"Ice Age!"

In the eyes of the Avengers.

[Kuzan] A cold breath was slowly exhaled from his mouth, and as a cold current surged up, the ground quickly froze into ice at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Looking at the spreading ice cubes, Natasha's expression changed, and she only felt a chill to the bones. The direction in which the frozen breath spread was withdrawn.

However, even Natasha, who responded so quickly, did not escape the frozen power in the end.

The rapidly spreading cold shrouded Natasha around [Kuzan] and all the remaining members of the Avengers in an instant, turning them into lifelike ice statues.

Of course, it wasn't just the Avengers who were frozen.


In the silence, [Kuzan] slowly got up, and where his eyes were watching, there was no sound at the moment in the originally noisy American troop camp.

The chill released by [Kuzan] froze the entire camp in an instant.

If someone walks into the camp where the American soldiers are located at this moment, they will find that the expressions on the faces of the soldiers who were frozen into ice sculptures in the camp do not have the slightest pain, and even most of them still keep the moment before they were frozen. Movement, that is to say, these American soldiers were completely frozen without any reaction.

Taking his eyes back from the frozen camp in the distance, [Kuzan] swept across the surrounding Avengers' ice sculptures.

Then it stopped on Steve's body.

The surging cold current froze the Captain America at the moment when he held a shield to resist. Judging from the expression on the opponent's face in the ice, it was obvious that he was opening his mouth to do something.

However, the chill stopped Captain America from making further moves, and also froze him at the moment when he opened his mouth.

Ordinary people, how to stay in the freezing environment for too long, will undoubtedly encounter fatal threats.

Even if the Avengers are frozen in front of them, most of the members have far better physical fitness than ordinary people, but the continuous low temperature will cause serious damage to them, and may even take their lives.

However, Li Ran in the antique shop did not respond to this.

Not to mention superfluous, let [Kuzan] rescue Steve and the others from the freeze.

Because he knew that someone would save them.

Sure enough, in the antique shop, Li Ran's idea just came to an end.

I saw that at a position not far from [Kuzan], the phantom figure that was also frozen was blurred for a while, and it was like a phantom passing through the ice block.

"Well, there are still fish that slip through the net."

Noticing the scene of Vision penetrating ice cubes, [Kuzan] raised his eyebrows, raised his palms and aimed at him to release the cold air.

However, at this moment, a watch-like device on the wrist of [Kuzan] suddenly rang.

"This is [Kuzan]."

Aiming at Vision with one hand, [Kuzan] raised his other arm to connect to the device, and replied in a low voice.

"Captain Qingzhi, it's not good, our containment of the [Holy Master] has failed, and now the resurrected [Holy Master] has destroyed the base...even..."

The device is connected, and from the watch comes a rush of reports and a constant blast of explosions and destruction.

"Containment breach?"

Hearing the report, [Kuzan] frowned slightly.

Immediately after that, his eyes flashed, and he glanced at the vision in front of him and the Avengers who were still frozen. Then he turned to look at [Dominic Butch] who was also frozen by him behind him. The icy aura that had been exuding suddenly dissipated, retracting his arm facing Vision, and stretched a lazy waist, the original icy expression on his face returned to the sleepy look before, yawning and said: "Since If the containment fails, then our third action team will not be responsible for the next thing. It seems that the American government seems to have the confidence to eliminate the [Holy Lord], and the rest of the work will be left to you, Avengers. "

While yawning, [Kuzan] reached out and pressed the device on his wrist.

In the next instant, under the gaze of Vision, I saw the previously disappeared [Any Door] reappear.

[Kuzan] grabbed [Dominic Butch] with one hand and put it on his shoulders, while holding [Any Door], turned the door handle and pulled it out, carrying [Dominic Butch] and went in go.

"By the way, if you don't want to see all those frozen American soldiers die, act quickly."

Before the figure was about to enter the [Any Door], [Kuzan] stuck out his head, looked at the vigilant Vision and reminded in a low voice: "Every minute of delay, those soldiers are threatened with their lives. The bigger it is, if all these soldiers are frozen to death, you can only fight the [Holy Lord] single-handedly, Avengers."


As the voice of [Kuzan] fell, his last sticking out head also disappeared in the [Any Door].

Watching the figure of [Kuzan] disappear into the [Any Door], Vision looked at the wooden door that was invisible like a phantom.


The dignified expression on his face loosened slightly, and then the whole movement swayed a little.

Frequent use of the power of the Mind Gem has made Vision's body close to the point where it is exhausted.

However, thinking of the words left by [Kuzan] when he left, Vision had to support his now extremely weak body to stand firm. Looking at Steve who was frozen in front of him, while the light of the mind gem on his forehead flickered faintly, a high-temperature light fell on Captain America's ice sculpture.


"...The situation is pretty bad, Kyle..."

"We have a right to know the truth, why is there such a huge monster in Canadian territory, obviously our government is hiding the truth, the new Prime Minister Justin has deceived us, he has taken us all for fools , putting the whole of Canada in crisis."

"It's all the government's fault and we need help!"

"Damn, did you see that monster, that horrible monster, it destroyed the biggest port in our town in one bite, no one, no one told me what happened..."

"This is a punishment, a punishment from God!"

"Avengers, we need the Avengers, Canada needs help!"

