"James, save people!"

Looking at the F-22 Raptor fighter pilot in danger in Mark50, Tony immediately changed his purpose from saving the base to saving the F-22 Raptor fighter pilot.


Hearing Tony's order to fly away, James in War Machine instantly understood, and he controlled the steel suit on his body to turn sideways and flew towards the paralyzed F-22 Raptor fighter not far away.


"Soldiers, hold on!"

Controlling the 'war machine' to land on the F-22 Raptor fighter, James stretched out the arm of the steel suit to lift the F-22 Raptor fighter canopy that was paralyzed and could not be ejected normally, and he would sit inside directly. The panicked pilot was rescued, and at the same time, flames sprayed from the armored parts of his legs and took the pilot away from the out-of-control fighter.


Losing the pilot's control, the F-22 Raptor fighter jet, which had been paralyzed due to the attack of [Dominic Butch], made a huge whistling sound in mid-air, and crashed on the ground with huge firelight and roar. Voice.

"Now, the American military should feel distressed."

Controlling the 'War Machine' to stay in mid-air, James looked down at the fire from the crash of the F-22 Raptor fighter and couldn't help twitching the corners of his eyes, and muttered.

As the most advanced fighter jet in the hands of the United States, the cost of the F-22 Raptor fighter is not cheap. The unit cost of 150 million US dollars is equivalent to the loss of hundreds of millions of US dollars for each F-22 Raptor fighter that crashes. In fact, the reason why the F-22 Raptor fighter stopped production has a lot to do with its sky-high cost.

Anyway, James knew that the crash of an F-22 Raptor fighter would make the American Air Force feel distressed for a while, and there were more than one fighter plane that crashed in front of him.

Thinking of this, James turned the head of the steel suit and quickly set his sights on another F-22 Raptor fighter.

"Jarvis, scan the F-22 Raptor."

Controlling the Mark50 to approach another F-22 Raptor fighter, Tony watched the fighter shake violently due to the strong wind and turbulence, and did not rush to save the dangerous pilot. As a fighter, even if the defense is sacrificed for speed, the total length of the F-22 Raptor fighter is more than 18 meters, and the wing length is closer to 14 meters, plus a weight of more than ten tons.

Once out of control, the entire F-22 Raptor fighter is a deadly weapon, not to mention the various weapons and missile equipment loaded on the fighter.

This is a moving arsenal of lethality.

"Sir, due to the influence of the strong wind, the front wing of the fighter has been damaged. At the same time, the huge wind constantly destroyed the power system of the fighter, causing an afterburner turbofan engine to stop working, and the blowing wind took it away. A large number of problems have caused the temperature of the pilot's cabin to drop sharply, which will soon reach freezing point, and the control system of the F-22 Raptor fighter jet may fail..."

Inside the Mark 50, reports from Jarvis indicate that the situation with the F-22 Raptor is not optimistic.

"Soldier, tell me your current situation!"

"iron Man……"

Through the glass in front of the cockpit of the F-22 Raptor, the pilot inside quickly noticed Tony who was staying not far from the fighter. The figure in the cockpit moved with difficulty, and at the same time he shouted: "I feel a little cold, Breathing... it's a little hard to breathe, I'm almost out of breath."

"It's an oxygen production system!"

Hearing the cry for help from the pilot, Jarvis quickly scanned the respiratory system of the F-22 Raptor: "According to November 17, 2010, a plane stationed at Emmendorf Air Force Base, Alaska, affiliated with the United States Air Force The F-22 Raptor of the 525th Squadron lost contact with the ground control center at 19:40 local time after a routine flight training. The search and rescue results showed that the pilot, Captain Jeffrey Hanney, was not well before the crash. Escape from ejection. A subsequent accident investigation revealed that the accident may have been caused by a design flaw in the oxygen generation system configured on the fighter, which would cause insufficient oxygen supply when flying at high altitudes and cause the flight attendant flying the F-22 Raptor to coma.”

