Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 162 Tony2?

However, Tony has also become accustomed to Luo Bing's astonishing and unstoppable speech.

Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something, and with a smirk, poked Luo Bing's arm with his elbow.

"Boss, I'm about to get married, have you dealt with your complicated relationship between men and women?

"When are you going to get married? Why don't you two make a big scene together?"

Luo Bing's face darkened when he heard this: "Take care of yourself, I'm still a minor"

"Yes yes yes, underage, not at all"

"Mr. Minor, if you take office as the captain tomorrow, you will directly announce a bill with the authority of the captain, so that men in this world can have multiple wives, then it is justifiable." Tony raised his eyebrows and suggested with a smirk. road.

"I'll tell Xiao Chili, you still want to marry a little wife." Luo Bing rolled his eyes and snorted coldly.

"No no no no, boss! I promise, I have absolutely no idea of ​​that! I'm just working for the benefit of men all over the world! This is justice!

"That's what the Avengers are supposed to do!" Tony yelled eagerly.

"Da da da da..." Wang 827da walked over on high heels.

"I really want to hear you talk about some big things, what is it, do you need my help?" The little witch ran over excitedly and asked in a low voice.


As a new Avenger, she has always been very boring and has no tasks. The whole thing is to train and train. Now Wanda just wants to hit a big thing, and then play her strength well and get rid of revenge. The name of the newcomer.

"It's none of your business, let's play while" Luo Bing frowned and said coldly.

"Brother-in-law, you're bullying me again! I'm angry, I'll go tell my sister that you and that Dr. Hailun Zhao are flirting with each other!" Wanda said angrily with her arms crossed.

Luo Bing: 66

What the hell is this? I haven't seen Dr. Zhao Hailun much in the past two weeks, okay??

"Dr. Zhao Hailun is quite good, with the charm of an oriental beauty." Tony nodded in agreement.

"Boss, you have a good eye! 99

"Good girl!

"(befa) Get out of here!

Luo Bing, with a black line on his head, kicked Tony directly into the crack in the void, then he turned his head and looked at Wanda speechlessly: "Wanda... stop spreading rumors, okay... I'm very tired. "

"Humph" Wanda rolled her eyes and turned her head to the side.

"Then why don't you assign me some important tasks, I'm dying of boredom, and you won't let me go when you go to establish diplomatic relations with aliens. If you don't take me with you, I won't cause trouble!"

Wanda's words are righteous, and she can see that she is full of resentment.

"The universe is very dangerous, let's talk about it... Do you know how to establish diplomatic relations, it's even more boring, now you are still on the earth, you can turn around at will, when you get to the spaceship, the boring Flight will make you even more crazy, just think for yourself Now, if you stay in an airtight cabin for a few weeks, or even a few months, can you sit still? Luo Bing sighed, heartbroken.

"But..." Wanda hesitated, thinking seriously about the picture Luo Bing described, and his dissatisfaction with the previous arrangement gradually dissipated.

"But I'm bored...I want to fight the bad guys too, there aren't many bad guys on the planet anymore, and there's not even a single homeless person on the streets of New York! Wanda complained.

"Isn't that very good?" Luo Bing rolled his eyes, how many people dream of a peaceful and prosperous world, are you still not happy?

"It's good...but it's boring..."

"And if it goes on like this, won't we be unemployed... When the world doesn't need superhero anymore, what are we going to do? Wanda asked with a sullen mouth.

"Unemployed? That would be the best" Luo Bing smiled.

When human beings no longer need superhero, that is the real prosperous age, why doesn't he wish that day would come earlier?

Maybe at that time, I can hide behind the scenes, raise cats, dogs, and farm fields, have children with a few women, and live a comfortable life as a dad.

But will that day really come?

Earth, which currently has four Infinite Gems, will definitely be the eye of the storm in the vortex.

Luo Bing knew this very well.

"Chichichi..." The space suddenly fluctuated abnormally.

Luo Bing frowned and looked at the portal behind him.

Is it unstable?

The spatial frequency band this time is different from the usual one, and there is a big difference.

"Zizzizi..." The function system of the Avengers Building became disordered, the lights flickered and dimmed for a moment, and it gradually returned to normal after three to five seconds.

Will the Avengers Tower lose power?

No... this is absolutely a fantasy, even if cities all over the world have power outages, there will be no power outages here.

After all, a large Ark reactor is installed in the fifth basement of the Avengers Building.

There will be no power outages here for at least a thousand years!

"What happened just now? Is there an earthquake?" Wanda also sensed something was wrong, she frowned and looked in the direction of the portal.

It was a new device that everyone had been using frequently in the past week, but she felt that something was wrong just now.


The figure of a fly File size shuttled through the door of the teleportation base, and then gradually became larger, and a person in a white steel uniform was clearly visible and fell to the ground.

"Bang" made a sound.


Looking at the familiar faces in the white armor, Luo Bing frowned deeper.

What's the situation? Did I accidentally kick him into the gap of another dimension? Why is it so embarrassing, the mecha on my body is also damaged in all aspects, and... this armor... It seems that I have never seen him Wear it, new product?

"Stark?" Wanda stepped forward gently and lifted the man from the ground.

"How did you do it, and did you do any experiments?"

The 'Tony' who was lifted up looked bewildered, first glanced at Wanda beside him, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

"Oh... God... I survived"

"By the way, how many years is it now?"

Tony-Stark opened his helmet, looked around, and asked eagerly.

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