Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 539: artificial superhero

"I don't think it's as simple as being anxious."

Ignoring the surrounding Avengers who forcibly resolved the embarrassment, Natasha's eyes always stayed on Jack Simon's body, trying to see some flaws in the other party's body, but it was obviously unsuccessful.

For Jack Simon's purpose of approaching the Avengers, Natasha has always been vigilant.

This is not only because of the previous [Uncle Long] reminder, but also because of Natasha's instinct as a former super agent.

I feel that Jack Simon's purpose is not simple.

"If I remember correctly, the 'Chaos Insurgency' has successfully contained the [Holy Lord], and Mr. Jack Simon seems to have no reason to stay in the Avengers Building unless it is for another purpose."

"I'll be sad to hear you say that, Natasha."

In the face of Natasha's sudden change of questioning skills and aggressive questioning, Jack Simon clutched his chest and made a sad expression.

"Anyway, I also fought side by side with the Avengers in the previous battle against the [Holy Lord]."

"I thought that with that experience, my relationship with the Avengers would at least become friends."

Although Jack Simon said sad words in his mouth, there was no sadness on the expression on his face.

"The Avengers are naturally very grateful for your help in Canada, Mr. Jack Simon." Not shaken by Jack Simon's words, Natasha still calmly looked at the blond man with a cigarette in front of him: "However, what I care more about is Mr. Jack Simon and the organization 'Chaos Insurgency' behind you."

From Tony's mouth, Natasha knew that Jack Simon had tried to invite [Holy Lord] to join the Chaos Splitter.

And it is precisely because of this information that Natasha's inner vigilance against the 'Chaos Insurgent' has been raised by several levels.

After all, it is not difficult to see from Tony's description that the behavior of the 'Chaos Insurgent' is obviously different from the existence of ordinary organizations, with a strong purpose, and even a sense of unscrupulousness.

This kind of behavior made Natasha think of an opponent of the Avengers - Hydra.

Of course, all of this is just Natasha's speculation. At present, most of the information of the Avengers on the "Chaos Insurgency" comes from the descriptions of Jack Simon and [Uncle Long].

The former is itself a member of the "Chaos Insurgency", while the latter is a member of the scp Foundation, an organization that encountered the "Chaos Insurgency".

No matter which one, because of the position, there is no way to give an objective answer.

"The purpose of the 'Chaos Insurgency' is simple."

Facing the 'Chaos Insurgent' mentioned by Natasha, the smile on Jack Simon's face gradually subsided, he lowered his head and took a cigarette, and said slowly in the smoke: "Presumably, the Avengers should also watch Come out, the 'Chaos Insurgency' is different from the group of scp foundation's self-proclaimed saviors who try to contain them under circumstances unknown to the outside world. The 'Chaos Insurgency' attitude towards containment is not exclusive. Cooperation, in fact, we believe that as long as the containment can be completed, any external force, even the power of other containment objects, does not matter.”

"The career of the scp foundation has made us understand that the containment cannot be wiped out. Even if we successfully contain the anomaly, it will inevitably go out of control one day, and the existence of the containment, the 'Chaos Insurgency' also believes that the scp foundation is not responsible As said, it is a threat to human beings, on the contrary, it is the hope of human beings and an opportunity for human evolution."

"An opportunity for evolution?"

Hearing Jack Simon's words, Natasha suddenly understood why [Uncle Long] described the 'Chaos Splitter' as a dangerous existence.

"Don't be nervous, Natasha."

The slight changes on Natasha's face naturally did not escape Jack Simon's eyes.

Even though this super agent has concealed his expression very well, the legend on the system data panel will not be false.

He grinned and looked at the super agent in front of him with a smile: "In fact, the goal of the 'Chaos Insurgency' just determines that we will not act like the scp foundation."

"Cooperative, the Chaos Insurgency hopes to use the power of the Avengers to fight the anomaly."


Hearing the purpose from Jack Simon's mouth, Natasha's eyes couldn't help but flicker.

Looking at the smiling blond man in his eyes, for some reason, Natasha always felt that the purpose of the other party or the 'Chaos Insurgent' was more than just cooperation.


"Hi Ned, here I come!"

New York, outside the window of a high-rise building, Peter hung out of the window and knocked on the glass, shouting to his friends in the room.

"Great, you're finally here, Peter."

Seeing the little spider appearing outside the window, Ned, who had been worried in the house, hurriedly opened the window and put the little spider outside.

"What the **** happened, Ned."

Entering his friend's room through the narrow window, the little spider took off the mask on his head to reveal his green face. Looking at the nervous friend in front of him, he couldn't help asking curiously.

"Suddenly calling me in such a hurry, you should know that I am very busy at this time."

As a good citizen of New York City, every night is the busiest time for Little Spider, busy patrolling the city to fight criminals and maintain peace.

"Of course I know."

Facing Peter's doubts, the fat little Reed nodded immediately.

Under the gaze of Little Spider, he first glanced at his room, closed the curtains of the room and locked the lock of the room at the same time, and then stepped in front of Peter, looking at himself as a superhero The hero's friend said hesitantly, "Peter, I seem to be in big trouble?"

"Big trouble, isn't Charles bullying you again?"

Hearing Ned's words, Peter's first thought was school.

Although, now has the identity of Spider-Man.

But at school, Peter and Ned weren't too gregarious.

Especially before becoming Spider-Man, the skinny Peter and the overly plump Ned have always been the targets of bullying and teasing by the bad boys at school.

"Worse than this."

