Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 547: Consciousness dominates

As the voice of [Bill Seifer] fell.

I saw that it raised its slender black arm and aimed at Gu Yi, and the next second saw a large number of black hairs suddenly appear on the original bald head of the Supreme Mage, and these hairs continued to grow for only a few seconds. The kung fu has grown to the position of Gu Yi's shoulder.

Facing the hair that suddenly appeared on the top of his head, Gu Fang expressionlessly shook his long hair.

Losing the shock of the bald head, the original powerful aura of the Supreme Mage seemed to be weakened a little.

However, these growing hairs did not stop there, and soon a lot of hairs also appeared around Gu Yi's mouth to form a somewhat comical beard, and then the growing hairs began to grow like weeds. The body of the Supreme Mage grew savagely.

After ten seconds, a furry man completely wrapped in black hair appeared in front of Stephen Strange.

"Haha, I like your current look, Gu Yi."

Looking at the ancient one who was covered in flowing hair, [Bill Seifer] let out a schadenfreude laughter.

"This is not your world."

Facing the ridicule of [Bill Cypher], although Gu Yi's face covered by hair could not see the expression, she could still feel the calmness in her tone.

As a powerful supreme mage and a long battle with Dormammu, the ancient one has rich fighting experience with otherworldly life.

Therefore, she easily noticed that the [Bill Sever] in front of her was obviously a life form that did not belong to the earth or even the real world.

With a few random swings of his hands, the black hair on his body was easily swept away, Gu Yi looked at [Bill Cypher] floating in the air and said, "You don't belong here."

"Of course I know I don't belong in reality."

In the face of Gu Yi's reaction, [Bill Sever] waved his hand and replied with a relaxed tone: "But the world I originally lived in was rotten, and all the creatures in the 'Nightmare Realm' were nothing. The sense of humor is not as interesting as the human beings in the three-dimensional world, and it can bring me endless surprises. I spent a lot of thought in order to be able to come to the three-dimensional world..."

Following the description of [Bill Seifer], a large number of pictures began to flash over its pyramid-shaped triangular body.

Stephen Strange, who is still an ordinary person now, can only see some specious things from the picture.

However, Gu Yi, the supreme mage, glimpsed a mysterious and twisted world from the pattern on [Bill Sever].

Thinking of the words of [Bill Cypher], Gu suddenly understood that there is a world in this world called the 'Nightmare Realm' where the other party was originally.

"Okay, sad memories should be kept in the past. Now is not the time to talk about these disappointing things."

Putting aside the topic about his past, [Bill Seifer] once again returned his attention to the Supreme Mage in front of him.

"I finally came to the real world. I don't want to be disturbed by others, not even the Supreme Master."

As the voice of [Bill Sever] fell, Stephen Strange behind Gu Yi suddenly felt a strange feeling coming from the hard ground under his feet.

"Damn, what is this!"

Looking down, I saw an eye appearing at his feet and kept blinking.

Immediately afterwards, Stephen Strange found that it was not only at his feet that the entire basketball court had a large number of eyes staring at him.

Under the gaze of these eyes, Stephen Strange felt that his body was beginning to be out of control. The first thing that appeared abnormal was his baby-sized palms. With two shining eyes, these eyes began to spread wildly as if they were fertile.

Hearing Stephen Strange's terrified cry behind him, Gu Yi's expression did not change in the slightest, but he waved a magic circle directly on Stephen Strange's body.


Under the power of the magic circle, the eyes that spread on Stephen Strange were instantly suppressed.

Although the creepy eyes on his body were suppressed by Gu Yi's magic, Stephen Strange did not feel the slightest sense of security in his heart. He looked up at the [Bill Sever] floating in the air. With the weird triangular body, he swallowed subconsciously and put all his hopes on Gu Yi in front of him.

Although, I don't know much about the identity of the ancient one.

However, judging from the performance of the other party, it is obvious that he is on his side.

Thinking of this, Stephen Strange looked at Gu Yi's back and couldn't help but say, "Can such a demon really be defeated?"

To be honest, what happened in front of him was beyond Stephen Strange's imagination.

His original purpose was at least to find Jonathan Pangborn in the hope of healing his hands, but he never expected to encounter a supernatural creature like [Bill Seifer] that was completely beyond his imagination.

"Maybe, we should go to the Avengers for help?"

Looking at the bizarre figure of [Bill Sever], Stephen Strange subconsciously thought of the Avengers.

In any case, the Avengers of notoriety should have experience with the situation at hand.

"The Avengers?"

Although Stephen Strange's voice was soft, it obviously did not escape [Bill Seifer]'s ears.

Hearing the name that came out of his mouth, [Bill Sever] said suddenly: "They will be overwhelmed soon."

Facing the inexplicable words of [Bill Sever], Stephen Strange just felt a little strange.

On the other side, Gu Yi opened his mouth, looked at Stephen Strange behind him, and said, "Actually, the only person who can defeat this demon here is none other than you, Stephen Strange."


Looking at Gu Yi's calm gaze, Stephen Strange's face showed obvious surprise.

He looked down at his baby's little hand and then looked up at [Bill Sever] floating in the air, and shook his head in disbelief: "You're kidding me, I'm not that amazing."

