Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 129 Black Panther: Meow Meow Meow? 【45】

A group of people looked strange.

It even felt a little absurd.

Really can't understand Luo Bing's behavior, because it all looks like a child playing a house.

Not to mention rigor and logic, it seems that even the assumptions are not next to each other.

If this person wasn't Luo Bing, they all thought he was making fun of him.

"Actually, luck is also one of my super abilities," Luo Bing explained.

"You are this really reliable?" Carol frowned. In the previous cosmic drifting, she had seen Luo Bing's luck many times. Although she felt incredible, she still felt All this is incomprehensible.

"Isn't good luck super Ability?" little Spider-Man didn't know when he woke up, scratched his head and asked.

"Good luck is not a super Ability, but if you are very lucky, it is fine." Luo Bing didn't know how to explain it.

Simply, he kicked the void with one kick.

"Friday, let me randomly buy hundreds of lottery tickets all over the world that will be drawn within an hour"

Luo Bing gave an order first, then turned to look at the crowd.

"In advance, I absolutely did not use any means of exploration. Now I will open my luck and show you the treasures of the world."

"Follow me all"

The black hole enveloped everyone, and everyone disappeared in the Avengers Building.

The space is distorted, and everyone appears in the depths of the ground.


"Where is this? It's so dark" Tony pressed the power supply on his chest, and everything in front of him was presented in front of everyone.

"Oh Maiga? Diamond Mine???"

The underground diamond mines that have spread for more than several kilometers have blinded everyone's eyes.

"This is West Africa" ​​Stark looked at the satellite positioning on his mobile phone and silently recorded the location.

The void distorted again, swallowing everyone in.

Twenty thousand miles under the Pacific Ocean, Luo Bing used his magic power to open up a small space.

"This is! The sinking of the Titan Nick!! 35

Stark silently memorized the location.

The void was then twisted, and everyone came to a random place.

"FUCK! Underground oil! What kind of oil reserve is this! The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia! I don't know who scolded it.

Stark marked again.

The void closed, and a group of people walked out of the exit.

"This time what... eh? Inside the Pyramids? This is..." Stark frowned.

"This is the Tutkamon Mausoleum. It is said that it was built more than 3,300 years ago. I always thought it was a story. Anything that is buried here will eclipse the whole American museum! Dr. Banner's eyes widened. , coveted looking at the golden throne in front of him.

There is also the gem scepter of the Egyptian pharaohs on it.

The corners of everyone's mouth twitched slightly.


This is only a small part, Luo Bing once again disappeared with everyone in an instant.

This magical journey directly subverted their three views.

Pirate treasure in Port Royal.

The lost crown of the British royal family.

A jade seal handed down from China.

Rare minerals under arctic glaciers.

Countless gold and diamond mines.

An hour later, J.A.R.V.I.S and Friday reminded at the same time that all the lottery tickets Luo Bing had purchased before had won the first prize, with a total prize pool of 371.22 billion.

Everyone's eyes on Luo Bing changed.

They were all too shocked to speak.

The last teleportation.

"Uh? Vibranium? A lot of Vibranium? Wait... where is this place? Are we on alien?" Stark frowned.

Steve on the side looked at the Vibranium shield in his hand with a blank expression.

Now even his unique shield has become a piece of shit???

"Wakanda" Fury said.

"This is an independent country, and a meteorite fell here many years ago, with a lot of Vibranium elements and alien technology, and since then, Wakanda has developed rapidly."

"However, this country is closed to the outside world, and it was only by chance that I established contact with them."

"Speaking of which...I have to mention one person, my lieutenant Phil Coulson, who is still here for treatment," Fury said.

"Phil Coulson is not dead (befa)???" the Avengers questioned.

It was the death of Phil Coulson that brought them back to their senses from the Loki scepter, so they were very impressed.

Especially Steve, that had a big impact on Steve.

"What happened to Phil Coulson?" Luo Bing asked the same question.

He had absolutely no idea that something was wrong with the good old man.

"Uh...a bit embarrassing, actually I thought he was helpless at the time, after all, there was such a big hole in the chest, but something happened after that, I met the current king of Wakanda and sent Phil Coulson over here,” Nick Fury explained.

"Go out and have a look." Luo Bing disappeared with a group of people and came to the outside world.

"Who!" A group of soldiers with spears immediately surrounded them, dressed in neat uniforms, with strange colored strips painted on their faces.

There are many high-rise buildings here, full of technology wind, and the defensive force field in the sky is even better than the one built by Stark.

But it's not comparable at all, Stark's stuff is all over the world.

"I'm Nick Fury, hey, my people, these are the Avengers, I know your king T'Challa." One-eyed Black Braised Egg immediately took out his credentials from his bosom.

The dozen or so silver-armored blacks were silent, then abruptly pressed the communication button beside their ears and nodded.

"Please come with me, the king already knows about your visit," the soldier said, leading the way.

Soon, a woman wearing golden armor and holding a golden spear came up, followed by T'Challa, who was wearing a black robe with a necklace of teeth around her neck, and his quirky sister, Princess Shu Rui.

"The Avengers, and Director Nick Fury, nice to meet you." T'Challa smiled kindly, folded his hands in front of him, looking very gentlemanly.

Princess Su Rui on the side looked at Luo Bing curiously with admiration in her eyes.

"Is Phil Coulson okay?" Luo Bing asked the question he cared about.

"He's very stable, if nothing else, he'll recover within a month, and he's still sleeping, but I'm curious... How did you find out about this place, and it seems to have avoided the defense system? T' Challa asked suspiciously.

For the king of a territory, the security of his own territory is the first important thing.

Especially the Avengers who appeared on the street inexplicably, which made T'Challa suspect that there might be a loophole in his defense system.

"Don't ask, I'll take you to your treasure house if you ask me"

"Take me to see Phil Coulson, now that HYDRA has so many troubles, don't take a vacation like a Deadman lying in bed," Luo Bing said, snapped his fingers, and a bottle of HP recovery potion appeared in his hand .

Black Panther: "Meow meow???

What do you mean, take me to my treasure house???.

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