Shaking his head, Ned also seemed to understand that it was difficult to explain what he had encountered with words alone. He stretched out his palm and picked up a baseball bat directly from the bed, and under Peter's gaze, he did not hesitate to move towards him. He smashed his head down.

"don't want!"

Seeing Ned's act of self-mutilation without saying a word, Little Spider couldn't help but let out a cry of exclamation, and at the same time subconsciously reached out to stop it.

With superhuman reflexes, Peter grabbed Ned's arm before the baseball bat in Ned's hand hit his head.

However, in the next second, the huge power from Ned's hand was obviously beyond the little spider's imagination.

Under the pull of this force, Peter's grasped arm only paused for a moment, and then he swung the baseball bat again and smashed it heavily on Ned's chubby little head.


The baseball bat in Ned's hand snapped with the crisp sound of the bat breaking.

But there was no scar on the head.

"What is this?"

Looking at Ned who was unscathed in front of him, Peter's expression was obviously dull.

Immediately afterwards, he rushed in front of Ned as if he had just woken up from a dream, looked at the baseball bat in his hand and looked at Ned's head, and said incoherently, "...When is... come you suddenly..."

No wonder the little spider was so excited, the situation in front of Ned obviously gained extraordinary power.

Just like when he became Spider-Man.

"I don't know exactly what happened."

In the face of his friend's questioning, the little fat Ned scratched his hair, and looked at the memory with a blank expression.

"All I know is that the other day I went to the bookstore to buy the latest comic book like I usually do, and then I was hit by a strangely dressed guy when I was walking down an alley, and something fell off the man, but The guy didn't seem to notice and just walked away. I picked up the things that fell and found a very beautiful dragonfly in the test tube. I thought it was just an insect specimen. Who knows that the dragonfly in the test tube suddenly flew out. , took a bite on my neck, and when I woke up again, the dragonfly didn't know where to fly, and I had these abilities now..."

"Dragonfly, take a bite, mutate?"

Listening to his friend's process of gaining power, Peter always had a faint sense of disobedience for some reason.

These processes, how come they sound so familiar, some deja vu.

"Maybe it's just my delusion."

He shook his head, throwing away his inner sense of disobedience.

Peter looked at Ned in front of him, and his first concern was what abilities he had acquired after being bitten by a dragonfly and mutated.

"By the way, Ned, have you practiced your superpowers?"

"No, I thought of you the first time I found out that I had acquired these abilities."

Shaking his head, Peter's arrival, apparently had an extremely final effect on his emotional calm. By sharing his secret, after the initial panic of physical mutation, Ned's mood finally became calmer.

He glanced down at his palm and muttered: "However, some of the most obvious changes are still very clear, such as my strength has increased, my body has become rigid, and my vision is not very good. It has also become clear, and I can even see Ms. Rens taking a bath on the opposite side..."


Seeing that his friend's topic was getting more and more crooked, Peter had to open his mouth to remind him.

"All right."

The conversation was interrupted, and Ned was obviously a little frustrated. He smacked his mouth, and finally turned his attention from Ms. Lance back to his own physical mutation.

"Yes, and this one!"

Frowning and thinking for a second, Ned suddenly patted his head, took a deep breath, and then bounced upwards with more flexibility than his plump figure under Peter's shocked gaze, and actually stopped on the roof of the room. above.

"Clinging ability!"

Looking at Ned hanging upside down on the roof, Little Spider's inner sense of disobedience was a little heavier.

The ability that Ned displayed was obviously very similar to the clinging he possessed, and it might even be the same ability.

"I can't stand it anymore!"


However, before the surprised expression on Peter's face lasted for too long, he saw Ned hanging on the roof screaming, he seemed to be unable to bear his own weight, and fell to the ground with a bang. There was a loud crashing sound.

"Reed, what happened?"

"It's okay, Mom, I just fell off the bed by accident!"

Hearing the shouts from downstairs, Reed quickly explained.

Although the impact of the fall is not light, it is not serious with Reed's physical defense ability today.

"be careful."

"Got it, Mom!"

"How is it, Peter!"

After finally coping with his mother, Reed turned his head to look at the little spider in front of him, and asked excitedly: "With my current ability, can I become a superhero like you?"

As a superhero's friend, Ned would be false to say that he doesn't envy Peter.

In particular, every time he saw reports about Spider-Man on newspapers and TV, as well as Little Spider's actions towards himself and the Avengers, Ned felt vaguely envious in his heart.

It's just that he, who was just an ordinary person in the past, can only hide this envious emotion in his heart.

But, it's different now, he also has super powers.

"You said, if I want to make a superhero uniform, what should I choose and what kind of nickname should I choose? You said I was bitten by a spider so I was called Spider-Man, then I was bitten by a dragonfly, you said Dragonfly-Man How about this name? If I make a battle uniform, should I choose one that covers all of your face like you, or one that only covers half of Captain America's face? If it's all covered, how should I breathe? A tube to the mouth?"

Imagining himself as a The expression on Ned's face became visibly excited.

After all, he only learned about his experience as a superhero from the description of the little spider before, and now he has super powers and finally has the opportunity to experience all this for himself.

"Since we've all been bitten by insects, how about a team, Insect League? Like the Avengers."

"In fact, spiders are not insects, but arthropods."

Looking at his friend who was getting more and more excited, Peter had to open his mouth to correct Ned.

Peter's heart is obviously a little complicated for Ned's superpower.

On the one hand, he was naturally happy, but on the other hand, there was always something indescribably subtle about the abilities Ned had acquired.

It's like looking at a fatter version of yourself.

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