Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 144 2 minutes to solve the battle

"No! I have to kill more slowly, these are aliens who managed to get to Earth!" Luo Bing thought to himself, and exited the speed force state.

However, at this time, the galactic battleship in the sky turned around, and there were already signs of speeding away.

"Hey, you can't go!

Luo Bing frowned, and went directly to the interior of the battleship.

Two minutes later...

Luo Bing sat silently on the ruins of a battleship, feeling very depressed.

Knowing that these guys were so weak, he would have taken a little more power.

If the dark elves didn't want to escape, Luo Bing might be able to play with them for more than ten minutes.

"It's over?" Tony and ∼ T'Challa ran over.

The devastated battlefield in front of them seems to be proclaiming what they have just experienced -.

"Too weak" Luo Bing complained.


Black Panther:

Is that the enemy is too weak?

You are obviously too strong, right?

Can you be a little self-aware!?

Thousands of soldiers in Wakanda froze in place, not knowing what to think.

Black Panther also vaguely knew about the strength of Black Knight, and Wakanda could not hear any information from the outside world in this closed country.

They looked at the man smoking a cigarette on the ruins of a local battleship as if they were looking up to a god.

How invincible and lonely his back is!

What a godlike man.

"Boss, I don't remember that you like to smoke? Did you encounter any troubles?" Tony landed on the ruins of the spaceship, and it was a pity to look at the galactic battleship under his feet, but he was used to it.

Luo Bing ignored him, with black lines all over his face.

this damn...

It took less than five minutes to solve the battle!

What's the time for this!

Not enough time to even go to the toilet!


To be honest, Luo Bing seems to have never been to the toilet since he obtained the immortal body without scale.

When the food reaches his body, it will be automatically decomposed into energy, and there is no excess residue.

Well... hell on the subject.

Luo Bing is now thinking about where he should go today?

It is impossible to go back to Marbury Castle for the time being. Let the women explain to each other first. Luo Bing is really not good at dealing with those problems.

"No, boss... you won't be unhappy because I rejected you..."

"Come on, women are better than men!" Tony shuddered, wondering what he was thinking.

"???" Luo Bing didn't say anything, his eyes looked straight at him, his eyes were like cold stars, exuding a biting cold light.

"Ahahaha... just kidding, just kidding..." Tony wiped the cold sweat from his brow.

At that moment just now, he really had a sense of death.

No... Listening to Peter's nagging a lot, since when did I learn this quirk?

No no no!

Never fall into this habit!

"Thank you." Black Panther looked around the battlefield and nodded towards Luo Bing.

Luo Bing nodded, threw away the fruit cigarette in his hand, and returned to normal, frowning as he looked around at the sea of ​​corpses around him.

The dark elves who were cut in two by him were only in the early 1000s.

As a group...that's too few.

Will there be any other hidden powers?

Luo Bing did not know that he had just cut off the head of the dark elf leader with one sword, killing the most powerful cursed warrior of the dark elf with one sword.

He himself was amazed at his speed.


Breakthrough again...?

It is precisely because of the further breakthrough in speed that the huge dark elf fleet in Luo Bing's hands is as simple as chopping melons and vegetables.

Luo Bing entered the speed force state, and everything around him became quiet.

He could even see the golden light left by the sun shining in front of him, and it was too fast to be clearly captured by Luo Bing.

Time didn't stop flowing, but everything around it became so slow, so slow that it almost stood still.

That's why Luo Bing can cut all the targets as quickly as cutting vegetables.

"I don't know if I can go faster than the speed of light"

Luo Bing Roar took a deep breath, wrapped his body with divine power, and instantly ran into the distance.


The speed of light is seven times around the earth in one second!

Everything was going backwards quickly in front of Luo Bing's eyes. This time, he didn't waste any time on the way, he just wanted to test his speed.

normal time flow rate.

Tony only felt that Luo Bing's figure seemed to fluctuate a few times like a TV with no electricity. He thought he was dazzled, rubbed his eyes, but found that Luo Bing had already disappeared.

"This is..."


Luo Bing looked at the passage around him curiously.

What was staged in that channel was the previous scenes.

When the dark elves invaded, Luo Bing was not there at all, and he did not have these memories in his memory.

But why can I see it.


Is it time?

Running too fast, time has reversed?

Luo Bing's eyes narrowed slightly, he seemed to hear a strange cry coming from the passage, he frowned, the speed force receded from him, and the whole person returned to the normal time flow.

"You're back." Stark had taken it for granted.

"How long have I been away?" Luo Bing asked.

"Two or three seconds, what's wrong? Did something happen?" Stark asked curiously.

"It's okay" Luo Bing shook his head.

It seemed that the time in the passage was still, and he wasted more than ten seconds just looking around at that place.

"In other words, as long as I am fast enough, I can reverse time?" Luo Bing frowned and touched his chin.

His time ability can manipulate the flow of time before and after for five minutes.

Although Luo Bing never turned the dial back five minutes.

After many experiments, Luo Bing usually calls this ability a rollback.

That's right, it's like he's stuck all over again, things will change because of him, but it won't cause any additional errors.

However... the feeling of just touching the time node is very different.

It seems that if Luo Bing changes a little, it will affect the normal trajectory of the current world, which involves concepts such as the butterfly effect and parallel universes.

Luo Bing disappeared in an instant and went to the holy mountain of the Himalayas.

He needs the Ancient One magician, a wise man to solve his doubts and.

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