He is nothing more than a neurosurgeon, and even after the car accident, his title changed to the past. In the face of a supernatural existence like [Bill Seifer], he has no resistance at all.

"No, quite the opposite."

However, in the face of Stephen Strange's reaction, Gu Yi shook his head very firmly.

She looked back at [Bill Sever] floating in the air, and said to Stephen Strange.

"In this world, no one or existence can surpass you, because this is yours, Stephen Strange's world of consciousness, as long as you focus your mind to imagine, anything can be achieved, including defeating even Banish the demon [Bill Seifer]."

That's right, the ancient one is not in the real world at this moment, but in Stephen Strange's conscious world.

"My conscious world?"

Hearing Gu Yi's description, Stephen Strange looked down at his little baby hand that was turned into by [Bill Sever].

"Concentrate, concentrate..."

According to Gu Yi's description, he hit his will on his hands, and soon found that the palms that were the size of a baby began to grow and finally returned to the trembling palms full of scars before.

"I succeeded!"

Looking at the palm that he had changed back, Stephen Strange first showed a surprised expression.

Immediately afterwards, he turned his gaze to Jonathan Panborn, who was twisted into a puzzle shape on the other side, and soon the other party changed back to his original form under his will.

"In that case."

He successfully restored everything that [Bill Sever] had done, but Stephen Strange's eyes were once again placed on his scarred palms. If Gu Yi was right, it belonged to him. If the world of consciousness is conscious, then is it also possible to convert it.

He looked at his hands with a slightly excited expression, and soon, under the willpower of Stephen Strange, the scars on the originally scarred palms were bit by bit like a centipede. After erasing it, it returned to its original appearance.

"My hand, I can feel it again..."

The trembling Zhang clasped his hands together, feeling this flexible appearance, Stephen Strange became a little excited, which was the hope he had been dreaming of after the car accident.

Fortunately, although the emotions were unbearable, Stephen Strange still remembered Gu Yi's words.

This is not the real world, but the world of one's own consciousness.

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, he looked up at [Bill Sever] floating in the air.

After knowing that this is his own world of consciousness, Stephen Strange's fear of [Bill Seifer] has been reduced a lot.

He took a deep breath, and with the flash of his will, he quickly made a scalpel that he was most familiar with in his hand, and while feeling the long-lost touch, he said to [Bill Sever]: "Now, it's my turn. Now, I don't like your pyramid shape."

As Stephen Strange's voice fell, he quickly waved the scalpel in his hand, which was just a few simple movements in the real world.

However, in the conscious world, these actions became extremely powerful under Stephen Strange's imagination. Under the flying of several sharp blades, [Bill Sever] in midair was accurately cut into his body by the blade.

Immediately after a series of crackling sounds like glass shattering, I saw [Bill Seifer]'s entire body cracked into countless small pieces and fell on the basketball court.

"You actually, you dare to slander my look!"

But soon, these broken pieces reassembled and returned to the shape of a pyramid.

At the same time, [Bill Seifer] looked at Stephen Strange in front of him, the entire color was also changed from the golden color of the previous pyramid to the red representing anger, and at the same time, white and yellow flames ignited in his hands and the whole body continued to It turned into a giant red pyramid looking down on Stephen Strange and the Ancient One.


"Face the nightmare!"

He waved the flame in his hand, and instantly formed a huge ring on the basketball court. Under the flames, the stones under [Bill Cypher]'s feet began to shatter and quickly floated away from the basketball court in the blink of an eye. into the universe.

"It seems that I accidentally stabbed one of its taboos, causing it to make such a big fire."

Looking up at the red light all over his body, he knew that he was not easy to mess with [Bill Sever], even if he knew that this was his own world of consciousness, theoretically no one could beat him, Stephen Sturt Lan Qi couldn't help but feel a shiver in his heart.

"A nightmare is coming!"

Raising his white arm, turning towards Stephen Strange, [Bill Seifer] emitted a red light.

Immediately afterwards, Stephen Strange, who was hit by the light, felt a sharp pain in his hands, and the recovered palms returned to their original trembling and scarred appearance.


And with the change of the palms, the scalpel that was tightly grasped in the hand also fell to the ground.

"No, my hand, how could it be!"

Seeing his palm being beaten back to its original shape again, Stephen Strange let out a painful voice, obviously this was Stephen Strange's nightmare.

"It's your Gu Yi."

Turning his eyes to look at the ancient one on the other side, [Bill Cypher] raised his palm, and under the control of the power of consciousness, the red laser light instantly poured into the starry sky, followed by a huge dark power enveloped In the sky above the ancient one, at the same time, a face that seemed to be overlapped by countless dimensions appeared in front of the Supreme Mage.

"Gu Yi, in the end, I won. Your world will become a part of my power like all the worlds in the past..."

The huge face stared at Gu Yi, slowly moving his body to reveal his huge body and at the same time a terrifying dark force emerged from its body.

[Bill Seifer] As the master of the conscious world, even if this consciousness belongs to Stephen Strange's world, he can still easily exert his power, transforming what everyone fears in the conscious world into reality.

Stephen Strange's injury to his own hands, and the ancient one is facing Dormammu, the master of the dark dimension power, who once conquered and devoured countless worlds and set his sights on the earth .

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