Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 180 The Rewrit10 Past

At noon that day, Luo Bing realized the identities of otherworld visitors one by one.

Without the power of the Reality Gem and Space Gem, they can only be carried in this world for a week, and then they will gradually disappear.

That is the real disappearance, not returning to his original world. Luo Bing of At the moment is very clear about this.

There was too much knowledge in his brain out of thin air, and he also had an unfathomable understanding of the universe and rules.

At the moment when he was worthy of four Infinite Gems, the incomparably powerful knowledge of the universe was instilled in his mind.

There are even some delusions of being "all-knowing and omnipotent".

That feeling is expansive.

Just like drugs.

However, Luo Bing's Self-Control Ability is not ordinary. His Innocent Immortal Body is also immune to all negative interference. Therefore, although the negative energy emanating from Infinite Gems can make him feel it, it will not really be effective for him.

At 2:00 pm, Luo Bing took time to go to the parliament, where he accepted the status of the honorary ball captain. This process was very brief, only wasting ten minutes of his time.

The members of the assembly seemed to understand it very well, each of which was awkward, but they had to continue to maintain various matters for the next whole night.

The tool man Jin and the team are working hard.

It's hard to imagine a bunch of mad scientists, evil rebels who don't eat or sleep like they're doing a great job of honor.

Oh my God.

That was so professional.

It even surpassed Captain Steve, a model worker.

"What a lovely group of rebels, look at the way they work hard, I like this kind of employee who helps the boss make money the most." Luo Bing spread his hands, he and Steve stood outside the fully closed glass window, facing the people in the room. Kim and the team gave a thumbs up of praise.

"Why did you take off the Infinity Gauntlet, isn't that feeling of omniscience and omnipotence?" The captain asked curiously.

For anyone, I'm afraid it's impossible to resist the sense of abundance brought by that kind of knowledge and power.

Not even Steve himself could vouch for it.

"That kind of feeling is very good, but I always feel a little Low, don't you think that style is very dirty? It's like a nouveau riche," Luo Bing asked rhetorically.

"Okay...don't quite understand your aesthetics" Steve blushed.

"It's mainly because it doesn't match the color of my battle suit. I think after Tony's wedding is over, I have to ask him to design a golden battle suit for me, so that it will look better." Luo Bing revealed that he exploited Tony- Stark smile.

The captain rolled his eyes and smiled wryly.

"By the way, Captain, do you want to become stronger?" Luo Bing suddenly thought of something and asked with a smile.

"Definitely, only when you become stronger can you have the ability to protect more people. I always take you as my goal, but the stronger you are, the heavier the burden you have on your shoulders. , I think you know better than I do." Steve smiled and continued to look at the window.

"We are all working hard..." Luo Bing was also a little embarrassed.

"By the way, is the itinerary finalized, and when are you going to look for the other two gems?" Steve asked.

"Wait after Tony's wedding. I won't be absent from that guy's wedding. How about you... How is your relationship with Tony recently?" Luo Bing frowned and asked back.

"I transferred Bucky to Wakanda, and as for Tony, I'll take Bucky and apologize to him"

"I've already missed a dance"

"Won't miss a brother again"

The captain's eyes are deep, and his vision seems to be looking into the distance through the window. There is no sadness or joy on his face, but some traces of the passing of the years, that is --- nostalgia.

"I heard that she later married an anonymous man, don't you mind?" Luo Bing said.

The woman he was talking about was exactly the agent Carter, the captain's first love 70 years ago.

Steve shook his head and said nothing.

He knew in his heart that he was sorry for her.

As for the incognito man, he didn't hold grudges, but envied him for being with Carter all his life.

For Steve, justice is his principle, and Carter... is his dream.

Luo Bing didn't speak, but he knew more. The moment he brought the four gems, he knew a lot of hidden things in the world.

But on this point, Luo Bing is still unable to talk to the captain.

Hey, did you know? The man you envy is you!

"I'll give you a present when you are on your 100th birthday," Luo Bing said, smiling mysteriously, and tapped the upgrade button on Steve's body.

[Ding...A-level super soldier bloodline has been upgraded, S-class Wolverine bloodline has been replaced successfully]

The captain was stunned for a moment, and the whole person passed out on the ground.

Unlike Luo Bing, Luo Bing has upgraded too many abilities and just feels a little uncomfortable, and the captain... I'm afraid 840 is afraid that he will sleep for a day or two.

Luo Bing smiled and walked out of the room.

Outside the door, a young and handsome man has been waiting for him for a long time.

"Hi, Steve" Luo Bing called out to the man.

"Hi, Luo Bing..." The man smiled, the two of them stretched out their right hands at the same time, and held them tightly together.

"How do you feel?" Luo Bing asked.

"Thank you for your birthday gift, I have no regrets in my life..." the man said, turning his head to look at himself and smiling.

What a lucky kid.

In this troubled world, I met Luo Bing, a friend.

His seventy years of being frozen have become warm again.

The two chatted and reminisced. After a while, the man left. Three bone spurs stretched out from the back of his hand and slid down the hard walls of the Avengers Building.

Below that, there is a quaint old-fashioned foreign car waiting for him.

A young woman was sitting in the car.

That's agent Carter.

At the moment, Luo Bing looked over, Carter's agent smiled sensually, and blew a kiss toward the top floor.

It was a grateful kiss.

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