Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 509: war machine


The news brought by Nick Fury is undoubtedly a great shock to the Avengers.

Frowning tightly, Tony immediately raised his head and shouted at the artificial intelligence in the Avengers Building.

"I am here, sir."

"Call me James right away."

"Okay, sir."

After receiving Tony's order, Jarvis responded immediately.


A few seconds later, the face of Colonel James 'War Machine' appeared in the room where the Avengers were, and there was a somewhat noisy scene behind him.

"James, tell me." Looking at the face of his friend on the screen, Tony didn't hesitate too much, and asked his own question directly: "Has the military started to act?"


Tony's direct questioning obviously made the expression of Colonel James on the other side a little embarrassed. He hesitated for a while with a silent face, and then took a deep breath and answered solemnly: "The situation is more complicated than expected, the White House. The United States is obviously ready for war. The situation in Canada has exceeded the bottom line that the White House can bear. The United States cannot watch the crisis exist in the neighboring countries that are close at hand. Therefore, after an assessment, the Pentagon took the initiative to attack. This time, the White House has clearly prepared a certain sacrifice to obliterate the danger outside the country..."

"No, James, the situation is not as simple as you think. It appeared in Canada..."

In the face of his friend's answer, Tony's originally wrinkled brow suddenly became a little deeper.

"Sorry Tony, I don't have any reason to run away as a soldier."

Shaking his head, he interrupted Tony's next words.

Although he is Tony's friend, he is also a soldier.

"I'm going to start preparing."

With a firm expression, he said his answer to Tony in the Avengers Building. Colonel James took a deep look at his friend on the screen, and then took the initiative to end the contact.


Inside the Avengers Building, Tony watched the video communication hung up by his friend Colonel James, and his expression became silent.

However, the expression on his face soon changed back to a determined look.

"Jarvis, start Mark50 for me."

Following Tony's command, a brand new steel suit made of dark red, gold and gray flew over, and fell on Tony's body and quickly combined and deformed.

Mark50 is fundamentally different from the armor used by Tony before. With the assistance of Mr. Fantastic Reid, they successfully conquered the nanomachine technology left by the previous pacifist wreckage, and transferred some technology to Mark50. , Although it has not been able to completely transform a steel nano armor, the Mark50 built with nanotechnology undoubtedly has some nanotechnology capabilities and has a certain degree of self-healing function.

With such a capable Mark50, it is no doubt that Tony's combat power has been significantly improved.


Looking at Tony who quickly put on the steel suit, Steve subconsciously shouted.

"You should know where I stand, Captain."

As the last steel mask on his head fell, Tony, who was wrapped in Mark 50, said firmly in the face of Captain America's shout.

"James is my friend, I can't just watch him die, and if the American military is allowed to act like this, the final result is likely to be..."

Regarding the power of the [Holy Lord], Tony has already made it clear through the information Natasha retrieved and Steve's description.

It was because of this that he realized that Colonel James, who controlled the 'War Machine', to fight against such a behemoth was undoubtedly his own death.

Moreover, it is also clear from the announcement of the scp foundation that they do not welcome any organization or country to interfere in the containment incident.

And what the United States did, undoubtedly touched the containment work of the SCP Foundation.

It is even very likely that their behavior will affect the containment mission of the SCP Foundation for the [Holy Lord].

Thinking of such a possibility, Tony obviously couldn't continue to stay in the Avengers Building with peace of mind.

Because, whether it is against the [Holy Lord] or the scp foundation, he does not think that the United States represented by the 'war machine' controlled by James can achieve a great victory, and even if the United States finally defeated the scp foundation in the base , the result is also a chance to liberate the [Holy Lord] who should have been contained.

It can be said that this move by the White House has brought the already complex and dangerous situation into a more chaotic situation.

And this development made Tony couldn't help but recall the conversation he had with Vision in the underground base not long ago.

Conflict seems to be what the vision says, and eventually begins to breed a terrible catastrophe

This worst-case scenario must be prevented.

Thinking of this, Tony's inner sense of urgency increased a bit.

"I know."

Although he was wrapped in a steel suit, Steve could clearly sense the anxiety and urgency in Tony's tone.

Reaching out to pick up his shield, Steve looked at Tony in front of him, and then said in a deep voice, "So, I'm not trying to stop you, but to remind you that you're not alone, Tony, you're the Avengers."

As Steve's voice fell, the Avengers in the room also made a statement.

"Looks like it's going to be a game in the end, and I knew it wouldn't go so smoothly."

Turning his head and looking at the Avengers with firm expressions around him, Falcon couldn't help shrugging his shoulders, muttering in his mouth, but he also stepped forward to join in.

"team leader."

Looking at the Avengers who expressed their positions in front of him, Tony's tone in the steel suit changed obviously.

"In fact, I also know a guy who may be able to help us in the next battle."

And just as the atmosphere of the Avengers was condensing in front of him, Falcon suddenly said as if he had thought of something.

He has a hunch that the next battle will definitely be extremely dangerous, so it is natural to gather more strength.


"What, Mr. Prime Minister, I can't take it!"

Canada, in a temporary camp.

