Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 530: sunken aircraft carrier

"Sir, according to the radar, the monster will appear at the location of the USS Truman in three minutes!"

On the aircraft carrier, the navy soldier looked at the approaching red mark on the radar and reported with a panicked expression.

"Aim all artillery fire at it and stop it from getting close!"

Facing the information reported by the soldiers, Kavin Hakimzad's face suddenly turned ugly.

In fact, there was no need for Calvin Hakimzad to give an order. After noticing the flight path of the [Holy Lord], the Aegis battleship battle group around the Truman aircraft carrier was simply firing Tomahawk cruise missiles for no money.

At the same time, the USS Truman also poured out its few anti-aircraft missiles.

A large number of dense missiles fell on the huge body of the [Holy Lord] as if covering the sky. The scale of the missiles launched by the Truman aircraft carrier battle group at this moment was enough to destroy a small city three or four times in a row. Second, of course, the number of missiles consumed is converted into a budget, which can also be called the largest war loss in the United States in recent years.

Calvin Hakimzad can already imagine how the US military would blame itself after learning of the attrition of the USS Truman aircraft carrier battle group, and how elated the arms dealer was.


The sky-high flame and explosion generated by the missile hitting the target almost enveloped the entire body of [Holy Lord].

However, a few seconds later, with the howling wind and deafening roar, the firelight caused by these explosions seemed to be forcibly compressed by some mysterious force in an instant, and was inhaled by the [Holy Lord] into his body. , With the absorption of a large amount of explosive power, several crimson-like textures like magma on the original dark body of [Holy Master] began to flicker.

Absorbing the impact of the explosion, the [Holy Lord] turned the carapace on his back and exhaled air, and the waves that fell on the sea surface turned into huge waves in a blink of an eye, sweeping the already fragile behind him. port.

Ignoring the disintegrating port behind him, the [Holy Master] turned his huge body like a hill, and his scarlet eyes were aimed at the USS Truman aircraft carrier battle group in the United States in the distance.

Because of its powerful long-range strike capability, the Truman did not get too close to the land where the [Holy Lord] was located.

After all, although the aircraft carrier is full of technology, it has the title of a sea fortress.

However, its own combat capability is not as powerful as imagined. What really makes it dangerous are the carrier-based aircraft carried on the platform and the surrounding battle groups.

The role of an aircraft carrier is more like an offshore platform, providing a more convenient take-off and landing point for these carrier-based aircraft.

This is also the reason why S.H.I.E.L.D.'s air carrier is easily destroyed under the Eagle Eye controlled by Loki.

It's a pity that the Truman's carrier-based aircraft, which seemed to be full of combat power, had already been wiped out as early as the first wave of attacks on the [Holy Lord].

"This power?"

In midair, Thor's eyes swept across Vision and the flashing Mind Gem above his forehead, and he couldn't help recalling the reminder to himself when he saw Odin this time.

"Sol, [Holy Lord]!"

Before Sol could think deeply, Steve's voice pulled his thoughts back.

Staring closely at the [Holy Lord] on the sea, a strong sense of unease emerged in Captain America's heart.

"give it to me!"

Hearing Steve's call, without any hesitation, Sol waved Thor's hammer in his hand, summoned a bolt of lightning in the sky, and flew towards the sea.


The sound of lightning and thunder continued to sound behind him. [Holy Master] looked up at the flashing thunder and lightning in the clouds above his head and the roar that was getting closer and closer. He opened his **** mouth, and instantly a terrifying suction force came out of his mouth. Produced in the middle, with the huge absorbing power, the waves of the sea are a bit more violent, and even vaguely look like a storm is brewing.


Noticing the changes in the sea, the lightning entwined around Sol exploded even more.

Aiming at the sea where the [Holy Master] was, Sol slammed the Thor's Hammer down fiercely.


Inside the dark cloud, a stout lightning flashed across the sky and slashed towards the [Holy Lord].

However, at the same time that the lightning summoned by Sol hit the huge body of the [Holy Lord], a crimson fireball quickly formed in its mouth, carrying a terrifying high temperature and drawing a crimson light on the sea, and Approaching water evaporated into a trail of water vapor that engulfed the USS Truman battle group in the distance.

"Sir, radar shows that unknown energy is rapidly approaching the USS Truman!"

On the aircraft carrier USS Truman, after hearing the report of his subordinates, Captain Calvin Hakimzad turned his head before he could give an order and saw an expensive Aegis battleship in front of him amid the huge fire and explosion. It couldn't even block it, and it instantly turned into a fireball and was submerged by the sea.

"Move, quickly let..."

Seeing this scene, Kavin Hakimzad's eyes were split, and at the same time, he instinctively issued an order to change the trajectory of the Truman.

However, before Kavin Hakimzadeh's order was passed on, the explosion had already exploded with the violent impact, and the sky-high flames engulfed his entire figure.

"The aircraft carrier... sunk!"

On land, Falcon, who was originally rescuing the pilot, noticed that the USS Truman aircraft carrier was directly divided into two under the [High-Energy Plasma Fireball] launched by the [Holy Lord] on the sea, like a hot knife cutting butter. The movement couldn't help but pause, and the expression on the entire face also solidified at the same time.

As a member of the American Air Force, Falcon has witnessed the strength of the American aircraft carrier more than once, and has seen reports of its rampage in various waters of the world from various news reports more than once.

However, this aircraft carrier, which represents the strong symbol of Murray, is now cut in half by the [High-Energy Plasma Fireball] ejected from the [Holy Lord]'s mouth in front of Falcon Sam's eyes. Submerged by the sea at a speed visible to the naked eye.


The sinking of the USS Truman made everyone in the Avengers fall silent for a moment.

The sinking of the aircraft carrier was not only an incalculable huge loss for the United States, but also made the Avengers understand the horror of the [Holy Lord].

