Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 178 Be My Tool Man

The light on TonyTWO lasted for about three seconds, and then gradually disappeared.

He looked at his hands in disbelief.

I can't tell exactly what has changed, but I feel that everything is different. It seems that the 2G network has been switched to 5G fiber all at once, and the world in his eyes has become more real.

In fact, it is a problem of integration.

Now TonyTWO has truly integrated into this world and has been accepted by the real universe.

"Cool, I have a question, if getting six Infinite Gems together is really omnipotent, can a snap of your fingers create a stone that can't be lifted by the power of six gems?" Peter didn't know where to hear it The news, ran over, enthusiastically raised his hand to send out his own questions.

A group of people looked at him speechlessly.

It's just that you have a lot of shit, and you are bored, right?


Chat with Deadpool!

"Where are the remaining two gems? You should be clear, right?"" Luo Bing looked at TonyTWO and asked.

TonyTwo hesitated, then nodded.

"If it is calculated at this time, the power gem should be kept by the Star-Lord in the headquarters of the Nova Corps of Xandar, but soon, Thanos will bloody Xandar and grab it. gem"

"Also, Soul Gem stays on Vormir, but if you want to get that gem, you have to pass the test of the caretaker, but I don't know what kind of test it is," Tonytwo said.

Then, he called up J.A.R.V.I.S, spread out the cosmic star map, and marked the locations of two other Infinite Gems.

"Nova Corps?"

Luo Bing frowned.

At the moment Phil-Phil Coulson is still on that planet, and if Thanos is going to invade that planet, it looks like he'll have to go.

But he wasn't in a hurry about that.

For Luo Bing, who is now assigned four Infinite Gems, going to Nova Corps is just a matter of opening a wormhole door.

Even without the Space gem, Luo Bing originally could reach Nova Corps very quickly.

The main problem now is the otherworld guests in this world.


The Reality Gem radiated a bright light, and soon Luo Bing locked onto a creature that did not belong to this reality.

Then, the Space gem lit up again, and a group of confused figures were all teleported to the Avengers Building, and their faces seemed to be hesitant and confused.

That's Kim and the gang...

Poor children, what have happened to them since they came to this world.

The plan was not well equipped, and it was attacked by a meteorite that fell from the sky.

Immediately after, a few escaped by chance, and were pulled over by a snap of their fingers.

Infinite Gems... really scary.

Especially the power of Reality Gem, its power is really exaggerated, it can turn all reality into illusory, and can turn all illusory into reality.

Repeatedly upside down.

"This is..." Jin and two looked around vigilantly, looking at the Avengers who were watching them, a drop of cold sweat dripping down his back.

what happened?

what's the situation?

Just now, they were still discussing the difficult situation in a gloomy basement, but why did they come here all of a sudden?

Can anyone give me an explanation?

"Hey, troublemaker, good morning" Luo Bing called Roar, not too enthusiastic.

Jin and: ""

This kind of operation... even the Avengers on the side were stunned.

what happened?


Afterwards, they had to sigh at the horror of Infinite Gems, which was something that went against common sense.

So unscientific!

"Um...what are these people going to do?" Steve asked subconsciously.

The main reason is that now whether it is an insane asylum or a prison, all that should be filled are already filled.

And... you criminals of the Otherworld, imprisoned in this world, don't look very suitable.


In the eyes of the Avengers, this group of people is already a group of captives, although they do not have any shackles and restraints on their bodies.

Ask for flowers...0


There seems to be no difference.

The four gems on the Infinity Gauntlet provide Luo Bing with unlimited power over time, reality, space, and mind, but for parallel worlds, sorry... that doesn't seem to be within the purview of Infinite Gems.

That's two different things.

At least with the power of four Infinite Gems, it is impossible to pass through another parallel space.

I really don't know how the black technology of Doctor Octopus does all this.


"Isn't it Jin? From the captives caught last night, you seem to want to make a big guy. I heard that you are worried about the material?" Luo Bing smiled.

"Well... there are a lot of materials here, hurry up and do it." Luo Bing spread his hands, listening to Jin Bing and his group with a puzzled expression.


what does it mean!

What the hell are you doing with the expression on your face!

We are rivals! Bastards!

Don't need your help!

Damn! Who do you look down on!

"I see, let them build that machine and send us back?"

"But how are you going to make sure they don't play around with it?" Tonytwo asked hesitantly.

Luo Bing shrugged, and the light of Mind Gem flashed past. Jin Bing and his group, who had been aggressive, shrank in an instant, and their pupils turned golden yellow.

"Okay, Master" A group of Otherworld criminals bowed their heads honestly, willing to be tool men.

This is the power of Mind Gem.

"Uh..." TonyTwo was dumbfounded, but he forgot about it.

When this thing was in the hands of Loki, it also controlled some people, but in the hands of Thanos, it did not play the effect of Mind Gem.


I heard that he was the last to get the Mind Gem, so maybe he won't be able to use it at all by then.


This ability to control people's hearts is really weird.

Especially when mounted on the Infinity Gauntlet, it is much more powerful than the Loki scepter.

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