Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 537: golden treasure chest

[Legend]: 1258020

In the antique shop, Li Ran looked at the dazzling millions of legends on the system panel. Even if he had a strong heart that had been tempered, he could not help but feel a little excited.

After all, this is a million legends.

The existence of [Gamela] has made Li Ran fully aware of the power of A-level character cards. It can be said that apart from a few extremely powerful beings, Li Ran, who holds [Gamela], has been able to run wild on the earth. And, um, focus, on Earth.

Such a description is not Li Ran's modesty.

Purely because he knows that the universe of the Meiman world is deeper than he imagined. Although Thanos, who is dedicated to collecting infinite gems, is powerful, Li Ran knows that in the vast universe of Meiman, it is not only Thanos that is powerful.

However, the threat of Thanos is the most intuitive right now, and it is also the driving force for Li Ran to keep making progress.

In his mind, the idea of ​​Thanos was fleeting, and soon Li Ran turned his attention back to the data panel in front of him.

More than 1.2 million fame, not only enough for him to exchange for a [Golden Treasure Chest] that he has never had before, but also to add two [Silver Treasure Chests] to buy one get two free.

Even if the attractiveness of the [Silver Treasure Chest] is weak under the dazzling light of the [Golden Treasure Box], Li Ran will not underestimate the role of the [Silver Treasure Box], especially since he has not forgotten the collection in his hand. There are a lot of [A-grade card fragments] waiting to be synthesized. If you can open some [A-grade card fragments] from the [Silver Treasure Chest], it is equivalent to adding another A-grade character card out of thin air.

This is undoubtedly a huge temptation for Li Ran, who suffers from severe lack of strength.

Therefore, taking a deep breath, he first spent 100,000 legendary degrees to exchange a [Silver Treasure Chest] from the system, intending to try his luck first.

After all, the one million legendary [Golden Treasure Chest], although theoretically, the cards that can be rated as A-level characters by the system cannot be too weak, but what if.

[Shui Mu] Li Ranke always remembers the shame of this C-rank character card.

Redemption, unboxing, a familiar process.


[Prop: Radiant Dragonfly]

[Effect: Mutation]

[Introduction: A radiant creature from the movie "Dragonfly Man", who can mutate the bitten person into a dragonfly with superpowers, with all the abilities of a dragonfly]

[Note: Do you feel that this plot is a little familiar? 】

[Note 2: As a superhero, he can't even fly! 】


【A Grade Card Fragment × 1】

【Effect: Combination】

[Introduction: Unknown A-level card fragments, collect five fragments to synthesize a brand new card. 】


[Class B Card - Six Paths Skeletons]

[Skill: Six Paths of Reincarnation]

[Background introduction: The popular character in the animation "Tutor" is the guardian of the fog of the protagonist Sawada Tsunayoshi. He used to be from the Estoraneo family, but now he belongs to the Pengele family, but he said he hated the mafia and claimed that he would not join the family. He was imprisoned in the Avengers Prison because of the six skeletons, and Kurom Skull acted in his place and used her to materialize. In the successor chapter, the spirit of the six skeletons relies on the spirit of Kurom Skull, but the body of the six skeletons that has become an empty shell is occupied by D. Spedo, the guardian of the fog of the first generation of Peng Lie. . Later, D. Spedo was defeated by Sawada Tsunayoshi and disappeared, and the body regained his body. Later, he was released by the Avengers because of his achievements in defeating D. Spedo. 】

[Note: In the world ten years later, Liu Dao Zong is the strongest illusionist in the world. 】


The first item [Silver Treasure Chest] opened was a good start. The ability of [Six Paths], a B-rank character card, was indeed Li Ran's most urgent spiritual power. Not to mention the entry of another [A Grade Card Fragment × 1], but looking at the strange things mixed into the [Silver Treasure Chest], Li Ran's expression was always a little subtle.

The radiant dragonfly in the treasure box, and the name "Dragonfly Man" mentioned in the system introduction, obviously pointed to a little bug who was fighting for justice in New York.

"Anyway, you're in good luck."