"Although, after the US Air Force ordered and overhauled all remaining F-22 Raptors, it was concluded that the root cause of the oxygen supply problem was a problem with the pressurized suit and related systems, and its valves and filters had been replaced. But obviously , the supply of the F-22 Raptor has not been fully resolved."

"Not surprisingly."

When Mark50 heard Jarvis' report, Tony raised his eyebrows, not surprised.

In order to make the F-22 Raptor fighter jets successful, the US military has invested nearly 100 billion US dollars in it. How could such a large fighter group still be left there.

As combat equipment, the expensiveness of the F-22 Raptor fighter is not only reflected in its cost, including the follow-up maintenance and overhaul. .

"Hold on, soldier, I'll save you right away!"

Knowing that the situation of the pilots in the F-22 Raptor fighter was in crisis, Tony no longer hesitated. He raised his arm, a laser device rose from the gauntlet of Mark50, and Tony cut off the F-22 Raptor directly through the laser rays of the gauntlet. The flying wing of a fighter jet.

"Another billion-dollar loss."

Witnessing Tony cut off the wings of the F-22 Raptor, Colonel James in "War Machine" muttered again and added.

Click, click!

Without the support of the flying wings, the shaking of the F-22 Raptor fighter became significantly more intense, and it began to roll rapidly under the blowing of the strong wind.

However, this seemingly dangerous result is exactly what Tony needs.

The F-22 Raptor fighter without flying wings is also equal to a huge threat. Watching the rapidly rolling fighter, Tony did not hesitate any more, and controlled the Mark50 jet shock wave to approach the past in the direction of the fighter. Because of the loss of the flying wings, the damage caused by the shaking of the F-22 Raptor fighter has been reduced a lot. Tony only needs to control the steel suit on his body to avoid the rolling fighter, and at the same time stretch out the arm of the Mark50, and a small number of nanomachines are attached to it. A device that transforms into a grappling hook snaps onto the fighter jet.

Through the continuous climbing of the grappling hook device deformed by the nanomachine, Tony in the Mark50 quickly approached the cockpit where the pilot was. Watching the pilot in the cabin who was unconscious due to the crash, Tony raised his arm and gauntlet. The nano-robot transformed into a sharp cutting tool again, and soon created an entrance for people to pass through on the cockpit glass cover.



Looking at the hole in the canopy, Tony in the Mark50 breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to reach out to rescue the comatose pilot inside when Jarvis' reminder suddenly sounded in his ear.


Immediately afterwards, a crisp sound of shoe upper touching metal sounded behind Tony.

At the same time, Tony noticed that the howling wind around the F-22 Raptor stopped for a moment.

"Iron Man, you shouldn't be here."

Standing on top of the broken F-22 Raptor fighter, the stand-in behind [Dominic Butch] [Weather Forecast] squatted down and pressed his hands on the fighter.

The violently tumbling fighter jet stopped turning in an instant, floating there like a meteorite in space.

"I've let you go before."

Standing at the head of the F-22 Raptor fighter, [Dominic Butch] glanced at Tony and the comatose pilot in the cockpit, and said slowly in a calm voice: "If it wasn't for the dragon, before you When I broke into the base, I shot you down directly. Don't think that I don't know the information that the dragon sent to you. If you don't have my acquiescence, you think the information in the base can be transmitted to the Avengers so easily. in the hands?"


With the voice of [Dominic Butch], a deafening roar suddenly sounded in the surrounding clouds.

Glancing at the flickering thunder around him and feeling the unparalleled terrifying power of lightning up close, Tony in Mark50 subconsciously swallowed.

With his Mark50's defense, although it will not be destroyed by the power of lightning, the violent lightning is enough to cause damage to the steel battle suit. And, if the lightning did fall, he didn't think there was any chance that the pilot he was trying to rescue in the F-22 Raptor would survive.

