Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 523: Captain Aokiji

"Frozen Time Capsule!"

However, just when Ultron's attack was about to fall on the crumbling [Dominic Butch].

With a deep voice, Ultron in front of [Dominic Butch] was rapidly frozen, and a lifelike ice sculpture appeared in front of Vision in the blink of an eye.


Looking at Ultron who was frozen in place by ice cubes, a look of shock flashed in Vision's eyes not far away.

"I don't want to go to catch up a little sleep..."

Immediately afterwards, following the direction of the sound, Vision saw a wooden door that appeared out of thin air. A palm supported the half-closed door frame of the wooden door, and a large amount of frozen frost spread from the door frame to Ultron's body.

"You actually caused me such a big problem again. It seems that you still think that our third mobile squad is not in enough trouble, [Dominic Butch] Deputy Captain."

Amidst the complaints, the wooden door was pushed open from the inside out, and at the same time a tall man was wearing a white suit vest and dark blue shirt. The curly-haired man with a green blindfold on his forehead, the sleepy-eyed man walked out of the door and said to the weak-looking [Dominic Butch].

"A rare vacation, because your relationship was ruined again."

"[Kuzan] Captain."

Although the man who came out of any door was full of complaints, [Dominic Butch] looked at this sleepy figure, the expression on his face was obviously relieved, and he controlled the substitute [Weather Forecast] again. He returned to his human form to support his crumbling body.


Then the man called [Kuzan] walked out of the wooden door, and the pink wooden door that had originally appeared in front of him disappeared like a phantom in the air.

The spiritual gem on the forehead shone with a faint light and swept past the position where the wooden door disappeared, and Vision in the Void only felt a trace of spatial fluctuations left in place and an icy chill that pierced through the heart.

"I have already reminded you, [Dominic Butch] vice-captain, although the highest responsibility of the scp foundation is to protect humans from anomalous influences, this does not mean that everything the foundation does is Absolutely correct thing, the Foundation is not a **** after all, but an organization established by a group of people to protect and contain abnormal objects, and you are just a member of this human organization, don't give yourself too great meaning, It just makes you overwhelmed."

"But isn't that what you said, Captain [Kuzan]?"

"As long as the containment of the scp foundation can be completed, even the sacrifice part is correct, because we save more."

"People's positions will change with time and experience. I may have said this in the past, and because of that, I lost many, even colleagues who fought side by side, and some worse things."

In the face of [Dominic Butch]'s rebuttal, [Kuzan] restrained the drowsiness that he had always been carrying, and replied in a silent tone: "That is the experience that made me understand, if I can achieve 80% If you want to be perfect, don't go after 100% perfection, too much perfection will not bring better results."


As he said, [Kuzan] did not know when he had come to [Dominic Butch], and the rainbow formed by the surrogate [Weather Forecast]'s stormy ability fell on [Kuzan], but was caught by him. The ice cubes blocked it, raised his slender fingers and gently touched [Dominic Butch]'s head, [Kuzan] said in a slow but steady tone: "Calm down for a while. ,vice captain."


The voice of [Kuzan] fell, and a large amount of frost poured out from his fingertips, instantly freezing the opposite [Dominic Butch] into an ice sculpture like Ultron.


With [Dominic Butch] turning into a motionless ice sculpture in the hands of [Kuzan].

Vision keenly noticed that the stand-in [Weather Forecast] that was originally supported behind him also disappeared, and at the same time, the roaring Snail Hulk also recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"The influence of the subconscious also disappeared?"

Thinking of what [Dominic Butch] had confided before, if he wanted to stop the ability of [Weather Forecast], he had to fall. Obviously, this [Dominic Butch] said that the third mobile team was in front of him. The captain, the man named [Kuzan], ended the influence of [Dominic Butch] in this way.