Even the most powerful aircraft carrier battle group in the United States was destroyed under the [High-Energy Plasma Fireball] of the [Holy Master].

"Scott Lang."

Controlling the Mark50 to land next to Ant-Man, Tony snapped his fingers and asked when he looked at Scott Lang, who had a stunned expression on his face.

"I asked you to prepare something for you?"

"Mr. Stark!"

After Tony snapped his fingers, he regained his senses. Scott Lang looked at Tony who was wrapped in a steel battle suit. He was stunned for a moment, then immediately reached out and took out a toy-sized item from his battle suit. Handed it to Tony's hand and pointed at the machine on the chest of the machine, carefully reminding.

"If Mr. Stark wants to cancel the 'Pym Particle' effect, just press this mechanical device directly."

"Thanks, Scott Lang."

Reaching out to take the item handed by Ant-Man, Tony in the Mark50 looked down at the familiar red and yellow color scheme in his hand, and a firm look flashed in his eyes.



Under the power of violent lightning, he landed at the port where only a few rubble remained. Sol looked at the silent Truman aircraft carrier not far away, and a look of regret flashed in his eyes.

As an Asgardian, Thor is the one with the weakest ties to America of the Avengers.

However, as a warrior of Asgard, the son of the great Odin, watching the person he wants to save be drowned by the flames breathed out by the [Holy Lord] is not too good for Thor.

"Great Father God, Odin, King of the Gods, lightly grant me the strength to fight!"

He lifted the Thor's Hammer to his chest, and along with Thor's low voice, an obvious magic mark on Thor's Hammer began to emerge. With the flash of the magic mark, one after another violent lightning began to wrap around Sol. Under the package of thunder and lightning, the Thor's Hammer in Sol's hand shone more and more, and there were a large number of electric snakes rolling in the clouds in the sky.


Amidst the rolling clouds, a stout lightning bolt fell directly on Thor's body under the call of Thor's Hammer.

And with this falling lightning, the magic mark left by Odin on Thor's hammer in Thor's hand also burst into a dazzling light in an instant.


Himalayas, Kama Taj.

The unusual magical atmosphere caused a slight change in Gu Yi's calm face, who had been sitting quietly.

He raised his palm and opened a portal in front of him, and Gu Yi was about to enter it to find out.

At this moment, the more obvious magic fluctuations came from behind, which made Gu Yi involuntarily stop the movements of his hands, and changed slightly and said with vigilance.

"This is not where you should be, Odin!"

"You're still as cautious as ever, Gu Yi."

Dressed in a gray suit and covering his one eye with a broad-brimmed hat, Odin looked at Gu Yi's guarded back in front of him, and couldn't help showing a faint smile on his face.

"I can't be too cautious about you legendary gods."

Turning his body calmly, Gu Yi looked at Odin who appeared in Kama Taj, and said in a light tone: "You should know, Odin, according to the contract signed at the beginning, Asgard Humans cannot easily come to earth."

"I know, but as the king of the gods, I always have some privileges."

Facing the contract mentioned in Gu's mouth, Odin gently shook his head and pointed to the portal behind her: "In fact, if you sense it carefully, you will perceive me from this magic. The breath left behind, although Sol is reckless, he is still a good boy in essence."

"A good boy who has fought countless battles?"

"Rest assured, I didn't leave too many magical marks on Thor's Hammer."

With the obvious sarcastic rhetoric in countless Gu Yi's mouths, Odin waved his palm to close the portal opened by Gu Yi: "This is just a father's protection for his son."

"You know, I'm running out of time."


Hearing these words from Odin's mouth, Gu Yi was silent for a while, and then put down the magic posture that he had been holding in his hands.

"It seems that you have foreseen something."

"Aren't you the same, Gu Yi."

Hearing Gu Yi's words, Odin also raised his head and looked at her with his one eye.

"Compared to me, you still have the opportunity to change, why are you still willing to do it?"

"There is no willingness or unwillingness, everything is doomed."

"Cause and effect?"


"[Holy Master]!"

As Odin kept the magic on Thor's Hammer lifted, Thor felt a surging force surging within him.

Under the wrapping of thunder power, Sol's eyes flashed with dazzling white light, waving the Thor's Hammer in his hand to trigger a lot of lightning in the sky, and flew towards the [Holy Lord] in a roar.

Looking at Thor who came with a violent thunder, [Holy Lord] flashed a tyrannical look in his scarlet eyes, the next moment he opened his mouth, the plasma energy stored in the body and the oxygen were mixed and compressed through the expansion cavity to generate strong force The ionization effect of the condensed energy turned into a huge fireball and sprayed it at Sol.


In mid-air, the [plasma fireball] collided with the thunder on Sol's body, and the resulting light reflected the entire sky into a red and white day.

Then a huge roar resounded through the world.

[Plasma Fireball] The terrifying flames wrapped Thor's entire body. However, Thor, who has now liberated Thor's full strength, is the real Thor.

Passing through the center of the fireball under the high temperature, the [plasma fireball] did not even leave too obvious damage on his body. Raising the Thor's Hammer in his hand, as the surrounding lightning concentrated on the Thor's Hammer, the [Holy Master] could even smell the strange smell of the electric charge in the air.

As Thor, Thor's power to manipulate lightning has obviously far exceeded Li Ran's other avatar, Dominic Butch's avatar [Weather Forecast].

The lightning controlled by the atmosphere and the lightning directly summoned by Thor through Thor's Hammer are obviously two different grades in terms of power.

The terrifying current formed by the twisting and condensing of these lightnings even made the originally gloomy sky around the [Holy Lord] as bright as the day. Under the power of constant thunder and lightning, he raised his Thunder God's power to the strongest limit.

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