Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 549: weird warehouse

"Sorry, Mr. Parker Robbins, according to our diagnosis, your mother's condition is progressing seriously, and during the consultation over there, we have found symptoms of early dementia in Ms. Pelosi... …”

Somewhere in an old mental hospital in New York.

A black female doctor in a white coat looked at a thin man in front of him, lowered her eyes and forced a somewhat pitiful expression on her face.

In fact, as the attending physician of a mental hospital, black female physicians have long been accustomed to seeing all kinds of mentally ill patients, of which there are many more serious than this Parker Robbins mother. Now this expression is purely just his professional quality as a doctor.

"Doctor, is there really nothing I can do? Please cure my mother a little bit!"

"I'm very sorry about this, but Mr. Parker Robbins, but with the current medical conditions, Alzheimer's disease is incurable within a certain degree of remission, and the disease can be prevented through early drug treatment. Further development, and as a drug specifically for dementia, is not cheap, Mr. Parker Robbins."

Shaking his head, the black in-house doctor looked at the man named Parker Robbins in front of him. From his half-worn clothes, he could see that his condition was not optimistic.

"No matter how expensive the medicine is, as long as it can treat my mother's illness, I will pay for it."

Hearing the doctor's reminder, Parker Robbins's expression was silent for a while, and then he said through gritted teeth.

"On this point, I have to remind you, Mr. Parker Robbins, that you have not subdued Ms. Pelosi's medical bills for more than three days."

The filial piety shown by Parker Robbins did not impress the attending physician in front of him. Looking at this thin man, the black female physician calmly reminded him.

The doctor's words undoubtedly made the expression on the face of the man named Parker Robbins a bit more bitter.

"Give me a little more time, doctor, and I'll raise money to pay for the medical bills."

But thinking of his mentally ill mother, Parker Robbins had to beg the doctor in front of him.

"Mr Parker Robbins, you should be aware that hospitals are not charities and cannot provide free treatment."

As a member of capitalist society, black female doctors are obviously not a role that can be easily moved.

Her gaze stayed on Parker Robbins for a while, before sighing: "In short, I can only wait for two more days at most, if then, Mr. Parker Robbins, you can't If I make up for the medical bills owed to the hospital, then I am sorry, but I have to take compulsory measures."


The doctor's words were obviously an ultimatum to him.

After listening to the reminder from the black female doctor, Parker Robbins was silent for a while, and then nodded slowly.


"Honey, you're back!"

Brooklyn, a poor and even a little rustic street.

Parker Robbins made his way through an area occupied by many Mexican immigrants, and ended up in an apartment that looked old.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw that my girlfriend with a big belly was preparing dinner in the real kitchen.

"I've prepared your favorite pasta."

As an immigrant city, Brooklyn has almost residents from all over the world. This is a complete melting pot of immigrants. Most of different ethnic groups maintain their own cultural colors and live in various communities in Brooklyn. Of course, the most powerful gangs in Brooklyn belong to the Italian gangs. About one-third of the Italians in the entire Brooklyn area are of Italian descent. Even the story location in the movie "The Godfather" takes place in Brooklyn.

Of course, the gathering of so many immigrants brings more than just population numbers.

The cultural conflict of interest between a large number of immigrants has led to the crime rate in Brooklyn, which has been ranked among the top few in New York, and remains high.

"How about it, what did the doctor at the hospital say?"

At the dining table, while tasting the food, the girlfriend across from him suddenly asked.

Parker Robbins's hand holding the fork paused for a moment, and then made an indifferent expression and said, "It's nothing, everything is normal, and the doctor said Pelosi's physical condition is stable."

"That's good."

Hearing her boyfriend's answer and her pregnant girlfriend heaved a sigh of relief, and then hesitantly said to Parker Robbins: "Parker, I have made an appointment with the obstetrics and gynecology doctor, and I'm sure the due date is right around the corner. Thursday in a month."


Hearing his girlfriend's words, Parker Robinston showed an excited expression.

"But, you know, it's another big expense to go to the hospital, and we've run out of money."

However, compared to the excited Parker Robbins, the expression on his girlfriend's face was full of worry.


Hearing his girlfriend's words, the expression on Parker Robbins' face was obviously silent again, but he quickly restrained his expression, pretending to be at ease and said: "Don't worry, my dear, I will solve the money problem. of."


Late at night, looking at his girlfriend who had fallen asleep beside him, Parker Robbins swept his gaze across her stomach and carefully got up from the bed.

As an existence living at the bottom of society, Parker Robbins has not been well educated since he was a child, especially after his father died, he became a thief in order to survive.

Although, since learning that his girlfriend is pregnant, Parker Robbins has changed his mind and found a job in an auto repair shop. However, the medical expenses of the mother's hospital and the subsequent hospitalization expenses of his girlfriend are obviously beyond the range that Parker Robbins can bear. The Weibo salary of the repair shop alone is not enough for his next expenses.

Thinking of the medical bills to be paid in two days, and the child in his girlfriend's stomach, a firm color flashed in Parker Robbins' eyes, and he decided to take another risk and go back to his old business.

After making a decision, Parker Robbins left from his girlfriend's sleeping bedroom, came to the living room and dialed a familiar number to call his cousin John King.


A few seconds later, the call was connected, and there was a somewhat surprised voice from the opposite cousin John King.

"I thought you forgot about me after you stopped."

"I need some money, John, the sooner the better!"

Hearing the voice on the phone, Parker Robbins immediately stated his purpose without any hesitation.