"Never let the lightning fall."

Inside the steel suit, Tony glanced at the comatose pilot in the F-22 Raptor and thought to himself.

"Actually, the Avengers didn't participate in the SCP Foundation's containment mission at first..."

Taking a deep breath, Tony tried his best to suppress his inner nervousness, looked at [Dominic Butch] in front of him, and said: "The information given by Mr. The containment of Lord] is going smoothly, in fact, this is what the Avengers want to see, so after confirming the authenticity of the information, the Avengers have made a decision not to intervene, as far as possible in accordance with the scp foundation's Willing not to interfere in your containment work."

"The right decision, since that's the case, why don't you continue to follow this decision."

Hearing Tony's answer, [Dominic Butch] nodded slightly, but the expression on his face did not relax in the slightest.

"If we can, of course we also hope that everything goes smoothly."

Facing the question of [Dominic Butch], Tony in Mark50 showed a wry smile on his face.

"However, the plan could not keep up with the changes. The decision made by the Pentagon obviously exceeded our previous expectations. The White House dispatched the army to attack the [Holy Lord], but this action of the American military will have an impact on the containment of the SCP Foundation. At the same time, Colonel James, who controls 'War Machine', is also a good friend of mine, so I can't watch him take a risk."

Because of the previous encounters, the Avengers knew very well that the strength of the [Holy Lord] could not be defeated by the proud equipment of the American military alone.


On the F-22 Raptor, after listening to Tony's explanation, [Dominic Butch] became silent for a while.

He raised his head and glanced at Tony, who was wrapped in a steel suit in front of him, then turned to look at the comatose pilot in the cockpit, and then said, "The scp foundation doesn't need any help, we can solve all crises by ourselves, whether it's for The containment of the [Holy Lord] is also a threat from the American military, and we can all solve it alone."

After saying all this, [Dominic Butch] ignored Tony on the broken F-22 Raptor fighter in front of him. He controlled the stand-in behind him [Weather Forecast] to generate a whirlwind, and soon wrapped his body through the thick fog and disappeared. trace.



With the departure of [Dominic Butch], the stagnant wind on the F-22 Raptor roared again, and the fighter rolled violently.

"What, **** it!"

The sudden change made it too late for Tony on the fighter to think about the words that [Dominic Butch] left before leaving.

He controlled his arms to rescue the comatose pilot in the cockpit, and then slammed his legs on the F-22 Raptor to fly away from the dangerous wreckage of the fighter.


"Sir, both F-22 Raptors are unresponsive at the same time."

Canadian border, home of the American camp.

When General Ross heard the news from the soldiers, his originally cold face immediately frowned.

"Continue to confirm the pilot's situation and contact Colonel James, I need more detailed information."

"Yes, sir!"

Looking at the soldiers who turned and left, General Ross stretched out his hand to support his forehead. Before the war really started, two F-22 Raptor fighter jets were lost. He was a little worried about the reaction of the Pentagon.

camp, outpost.

"Hey, Jerry..."

Holding a firearm, looking at the monotonous environment around him~www.wuxiamtl.com~ A black soldier's attention began to get distracted. He looked up at his comrade-in-arms opposite, and couldn't help but ask.

"You said we are really going to fight monsters this time?"


Perhaps because it was on the Canadian border, in this place known as the back garden of the United States, the soldiers really couldn't think of anything to be alert to, so when they heard the question from the black man, the soldier standing opposite him shrugged and at the same time. After changing his stance a bit more relaxed, he opened his mouth and replied.

"Isn't that the time for superheroes?"

"So the Avengers didn't come to the army too. If it wasn't for duty, I'd go to Captain America to get an autograph."

"I don't like Captain America, I like that redhead after all..."

He pouted and heard the words of his comrade-in-arms on the opposite side. The black soldier grinned and was about to say something nasty when suddenly a cool breeze swept across the bodies of the two soldiers in the post.

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