The disappearance of [Weather Forecast] was like losing the last support to [Dominic Butch]'s crumbling body. After being frozen by [Kuzan], it turned into an ice sculpture of [Dominic Butch]. Qi] immediately fell backwards involuntarily. Seeing this, [Kuzan] stepped forward, grabbed the shoulders of the ice sculpture and re-stabilized [Dominic Butch] to avoid this bad situation.

Click, click—

And just as [Kuzan] stabilized [Dominic Butch]'s body, Ultron, who turned into an ice sculpture from his back under the freezing air of the frozen time capsule, suddenly sounded a large number of ice cubes shattering the sound of.

"Sure enough, the ability of [Frozen Time Capsule] alone cannot trap you."

Hearing the sound of more and more fragmentation coming from behind, the expression on [Kuzan]'s face was not at all surprised. He slowly turned his body and looked at Ultron who broke free from the ice. Said calmly.

"Looks like you're the captain of the SCP Foundation's third mobile squad."

Although freezing freezes Ultron's body, it does not affect the function of artificial intelligence. Compared with human beings, Ultron's resistance to cold is undoubtedly more powerful.

During the freezing period, it understood the connection between the two through the conversation between [Kuzan] and [Dominic Butch].

"That's right."

In the face of Ultron's questioning, [Kuzan] did not deny it, he nodded and reached out and touched the blindfold on his forehead: "I am the captain of the third mobile squad of the SCP Foundation - Kuzan."


The "One Piece" character's navy code name is "Aokiji", the "Navy Headquarters Admiral", one of the highest combat powers of the former "World Government".

A person with the ability of "frozen fruit" of nature.

General Kuzan, Li Ran did not draw.

However, it doesn't matter. With the experience of no gods before, Li Ran has been able to perfectly play the role of a card even if it is not drawn by the system. 89 Literature Network

What's more, although he didn't draw the [Kuzan] card, he had a character card with the same powerful freezing technique in his hand - [Jianhui].

Although, [Jianhui]'s [Hui Tian Bing Jue] can't achieve the elemental effect like "frozen fruit", but considering purely the freezing ability, Li Ran thinks that the effect produced by [Hui Tian Bing Jue] Compared with the "frozen fruit", it is only a strong and not weak existence.

From the introduction of the system, it was also explained that [Jianhui] used the power of [Back to Heaven] not only to freeze the twelve masters, but also to freeze the entire Sword Sect and even himself.

Therefore, Li Ran used the [Jianhui] with [Back to Heaven] to play the captain [Kuzan] of the third mobile squad of the SCP Foundation, which can be said to be stronger than the original in terms of combat effectiveness.

Although, neither Ultron nor Vision knows the prototype of [Kuzan].

"Warning, the body is damaged by 32%."

Looking at [Kuzan] in front of him, Ultron scanned the entire body to get the result.

Although the freezing damage cannot directly solve Ultron, the freezing gas generated by [Back to Heaven] still penetrates into Ultron's indestructible vibrating metal shell, causing a certain degree of damage to the internal mechanical structure, including some liquid pressure structures. All because of the air-conditioning rupture, Ultron can clearly feel that the operation of his mechanical body has become a bit sluggish.

It is precisely because of the damage to the body that Ultron has a huge vigilance against [Kuzan], and the mechanical brain of the artificial intelligence is running rapidly, analyzing the possible winning rate if there is a conflict.

"Hulk, get angry!"

Here, both Ultron and Vision are very vigilant about [Kuzan], who has shown terrifying combat power as soon as he debuts.

On the other hand, Hulk, who had finally recovered from his snailed subconscious, didn't think so.

The repeated snailing obviously caused the already angry Hulk to fall into an uncontrollable violent mood. The tyrannical emotions in the dark green eyes surged in it. Under the influence of the rage, Hulk was already huge. The figure swelled up a bit again, and a large number of dark green blood vessels were constantly running around Hulk like countless mice.