"Tomorrow night, I know where there is a large warehouse in Bensenhe district, and there should be a lot of valuables in it."

In the urgent voice of Parker Robbins, John King did not hesitate to say a location that he had chosen before.


The next day, late at night.

Near a remote warehouse in the Bensenhe district.

Parker Robbins and his cousin John King, who were back in business, looked at the old warehouse in front of them with vigilant eyes.

"Are you sure there is something valuable in it?"

Although it took a while to correct the evil, Parker Robbins' vigilance did not disappear because of this.

Reaching out his hand to touch it in his pocket, Parker Robbins' expression was a little solemn.

In the United States, being a thief is not a very safe profession, especially in the gun society, no one can guarantee whether the owner who sneaks in has a gun.

So to be on the safe side, Parker Robbins purposely had John King have his guns ready.

Of course, Parker Robbins would prefer not to have the chance to use it if he could.

"Who knows, but I have been observing around this warehouse for a long time. There should always be some valuable things in such a large warehouse. If it is not for you to be in a hurry, I still have a few days before. You can choose a good alternative location.”

"Hopefully there won't be a time for alternatives."

The situation of his mother's medical expenses already left Parker Robbins with little choice. He glanced at the somewhat quiet warehouse in front of him. Parker Robbins gritted his teeth and sneaked in the direction of the warehouse. .

Judging from the information given by my cousin John King, the guards of this warehouse do not seem to be strictly guarded, and at night there is no one to guard except a large lock. For thieves like them, it is almost the most The perfect target.

"Wait a minute, Parker."

Seeing the figure of Parker Robbins taking the lead, John King also chased after him without hesitation.


"It's done!"

After a long life of reforming evil and returning to justice, Parker Robbins's methods have become a lot unfamiliar. The large lock that could be opened in a few seconds took dozens of seconds to open.

Fortunately, as John King said, this warehouse has no shadow of guards at all.

Opening the old lock on the warehouse door, Parker Robbins vigilantly swept the surrounding area, and then carefully opened the warehouse door to a gap that he could barely pass through, and passed through, followed by At his back door, John King quickly followed.


Entering the warehouse, the dark environment immediately covered Parker Robbins' eyes.

Fortunately, he was already prepared, and turned on the prepared flashlight to form a bright beam in the dark warehouse.

"Damn, it's an empty warehouse!"

However, seeing the environment of the warehouse clearly under the light of the flashlight, the expression on Parker Robbins' face suddenly became a bit ugly.

Judging from the empty appearance of the warehouse, it is obvious that there is no valuable thing there.

"Impossible, I just saw a group of people move in and out of this warehouse before."

The empty appearance of the warehouse not only made Parker Robbins look ugly, but even John King showed an expression of disbelief.

He was counting on making a fortune this time.

"Either you read it wrong, or those people moved the warehouses again."

Parker Robbins doesn't think that John King deliberately deceived himself, and can only classify it as this time they were unlucky and stepped on the air.

Although he comforted himself so much in his heart, Parker Robbins still reluctantly moved the flashlight in his hand and kept illuminating it everywhere in the warehouse, hoping to find something that could be exchanged for money.

"Wait a minute, what is this..."

When the light of the flashlight swept somewhere in the warehouse, the movement of Parker Robbins suddenly stopped. Under the light, he found mysterious signs and candles on the floor of the warehouse. There was an open book on the table and a red hood placed next to it.

For some reason, the moment he noticed the red hood, Parker Robbins suddenly had an inexplicable rush in his heart, wanting to take the red hood as his own.


However, before Parker Robbins could put this thought in his heart into action, the sound of the beast roaring suddenly in his ear immediately woke up his drowsy brain.

"What's that sound?"

Hearing this low roar, John King swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and the expression on his face immediately became a little uneasy.

Turning the flashlight in the direction from which the roar came, Parker Robbins and the others quickly knew the owner of the roar.

I saw that under the light of the flashlight, a huge black bear head appeared in front of the two of them, and the roar that was stimulated into the black bear's mouth by the light was a little heavier. I don't know if it was an illusion, Parker Robbins I always felt the roar echoed.

"'s actually a bear..."

Looking at the black bear that appeared in the warehouse, John King stuttered even in his voice.

"They're actually raising bears in the warehouse!"

The black bear that appeared in the warehouse made Parker Robbins and John King feel a pang in their hearts.

But soon, their expressions were frightened by the figure who came out of the darkness and was exposed to the light of the flashlight.

If there is anything scarier than encountering a black bear in a warehouse, it is encountering a black bear with many heads.

That's in Parker Robbins, the one they sneaked into the warehouse was not an ordinary black bear, but a monster with eight bear heads, six hands and six feet, so The monster formed by the twisted combination of many black bears has obviously exceeded the expectations of Parker Robbins and the two thieves.

The purpose of them breaking into the warehouse was just to steal something and exchange for a sum of money, but they never thought that they would encounter such a multi-headed bear monster in front of them.

Even, bluntly said.

Even an ordinary black bear could easily kill them.

Therefore, seeing the appearance of this strange and ferocious bull bear in front of him, John King's feet softened in fright.

"Monster, they actually hide a black bear monster with only so many heads in the warehouse. Could this be a secret base for an experiment, will we be killed and silenced..."

And Parker Robbins also felt cold hands and feet, facing this bull bear monster, Parker Robbins, who was just a thief, couldn't raise any courage to resist.

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