Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 109 Heroes Return!!!

"Damn! Where the hell did that bastard go! Why hasn't he come back!" Skye cursed angrily, the Vibe energy in her body was used to the extreme by her, and her whole body was aching slightly.

"Fuck, where have you been, boss!" Tony's tense nerves almost collapsed, and his tone was full of ecstasy!

"Next" Luo Bing waved his hand, and a large number of special arrows piled up into a small mountain and fell behind Barton.

Twenty thousand civilians were safely brought into shelters.

At the moment, the Avengers are running out of time to manage the portal, and everyone is caught up in an intense battle.

"Great! You're back Robin! Now there are 20,000 survivors!" Fury breathed a sigh of relief, and even the members of the council let out a sigh of relief, and slumped on the seat.

Skye and Polaris even Natasha Romanoff's faces darkened instantly.

"Roar!!" Green Fatty got angry, turned around and pressed Black Dwarf to the ground again.

Communicator Tony and Fury's conversation reached everyone's ears, and everyone's Avengers' faces became even more gloomy.

Just at the moment, the familiar voice of the communicator reached everyone's ears, and a ray of light instantly lit up in the hearts of all the Avengers.

In the more than 20 minutes of fighting, he almost ran out of energy.

"Come on!" Thor's wound healed quickly after drinking the potion, and even the divine power in his body gradually became abundant.

The big sword stared even more, as if it were real!

"Wow...that feels so good!"

"Awesome!!" All the MPs in Parliament went crazy Roar!!

their hero!

came back!!!

"How many civilians are still on the run now!" Stark didn't ask who the rescuers were, he didn't have time to ask so much in a hurry.

But within twenty seconds, all the beasts above their heads lost their skills and fell from the sky.

The sword light flickered, and the monster's head was chopped into pieces.

Everyone was taken aback by Thor's name Roar, their eyes constantly jumping between the two figures.

His arrows have long been exhausted.

Faced with an almost identical scenario.

Not only Captain America, but everyone else can't understand the current situation.

"Ah... It's great to have him in this world..." Senator Qin slumped on the chair.

The golden Susa armor rose from the ground, and the 100-meter giant was covered in armor, with a golden sword lying in his hand.

"I could play all day and night!" Steve yelled, pumping up all his strength.

"Zizzizi..." A lot of lightning was draped on the MK8, and the energy charge was 300%!!!

But it was a universe that was broken by the author, and it can't be regarded as the normal speed of The Flash.


"Give me the camera and I'll shoot it myself!!99

Luo Bing said to the communicator.

All the civilians surrounding the TV broadcast shouted the name of that person loudly and excitedly!

"What! What just happened???" Steve asked incomprehensibly.

Susanoo - Complete Body!

Luo Bing instantly entered the speed force.

20,000 civilians...

"I..." Barton held a small pistol helplessly.

"Oh god, I just love him to death"

"Twenty thousand! Give it to me!"

"Hey guys... heard I disappeared for two months, did you miss me?"

There are too many...

"Twenty thousand more! Hold on!" Fury gave the death order!

Tony took off the mask and drank it too, feeling full of energy all of a sudden, but this thing can't solve the energy problem of his Mark's armor.

That time in Queens, Luo Bing single-handedly saved tens of thousands of people, but that time it took half an hour!

In the DC Comics Unconventional Universe, Flash moved 532,000 people to a mountain 35 miles away in 0.00001 microseconds.

But now!

What happened during this period (befa)!!

Luo Bing is undoubtedly more reassurance in everyone's heart.

Sharpshooter... half useless.

It's all just because he's so fast!

"Boom boom..."

If you run fast enough! He can even turn back time! Go back in time!

"The ground is handed over to you!

"Roar!!" Black Dwarf pressed the green fat to the ground again and hammered.

That's 9.99 trillion times the speed of light!!!

Big Mouth James' blood boiled.


In comparison, Luo Bing is still tens of billions of light-years away, but he is so, and his speed close to the speed of light at the moment limit is extremely exaggerated!

"Guys! Here's the Daily Bugle! Yes, you read that right, BatMan is back!! Our hero has appeared!! 39

With lasers constantly passing by his body, Stark is already busy dealing with these enemies.

"What brother-in-law? You should call me Roar!" Luo Bing almost fell from the sky. Where did this brother-in-law get the name Roar!


After receiving it, everyone did not hesitate, and instantly fell into their mouths.

This battle must end first! The source of it must be destroyed!!!.

What's more, they have nothing to do with indestructible portals.


I don't know how long I will survive...

"Stark! Can you hear it Stark! Hold on! Rescue will be here soon! Protect the civilians now!"" Fury yelled into the comm.

The two have never stopped, and their strengths are comparable!

He didn't know the complicated relationship of the Odin family.

Fury slumped completely to the ground.

Just three seconds!

Luo Bing's figure appeared in the sky above the city!

Brush brush!

It has reached an unimaginable level.

"Thor, I'm charging!" Stark yelled at Thor.

"Brother-in-law! You're back!! Thor yelled from the spire.

More and more Kirita giant beasts emerged from the black hole, and from a distance, it seemed that there were ten giant beasts soaring in the sky.

It was the same last time!

The situation is getting more and more serious, and there is not so much time left for him to think.

His figure was walking back and forth on the three streets, and time slowed down around him.

The golden light shines everywhere! Luo Bing instantly appeared in front of the kilometer-long Kirita giant beast and slashed it down!

"Actually, even I was a little surprised at my speed, but this state won't last long, it's already reached its limit," Luo Bing said, and was kicked out by Speed ​​Force.

Facing the tens of thousands of Kirita army, even they almost lost their ability to protect themselves...

Calculate roughly!

The only Doctor who knows how to shut down has become a puddle of bolognese.

As long as Captain Marvel arrives, everything can be saved!!!

"Then, guys, it looks like we have a tough battle to fight." Luo Bing threw out a bottle of Blue Rejuvenation Medicine.

This speed was directly reduced to three seconds!

Luo Bing turned around and rushed towards the black hole like a god!

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