With a deafening roar from his mouth, Hulk raised his thicker-than-human arm and slammed it heavily on the ground, before rushing towards [Kuzan].

"It's really impulsive."

Looking up at the huge rumbling sound produced by Hulk in front of him and the huge body full of oppression.

[Kuzan] The expression on his face did not show the slightest fear. I saw him raise his palm to aim at Hulk, and waves of cold air emerged from his arms.


Gently, five icicles instantly emerged from [Kuzan]'s palm, falling on Hulk's huge body with a bone-chilling chill, freezing it directly in a huge ice ball.

This time to freeze the Hulk, [Kuzan] obviously used a bit of force. [Back to the Sky] is a terrible freeze that directly freezes twelve masters. Even if it can't kill the Hulk in an instant, it can make the furious Hulk calm down. In the huge hockey puck, you can see Hulk's lifelike angry expression, and even under the powerful mechanical vision of Ultron, you can clearly see Hulk's slowly turning eyeballs inside the hockey puck.


[Kuzan] The ability to freeze the Hulk with one move undoubtedly made the vision, who already had a strong sense of vigilance against him, a little more disturbed in his heart.

At this moment, with a shout, the remaining Avengers in the camp finally arrived at the scene.

As the subconscious influence of [Weather Forecast] subsided, although the entire camp could not fully recover its combat power, many soldiers had already acted in an orderly manner under the orders of General Ross.

Vision’s request for Ultron’s help also made Steve and others realize that the fight between Vision and the SCP Foundation was not smooth, so after the body recovered from the snail, the Avengers did not hesitate to go to court. Came to the fighting spot.

"team leader!"

Hearing Captain America's voice, Vision's eyes changed slightly, but his eyes still stayed on [Kuzan] and did not leave.

"This is, Hulk?!"

Coming with a shield, Steve's attention was immediately attracted by the Hulk inside the huge ice hockey puck.

Looking at the motionless Hulk inside the hockey puck, Natasha frowned immediately.

"Be careful, Mr. Steve."

The blue light flickered, but Ultron's original gentle and rational voice seemed extremely serious at the moment: "The other party is the captain of the third mobile team of the SCP Foundation [Kuzan], don't be swept away by the ice in his hands, otherwise, Hao Gram is the most typical negative example."


Raise your hand to touch the huge hockey puck where Hulk is, and feel the chill to the bone from the puck.

Hearing Ultron's reminder, the expression on Steve's face was a bit complicated. Compared with other members of the Avengers, freezing obviously had another layer of meaning for him.

Withdrawing the hand on the huge ice hockey puck and restraining the surging emotions in his heart, Steve took a deep breath, and the hot air exhaled from his mouth turned into a white fog visible to the naked eye under the coldness of the ice hockey puck.

"Mr. [Kuzan]."

Turning his head, he looked at [Kuzan] or the [Dominic Steve behind him who was also frozen into ice sculptures] and tried to speak: "The Avengers have no intention of going against the SCP Foundation, In fact, we admire everything the Foundation has done to protect human beings, and we also know that what the American military is doing is not correct, and the previous attack on the camp by [Dominic Butch] has also been done to this unit. So, if possible, I hope Mr. Kuzan can let these American soldiers go."


In the face of Steve's sincere persuasion, the attitude shown by [Kuzan] was not as cold as [Dominic Butch].

His eyes swept over the Avengers in front of him, the ruins of the broken camp and the ice sculpture of [Dominic Butch] behind him, and he slowly opened his mouth and said in a dull voice: "You know, Captain America, and [Dominic Butch]. Dominic Butch]'s extreme position is different, for me, everyone has their own position, the scp foundation has the position of the foundation, and the United States also has the position of the United States, even the Avengers also has I have my own position, and under normal circumstances, I will not deny the position of others..."

"It seems that the captain of the third mobile squad of the SCP Foundation [Kuzan] is much more talkative than his vice-captain, the guy named [Dominic Butch]."

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