Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 150 Robin Miracle No. 1 Potion

"Are you all right?" Luo Bing bent down to pick up the information on the ground,

This kind of thing rarely happens to him, which is why he is absent-minded today. Normally, he can always react in advance and pick up the document before it hits the ground.

"It's okay, it's okay" Zhao Hailun was overjoyed and looked at Luo Bing shyly, not even paying much attention to what he handed over, and handed it to Steve next to him.

Steve had a question mark on his head... He looked at the document in his hand inexplicably, with a blank expression on his face.

"By the way, let me introduce you, this is Dr. Helen Zhao, it's the first time you two have met." Steve coughed lightly to break the embarrassment.

"Dr. Zhao Hailun?" Luo Bing was a little unexpected. In his impression, doctors are generally bald middle-aged people with dark circles under their eyes, especially those who have reached such a high rank.

Like Banner, he already has a lot of white hair on his head, but it's not very obvious on the back of his head. Luo Bing never expected that Dr. Banner would be as young and beautiful as Zhao Hailun, whom he admired.

She is really beautiful. Maybe Americans have different aesthetics, but in the East, she looks like a fairy, mature and charming.

"Hello, Mr. Robin." Zhao Hailun stretched out her right hand nervously, her little heart beating in disappointment.

As the only Asian in the Avengers, Robin is also a heavyweight leader. Robin's popularity in Europe and the United States is exaggerated, but it is far less crazy than in Asia.

In those places, every household treats him like a god.

Not to mention other things, Luo Bing's beauty beyond the international aesthetics alone is enough to make a complete girl sleepless at night.

Obviously Zhao Hailun is also a crazy admirer of Luo Bing, she is so nervous that her calf is shaking now.

Even a doctor's temperament can't stand it!

"Hello, my name is Luo Bing, not Robin... It's just a matter of pronunciation," Luo Bing explained awkwardly and shook hands with Zhao Hailun.

Her palms already had a layer of fine sweat, sticky and tender.

"Oh? Is that so? I'm sorry, I'm rude, monk with mule disease..." Zhao Hailun repeatedly called Luo Bing's name over and over again, and used the Chinese pronunciation.

Luo Bing:

"Forget it, you'd better call me Robin"

Luo Bing is ashamed, there are too many languages ​​in the world, and each country's pronunciation is different...

Compared with her strange pronunciation, Robin is more accepting.

Luo Bing wanted to draw out his hand, but the opponent's grip was too tight, and he even started to hold his hand nervously with both hands.

As a gentleman, Luo Bing couldn't take his hand out of the opponent's hand, so... the scene at the scene became very embarrassing.

Steve rolled his eyes helplessly, holding the information like a white-collar errand runner.

Fortunately, when Banner heard the movement here, he ran over excitedly, and excitedly pulled Luo Bing's arm towards the laboratory.

He's crazy, his hair is if that's what Dr. Liver is supposed to be like.

"Amazing, Robin, you can't imagine, this potion is amazing!!!"

While dragging Luo Bing forward, he shouted excitedly.

His expression was as if he had seen the miracle of the 21st century, even after the victory in the New York War, he had never experienced the madness.

Luo Bing may not be able to understand, for a biologist, what the HP recovery medicine represents, it is the joy and excitement that cannot be described in words.

Fortunately, the reckless Banner broke this awkward situation, allowing Luo Bing to escape from the crazy little girl Zhao Hailun.

"It's a miracle brought about by God, oh, no, it should be Robin's miracle. In fact, I think the name is so appropriate. This is Robin's Miracle No. 1. His efficacy has been proved by trial and error. One-tenth of the normal HP recovery potion!

"And it's also mass-produced!"

"But the most important thing is not these! The important thing is that Dr. Zhao Hailun and I found too many unknown ingredients in the ingredients of HP medicine. Those factors have powerful effects such as killing cancer cells."

"Oh, my God, I really can't describe to you how excited I am at At the moment, just this small bottle of medicine can solve almost all diseases imaginable in the world, even genetic diseases have improved signs!"

I don't know if it's because Peter officially joined Avengers...

Luo Bing always felt that everyone in the Avengers Building became talkative, which made him a little helpless.

Even the honest and steady Dr. Banner at the moment became talkative.

He held a bottle of reddish shimmering liquid and waved his hands like a counterfeit drug dealer.

Definitely... spidering the whole crew is just a joke, it's really that Dr. Banner at the moment is so excited that he can't even describe his excitement in a good way of expressing himself.

"Okay, well done, it seems that we have to consider the issue of population aging in advance." Luo Bing smiled and was very satisfied.

"It's hard work, Dr. Zhao Hailun, Dr. Banner, so let's call everyone to celebrate tonight." He praised, patted Banner's shoulder, and looked at Zhao Hailun with admiration.

Zhao Hailun, who was on the side, was already dominated by the six gods, and smirked in a daze.

"Hulk is also working hard!" The green fat man roared from Banner's body.

Now Hulk and Banner have reached a good cooperative relationship, and even for some laborious instrument manipulation, Banner will Hulk a pair of green arms to work for him.

This time Robin Miracle No. 1 not only has the credit of the HP recovery potion, but also the reason why he was able to mass-produce it, Hulk's Hulk Serum also played a huge amount of role in its 810.

The perfect integration of the two has the current effect.

"Definitely, Hulk is great too!" Luo Bing laughed out loud and touched Banner--- Hulk's head.

Hulk is only the IQ of a three-year-old child, and he needs to be encouraged often, otherwise the little guy will lose his temper, but in general, after so many days of running-in, Banner and Hulk have become inseparable. .

Hulk and Banner, both Avengers babies.


"I've informed Stark that maybe we can hold a press conference to announce this exciting news to the world! Steve is also very happy, and it has always been Avengers' original goal to benefit humanity on Earth.

Now, they can not only prevent and protect, but also solve the pain of human disease, why not do it.

"Okay, when Tony arrives, make the following plan, and let our new members meet with everyone." Luo Bing nodded, agreeing with Banner's suggestion.

Although Avengers has been silently protecting all mankind.

But it can't really derail the human beings on Earth.

As a heroic organization, it can't be too ordinary, definitely not too mythical, Luo Bing wants to let people all over the world know that Avengers has always been with them.

At the same time, it can also effectively sound a wake-up call to sneak criminals all over the world.

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