Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 172 Use the Talker to Handle the Talker

Three streams of light streak across the sky, targeting the place where the meteorite landed in Queens.

That's Luo Bing and Thor, and the New Quinque fighter full of Avengers.


Luo Bing landed in a messy place. At the moment, the smoke at the scene had not yet dissipated, and the fiery red meteorite was still emitting a considerable amount of heat.

This is just an ordinary and unremarkable little planet of Vibranium.

That's right... Tai particles have fallen from the sky, and what is a small Vibranium planet in the sky? It's not surprising.

What Luo Bing really cares about is not this little Vibranium planet, but a few parallel world visitors lying on their backs in the crater with limited mobility.

Among them, four lucky ones have already died. It is estimated that by next year, the grass on their graves will be one meter high, and the premise is that someone must erect a grave for them.

There were 8 people who were still alive and whose limbs were still intact. They were strangely shaped, and were quickly recognized by the Spider-mans of the Otherworld.

However, unfortunately, it seems that there are still more than a dozen people who escaped the past while taking advantage of the thick smoke.

"Are you satisfied with my present?" Luo Bing shrugged, looking at the pool of rotten flesh under his feet, his eyes glanced over, and fell on the not so lucky Slaughter.

In general, half of the body of this family's 827 group has been crushed under the meteorite, but he is still stubbornly alive, because his body is fluid, just like water, the reason why he stayed, really tried to wriggle. The body, freeing the other half from under the meteorite, although it has been scorched and smelled by the surface temperature of the meteorite.

"Damn! I won't let you go!" Zha shouted at Luo Bing, his body quickly split into seven or eight parts, and fled in all directions.

"Want to go?"

Luo Bing shook his head, his body flickered in place for a moment, and then, he put all the slaughter branches into glassware.

It was so hard to escape right under his nose.

"What kind of means is this..." TonyTWO looked eagerly at the Vibranium meteorite in front of him, his surprise beyond words, he swallowed and looked at Luo Bing beside him.

This guy usually hits people with meteorites?

It's too scary...

"Brother Luo, 12 creatures from parallel worlds were found around, among which there are traces of fleeing towards the surroundings on the ground, Quicksilver has already chased" little Spider-Man ran over (befa) and reported.

"Well, very good, solve it quickly, lock up these living guys and interrogate them properly" Luo Bing waved his hand and motioned Peter to step back.

A tick for a tick.

You bombed my Avengers Tower with a high-tech bomb.

I attacked with a meteor, is it not too much???

The poor rebels, who just came to this world and haven't gone out for a walk, were cleaned up with lightning speed.

The weapon of causality is too terrifying.

What's more, they gathered together to discuss ways and means to deal with Luo Bing.

Isn't this a mess?

Luo Bing's luck not only affects himself, but also brings bad luck to anyone who has bad thoughts on him.

"Found two guys in the distance, I caught them" Thor flew all the way, with Venom and Deadpool in his hands.

"Wait a minute! Misunderstanding!

"We're good people!" Eddie yelled, as if trying to explain.

However, due to the excitement, the venom armor automatically covered his whole body.

Oh...god...this reptilian virtue doesn't seem to have anything to do with good people.

And there's the pervert on the side who doesn't wear pants...

Would such a person be funny???

"All locked up" Luo Bing just glanced at it, and then quickly made a decision.

The Stark Disaster Disaster Management Company came right after, picking up the wreckage on the ground, even the corpses were not spared, and they were all loaded into the armed escort vehicle.

They are responsible for post-war clean-up and victim protection, and are a recently created department under the Avengers.

"It smells so bad..." Quicksilver pinched his nose and quickly appeared in front of Luo Bing.

"I lost it...but I found this thing," he said, lifting a huge amount of mechanical octopus arm to Luo Bing.

"Put it away, let's go here first today" Luo Bing nodded, although he didn't wipe out the rebels from these parallel worlds, he was already satisfied.

In just over half an hour, it is very good to be able to harvest so much.

And they have also captured a lot of prisoners, and they should be able to get a lot of information from their mouths.

"Come on!" Luo Bing shouted, and the Kunshi took off again.

Only Thor was left at the scene to maintain the situation and cooperate with the post-disaster handling troops to prevent the enemy from returning.

At 11 o'clock that night, the Avengers Building was still brightly lit, and the interrogation and various matters were busy.

"No way... I really can't stand that guy named Deadpool, let someone else interrogate him." Model worker Steve wanted to strike with a lifeless expression.

no way...

The stinky and talkative Deadpool is Steve's nemesis.

He didn't ask anything, and he was so angry.

"As for that Eddie, he looks like a good guy, and I also found his template in this world. Coincidentally, he and Peter work in the same newspaper," Steve continued.

"If the intelligence he said is true, then there should be 9 guys from parallel universes left out now."

Steve spread his hands, a little helpless.

"I see..." Luo Bing nodded, looked at the pointer in the hall that was about to turn to 12 o'clock, and patted the captain's shoulder meaningfully.

"It's hard for you... As for that Deadpool... Sigh, let Peter go and interrogate him," Luo Bing said after thinking for a while.

"Peter? No... he can't, he's just a kid, and he doesn't know how to interrogate." Steve frowned.

"Maybe, but there are always exceptions.

"Talking have to talk tuberculosis to deal with"

Luo Bing reluctantly looked at Steve, who suddenly realized and smiled wryly.

"I see... I can really try it, haha...'

Immediately afterwards, he called Peter and gave him an extremely important task.

little Spider-Man is very happy and eager to try.

Immediately after...

Half an hour later, just before 12:00, Luo Bing was waiting for the system to recover, and a message came to Luo Bing's ears.


Deadpool and Spider-man...the sworn swastika....

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