant.

Not very big, but cozy.

.....for flowers...0

Although Luo Bing usually looks carefree and never cares about these little things, sometimes, his attentiveness is extraordinarily warm.

"Aunt May?

"Have you gotten off work yet?" Peter looked at the living room suspiciously. Aunt Mei had a white-collar job with good benefits and weekends. Normally, she should get off work at this point.

"Dong dong..."

When Peter heard the movement inside the door, he laughed twice, and hid the flowers behind his back, preparing to surprise Aunt May.


Daily routine surprise!

"Squeak..." The door of the living room opened, and Aunt May appeared in front of Peter with a tearful face.

"Crack..." The flowers fell directly to the ground.

Peter didn't know what happened, but when he saw Aunt May crying, he was very angry for no reason. He ran to Aunt May like crazy, wanting to ask what happened.

But at this moment, a familiar voice that he hadn't heard in a long time rang in Peter's ears.

"Stay calm kid, you're a Spider-man now"

The sun was setting, and the sun was shining on Ben-Peter's face, and that smile was so kind, so...warm.

Peter Parker froze in place, losing the ability to think for a while.

He patted his face hard, and the clear pain told him that all this was not a dream.

"Uncle Ben?" Peter Parker doubted his own judgment at first, then looked at Aunt May next to him.

Aunt Mei nodded at him, and there were tears in the corners of her eyes again.

Those were tears of joy.

Peter rushed straight towards Ben, rushing into his arms.

"But... what the hell is going on here? Another parallel space?" Peter was very excited, but he still had doubts in his excitement.

Because of the current parallel world, he subconsciously asked.

"It's the Mr. Luo Bing, he said he's from the future"

"Son, a lot of things seem to have happened during my absence, and we need to have a good chat," Ben said with a smile.

"Yes! Peter laughed out loud.

"Remember what I said to you back then?"

"Always remember! The greater the Ability, the greater the responsibility! 99


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