After receiving the message from Prime Minister Justin, the general's face changed drastically, and he said angrily: "This action by the United States has no evidence or even precedent, and it is a blatant violation of Canadian sovereignty!"

Nothing more than the general's emotions will be so excited. As a soldier, who would allow any other country to launch military operations without any permission.

"I won't allow this to happen, absolutely!"

"I understand your mood at the moment, General. In fact, when I learned about this, my anger was not much less than yours."

On the other end of the video call, I believe that Prime Minister Jarvis has lost his high-spirited appearance before, and the expression on his messy hair and face is full of exhaustion.

"However, Canada has no reason to stop it. Even if I have already lodged a complaint with the United Nations in the first place, the determination of the United States is very firm, and even their president has made it clear that the American military The purpose of this operation is to target the huge monsters in the military base, regardless of the attitude of the SCP Foundation or even Canada, they use the protection of world peace as a reason to forcibly launch military operations."

"Provocation, Mr. Prime Minister, this is a blatant provocation by the United States against us in Canada. We must fight back, or Canada will become a joke in the international community after this."

Although, in the international community, Canada has already existed as a younger brother or even a subsidiary of the United States.

However, at least on the surface, Canada still has its own national positioning.

However, if the news that the United States dispatched troops to fight in Canada this time spreads, the entire international community will have a fundamentally different view of Canada.

"I know, General, I know everything you said."

The general's position undoubtedly represents the position of Canada's most hard-line faction. As a hawk, he can certainly make the most violent reaction. However, Jarvis, the Prime Minister of Canada, can't really do this. The White House call has clearly stated the position of the United States at this moment.

Therefore, any means of resistance in Canada will be met with the strongest repressive attitude from the United States.

And, even under these circumstances, Canada's interior is not monolithic.

Jarvis turned his head to look at the Congress behind him. After learning about the actions of the United States, the Congress immediately changed the subject of the vote and voted on whether to show a fierce protest against the actions of the United States. The prime minister, who was in office for such a humiliating incident, condemned violently.

Watching the votes in full swing in the Capitol, Jarvis couldn't help but close his eyes.

He knew that when such an incident happened, his subsequent political career was over, and so was Canada's international reputation.


"Damn, **** America, these arrogant, arrogant guys!"

In the temporary camp, from the attitude of Prime Minister Jarvis, the general has already made his choice clear.

In fact, the general also knew in his heart that Canada was undoubtedly too weak compared to America's strong military strength.

This is also why they were so ecstatic when they discovered the [Holy Lord], taking it as an opportunity for Canada to rise.

However, things took a turn for the worse after that, and the original opportunity turned into a terrible crisis.

The resurgence of the giant monster not only shattered the general's dream of making Canada rise, but also plunged Canada into great danger. If the [Holy Lord] could not be contained, the whole of Canada would fall into an unprecedented crisis. At that time, the United States made a decision to send troops.

Clenching his fists tightly, the general suppressed the anger in his heart with a cold face. At this moment, he was not only angry and even hated by the domineering America, but also angry at the weak Prime Minister Jarvis and even the group of short-sighted congressmen. and disappointment.

These **** politicians, they don't love Canada at all.

"If, Canada, no, I had the strength to stand up to America, none of this would have happened."

Thinking of this, the general's hand unconsciously touched the position of his pocket, and his eyes flashed unconsciously.


"Report, sir, the radar detected that a UFO is rapidly approaching the location of the military base."

However, before the general made a decision in his heart, the report of the non-commissioned officer in the camp brought his thoughts back to the situation in front of him.


Retracting his finger from his pocket, the general heard the sergeant's report, and immediately got up and went to the computer in the camp.

In the satellite radar picture of the screen, a red dot that can be clearly seen is approaching at a very fast speed towards their base not far away.

"Suffering is the American military?"

Looking at the approaching flying object, the first thing the general thought of was the American military.

However, the general soon overturned this speculation. After all, even if he had already heard from Prime Minister Jarvis about the dispatch of the American military, Canada is still a long way from the United States, even if the army moves. No matter how fast it is, it takes time.

"But what if it wasn't the American military?"

Frowning tightly, the general looked serious at the moving image displayed by the satellite radar.

Soon, however, the general would no longer have to guess.

Because, within a few minutes of his thinking, the moving UFO had already crossed over the temporary camp where he was and landed exactly in the camp.

And the general also saw clearly the true identity of the UFO in this In fact, the general guessed half right.

Although the movement of the American army cannot be so fast, it does not mean that all American soldiers are like this.

The 'War Machine', the holder of the military steel suit advertised by the American military, has a movement speed far exceeding that of the average army.

"I'm Colonel James Rhodes of the United States Marine Corps."

Controlling the steel battle suit 'War Machine' to fall in the Canadian camp, James looked at the Canadian soldiers around him with guns turned to him, without too much fear on his face, but calmly reported his identity.

"I know who you are, 'War Machine'."

With a cold face, he came out of the camp. The general looked at the dark steel suit in front of him, and said in an obvious mocking tone, "The American military has never stopped promoting you, Colonel James."

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