Shaking his head, he swept away his inner thoughts. Although the introduction of [Radiant Dragonfly] is somewhat yin and yang, it is undeniable that this prop is useful. Although Li Ran will not personally demonstrate to experience the feeling of mutant dragonfly, but if it can be used Can use [Radiant Dragonfly] to bring some effects.

Imagine a day when the little spider was wandering in New York, and suddenly a green dragonfly flew from the air.

Little Peter: "I'm Spider-Man!"

Dragonfly: "I'm Dragonfly!"

Little Peter: "My powers come from a mutated radiant spider!"

Dragonfly: "What a coincidence, my ability also comes from a mutated radiant dragonfly!"

Little Peter: "..."

Dragonfly: "Look, I can still fly."


Shaking his head again, to get rid of the scene full of pictures in his mind, Li Ran adjusted his emotions, and while he was lucky, he directly consumed another 100,000 Legend Degree to exchange for the second [Silver Treasure Chest].

[Prop: Watch-type anesthesia gun]

【Effect: Anesthesia】

[Introduction: First press the button (that is, the **** used by ordinary watches to adjust the time), and the cover will stand up. Next, aim at the body of the anesthetized person (usually the back of the neck or back) with the aiming center of the cover sight. A final push of the button releases an anesthesia needle that can instantly anesthetize the person. Added satellite communication and U disk functions in M17. 】

[Note: Wait a minute, this feeling is coming again? 】

[Note 2: Appeared, the legendary sleeping Kogoro! 】


[Prop: Sun and Moon Sword]

[Effect: Weapon]

[Introduction: From one of the seven swords in the movie "Seven Swords Down the Tianshan Mountains", two connected swords, sometimes double swords, sometimes become one, and the attack range can be large or small. The sword represents harmonious coexistence. It is the brightest sword among the seven swords, and it will become brighter and more dazzling. The sword is a twin sword, divided into two long and short, the main attack type. 】


[Class B Card - Old Purple]

[Skill: Melting Escape, Four Tails]

[Background introduction: The male character in the comic "Naruto" and its derivative works, the four-tailed human Zhuli of the land of the land and the village of Iwahidden, was originally a ninja of the village of Iwahidden in the land of the land, and like the shadow of the earth, he is a stubborn character. The old man was also at odds with Tsuchikage. Wearing purple clothes and breastplate ninja gear, the hair at the back is tied into a small trick like a ponytail, and he has a big beard. After leaving the village, he became a wandering monk. He worked hard to control the four tails every day, and learned the ninjutsu to cooperate with the four tails. 】

It seems that this million [Golden Treasure Chest] must be opened today.

After playing two powerful B-rank character cards in a row, even Li Ran, who had been trying to keep calm, couldn't help but get overwhelmed.

Inside the antique shop, he took a few deep breaths in a row before he managed to suppress his rapid breathing. Then he looked at the striking one million legends on the system data panel, and as soon as he gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, he exchanged one from the system. 【Golden Treasure Chest】.

"Is this the [Golden Treasure Chest]? Sure enough, it's much more advanced than the [Silver Treasure Chest]."

Looking at the golden [Golden Treasure Chest] in the system, I don't know if it's a psychological effect or what, what Li Ran thinks about the moment, after all, it cost him one million legendary degrees to exchange.

"Next, is the key."

Of course, the dazzlingness of the [Golden Treasure Chest] is one thing. What Li Ran really cares about is the items in the treasure chest, whether it matches the value of one million legends.

Subconsciously swallowed, Li Ran looked at his trembling fingers, and finally opened the most expensive treasure chest he had exchanged since he got the system.