"I knew it for a long time, I knew it for a long time, I saw the figure of the Canadian military before, they were secretly doing some shameful deeds, this huge monster may be the experimental product of the military, I once wanted Tell the truth, but was warned by the military, these **** guys, their experiments are out of control."

"Thanks for the news coverage from the frontline reporters..."

On the news TV station of the Canadian CBC Broadcasting Corporation, the anchor looked at the increasingly excited people and had to end the news interview under the direction of the director.

He nodded lightly, glanced at the instant message in his hand, and said immediately: "Now insert a new report, the new Prime Minister Justin has made a statement about the huge monster that appeared in Canada, saying that he has no knowledge of the existence of this monster. All is the action of the military, and said that it will punish the military involved, and at the same time sent a request for assistance to the international community, hoping that the Avengers will take action to stop the monsters that are wreaking havoc in Canada..."

In the news report, Prime Minister Justin looked decadent outside the Parliament Building in Ottawa, apparently exhausted by the destruction caused by the out-of-control monster.

Thanks to the development of the Internet, Canada is simply unable to prevent the transmission of information about the [Holy Lord].

Especially as the resurrected [Holy Lord] left the military base and moved towards Canada, more and more people saw this huge monster, and at the same time, the panic it brought became even greater.

At this time, Justin instead hoped that the troops dispatched by the United States could come as soon as possible to stop the raging [Holy Lord].

What was not clear to Justin, however, was that the situation for the American Forces was not so rosy either.



Covered in a blanket, Falcon Sam shivered and took the hot coffee from Natasha beside him. He lowered his head and took a sip to feel the warmth that filled his body. He breathed a sigh of relief and pulled the blanket on his body again. . Although with the help of Vision, he was successfully rescued from the freezing, but the freezing for a period of time also caused obvious damage to Sam's body.

"You're welcome."

Compared with Sam, Natasha's situation is slightly better.

The transformed body and past experiences made her a bit more resistant to cold than the average person. After a period of cultivation, she has successfully recovered.

Rubbing his hands, he resisted the lingering chill that enveloped the entire camp.

At this moment, the barracks where the Avengers were located was opened, and then a tired-looking Tony and the others came in.

"How's the situation?"

Looking at the people who came back, Natasha immediately asked.

"It's basically solved."

Although he was the first among the Avengers to be frozen by [Kuzan], Hulk's strong physical fitness made Banner almost unaffected by the cold force, and he recovered as soon as he came out of the huge ice ball, and With the arrival of Tony, he entered the frozen camp to carry out rescue work.

"We used the body parts left by Ultron and the power of vision to temporarily create a heating device, which thawed the frozen soldiers through continuous high temperature."

Reaching out and rubbing his forehead, Tony has not rested and started the rescue operation non-stop since he received Steve's contact and rushed to the camp. At this time, he was extremely tired.

"It's just that it has been a long time since the soldiers were frozen to thawed. Even if they are able to act, they cannot immediately restore their combat ability."

Also rushed back to the barracks with Tony.

'War Machine' James is even more worried about the situation of the entire camp. He has found many thawed bodies, and their bodies have had problems under the erosion of cold air, including General Ross.

"Worst-case scenario, not just that."

Facing a worried Tony, Natasha had to tell everyone worse news.

"According to the latest report from Canada, the [Holy Lord] who came out of the military base has come to a small town near the Canadian port. Although the Canadian side dispatched a certain degree of military force to stop it, there is no doubt that the entire The Internet is full of related reports about the [Holy Lord].”

"What about the scp foundation?"

Hearing what Natasha said, Tony couldn't help frowning.

"Agent Hill has tried to contact Mr. Long."

"The other party said that the scp foundation has decided to temporarily abandon the containment of the [Holy Lord]."

"Give up for now."

"It seems that America's actions this time have thoroughly angered the SCP Foundation."

Hearing Natasha's reply, Tony couldn't help muttering.

"It's not just the Pentagon, it's the Avengers."

The experience of her own agent made Natasha's feelings for the United States not as important as the other Avengers, so she knew better that the performance of the SCP Foundation this time was not only for the United States, but also because of the actions of the Avengers. .

"I think, with this fight, even if the Avengers and the SCP Foundation cooperate again in the future, there is no way to return to the previous level."


Natasha's analysis~www.wuxiamtl.com~ silenced Steve's expression.

In fact, he also knew in his heart that what Natasha said was correct. This conflict allowed the Avengers to see the powerful power of the SCP Foundation, and also planted a split for their tacit cooperation. seed. The scp foundation's position is to protect all human beings. Even if there are sacrifices, it is a necessary trade-off. As long as the containment can be successfully completed in the end, more people can be protected.

However, the Avengers can't just watch this sacrifice appear. They are superheroes, and the purpose of their existence is to protect the people.


Taking a deep breath and repressing his inner thoughts, Steve looked at the people in the barracks and said again: "Now, it's too late to talk about this, according to Vision, the scp foundation obviously decided not to be right anymore. [Holy Lord] launches the second containment, at least until the American government encounters a complete failure, but we cannot watch this happen. If the [Holy Lord] continues to destroy, there will be many innocent people. We are in danger, so even if there is no way to contain [Holy Lord] like the SCP Foundation, we must try hard to prevent [Holy Lord] from continuing to destroy it."

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