[Props: Response Box]

[Effect: Respond to requests]

[Introduction: From the derived props in the animation "Rick and Morty", just press the button on the box to summon a Mr. Mission Bid, he can help you solve any problems, and they will disappear after completing the task . 】

[Note: I am Mr. Mission Bid, look at me! 】

[Note 2: We came to this world not to seek meaning! 】

[Note 3: Pay attention to the difficulty of wishing, after all, Mr. Mission will not be God. 】


[S-rank card fragment × 1]

【Effect: Combination】

[Introduction: Unknown S-rank card fragments, collect five fragments to synthesize a brand new card. 】


[A-level card - Bill Seifer]

[Skill: 2D Master]

[Background introduction: The villain in the animation "Weird Town" is considered to be the most powerful villain in the entire grotesque town. Bill has the appearance of a yellow one-eyed isosceles triangle with a black top hat and bow tie. It is a two-dimensional creature born in a two-dimensional world called the Nightmare Realm. But Bill didn't like two-dimensional things, so he managed to get away. Bill is the king of consciousness, and no one is his opponent in the world of consciousness, where he has infinite power. His true self exists in two dimensions, and usually he has to go through some summoning in order to move in three dimensions. 】

[Remarks: Reality is just an illusion, the entire universe is just a holographic image, buy gold. 】

"[S-rank card fragment × 1]!"

This is the most special existence that Li Ran has come into contact with so far.

After all, from the introduction of the system, only A-level character cards can be opened in the [Golden Treasure Chest], and there is no corresponding treasure chest for the S-level character cards further up, that is to say, if Li Ran wants to To obtain S-rank character cards, the only way is to keep opening the [Golden Treasure Chest] to obtain [S-rank Card Fragments × 1].

And the exchange value of each [Golden Treasure Chest] of one million legendary degrees is also full of proof. If he wants to collect enough [S-rank card fragments × 1] to synthesize a card, it will undoubtedly be a long process. .

But no matter what, at least he has opened a [S-rank card fragment × 1] in his hand, which is at least a good start.

While comforting himself in his heart, Li Ran turned his attention to the second A-rank character card he had drawn in the [Golden Treasure Chest].

【Bill Seifer】

【King of 2D】


United States, Washington, a military-affiliated hospital.

General Ross was lying on the hospital bed, without the tough attitude he had always had, and his gray temples made him look extremely decadent.

On the hospital bed, General Ross stared at him with absent-minded eyes.

Beside him, the nurse was really careful to replace the straps on his arms.

The wound wrapped by the bandage was a broken arm that had lost its lower half.

In the previous attack of the SCP Foundation, although with the help of the Avengers, he successfully rescued General Ross who was frozen into an ice sculpture, but because of the freezing air, one of his arms was completely bad and had to be amputated. A surgical approach to excision of the necrotic arm.

Of course, it wasn't just the loss of an arm that hit General Ross more.

Because of the damage of the [Kuzan] Ice Age, although most of the American soldiers survived because of the timely treatment of the Avengers, more than two-thirds of them suffered severe frostbite and lost the ability to fight. , unable to go to the battlefield again, and had to face the end of forced discharge.

To be clear, the American soldiers who were arranged to go to Canada to fight the [Holy Lord] were the best among the soldiers. They lost most of their outstanding soldiers at once. Even for the American military, it was an incalculable huge loss, even for the American military. No less than the sinking of the USS Truman.

If the damaged fighter jets in this battle are counted, this operation of the United States can be described as a complete defeat of the three armies of the sea, land and air, which not only has a huge impact on the morale of the entire American military, but also lies in the loss of real money and money. Although there are many aircraft carriers, they cannot withstand such a sinking.

As the commander of this operation, the USS Truman aircraft carrier battle group was honored by the military as a hero because of the relationship that Captain Calvin Hakimzad died with Truman directly.

However, as a survivor, General Ross was not so The American military suffered such a huge loss, there must be someone to take the blame and take the blame, and as the only one who survived this operation, the highest Commander, General Ross did his part to become this man.

Today, within the U.S. military, there are already voices holding him accountable.

If it weren't for the fact that he was also seriously injured and even lost an arm, these follow-up treatments would have already arrived on him.

Now, although he has not yet entered this stage, General Ross also clearly knows what kind of future he will face.

"These military executives don't even know what happened to me!"

However, in the face of his undoubtedly bleak future, General Ross is not as calm as it seems on the surface.

On the hospital bed, he clenched the fist on the remaining arm tightly, and the expression on his face was full of unwillingness.

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