Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 507: undercurrent

"So, General, you mean that under the system of modern society, Canada was invaded by a mysterious organization called the SCP Foundation in such a humiliating way and forcibly occupied a military base that originally belonged to us. ?!"

At the Parliament Building in Ottawa, Canada, members of rival political parties stretched their necks like fighting roosters, staring at the general in front of him and asking loud questions.

"Mr. Congressman, on this point, the scp foundation is not a..."

Inside the Capitol, the general took a deep breath, tried to ease the stiff expression on his face, and made an excuse.

"I don't need your explanation, I just need the answer, tell me whether what I said is true!"

The general's explanation was interrupted by a wave of his hand, and the new Prime Minister Justin, who had a serious expression after the opposition MP swept his gaze over the seat where the general was seated, asked what he meant.

In fact, for the MPs of the opposition party, they don't care what happens inside the military base, whether it's the scp foundation or the giant monster in the general's mouth that looks like a fairy tale. Anyway, even if something goes wrong in the end, it is the current ruling party and the current Prime Minister Justin who need to face.

What he cares about is if he can attack Prime Minister Justin's prestige through the current events so as to accumulate enough political energy for himself.

"Damn parliamentarians, these short-sighted guys!"

It is clear that the threat posed by the [Holy Lord] to Canada is close at hand, but these damned politicians still have the leisure to hold a so-called parliamentary vote in the Capitol.

The general kept cursing the members of the building in his heart, but on the surface he had to continue to respond according to the parliamentary process: "Yes, Mr. Senator, the facts you said do exist, but..."

"Okay, thank you General for your honest answer."

Interrupting the general again and getting the answer he wanted, the opposition party members immediately made a triumphant expression and signaled the general to go back.

Facing the congressman's apparent use of himself as a political cash machine, the general's heart was full of fire, but he had to swallow his breath and go back again.

"As far as I know, General, why didn't you fight back as soon as the military base was occupied, but let the scp foundation take over the military buildings that belonged to the sacred territory of Canada, I have the right to suspect that you have the possibility of malfeasance in it?"

However, before the general could return to his position, a member of parliament got up and made his own question.

What happened in the Capitol made the general feel exhausted, and facing a series of persecution was more difficult for him than a war.

Trying to calm down his emotions, the general got up again to answer: "It's impossible, Mr. Senator, in fact, I already gave the order to counterattack as soon as the base was occupied, but the strength of the scp foundation is stronger than my own. Thinking more powerfully, they not only created a thick fog that is difficult to see with the naked eye, but also built a high wall inside the base in just a few hours to isolate all exploration."

"According to your statement, General, this SCP Foundation is an organization with extraordinary power similar to the Avengers?"

"So to speak, Mr. Senator."

"So, tell me General, what is the reason for this super organization like the Avengers to appear in Canada?"


The questioning of the opposition party members obviously hit the core of the whole question, and it is obvious that the other party came prepared.

Faced with this soul questioning, the general's expression stagnated for a while, his eyes were indistinctly contacted with Prime Minister Justin behind him, and he finally chose to remain silent.

"I can't say about this, it's a matter of confidentiality, Mr. Senator."

"Very well, in fact, even if you don't say it, General, I understand that as far as I know, the culprit behind all this is our Prime Minister, Mr. Justin, because our Prime Minister is trying to use the The giant creature made its own super soldier, which caused everything to happen, I don't know if what I said is correct, General?"

"Sorry, no comment, Mr. Senator."

In the face of the aggressive attitude of the members, the general had to choose silence again.

"very good."

However, it is clear that the general did not know that his approach had indirectly become a favorable answer to the congressman.

"In fact, Mr. Speaker."

Seeing that the situation was developing in an increasingly unfavorable direction under the guidance of the opposition party, Prime Minister Justin had to get up and answer: "It's not what the MP said, and I don't know what happened at the military base. And I think instead of continuing to wrestle with this issue, what Canada needs to do most right now is to think about how to deal with the threat of scp foundations and giant monsters occupying military bases."

"Okay, then as the Prime Minister said."

After nearly three hours of arguing, the Speaker of the Capitol obviously believed that this approach had fully demonstrated the model of 'democracy', so he pretended to be silent for a while and immediately made his own judgment: "Then follow the Opposition initiatives are put to a vote, and all MPs start a voting agenda."

Seeing that the farce at the Capitol finally ended, the general did not have the slightest expression of joy on his face.

Because he knew that the next vote would take place all night long.

The precious time Daddy's sealing of the [Holy Lord] will be lost in Canada's so-called 'democracy' vote.

Faced with such a result, Prime Minister Justin was also very helpless.

In fact, it is not that he has not thought of directly bypassing Congress to respond through emergency orders, but his idea has just emerged and the opposition parties who have been prepared to respond have responded.

It is precisely because the [Holy Lord] has returned to the stone statue that Prime Minister Justin lacks the most crucial reason to persuade the parliament, and finally has to put everything in a "democratic" vote under the pressure of the opposition party.

The most crucial time is wasted in parliament.

"It's over, it's over."

Inside the Capitol, the general looked at the politicians who started their own voting agenda, with a helpless look on his unsmiling face.

Now, he can only pin everything on the scp foundation occupying the military base, and hope that everything will be successful in containing the huge monsters as [Dominic Butch] said.


"Your mission this time has really brought us a huge 'surprise', Captain!"

New York, inside the Avengers Building.

Faced with the information brought back by Steve and Natasha, Tony and the others' expressions were obviously not very good.

Even though they were already prepared for such a result, the information brought back by Steve and the others still far exceeded the scope of preparations for Tony and the others.

"That is to say, with only three days left, we will see a behemoth [Holy Lord] over a hundred meters ravaging Canada?"

Taking a deep breath and sorting out his thoughts, Banner pushed the glasses on his face and said.

"Actually, there are no more than three days."

Raising her eyebrows, Natasha corrected the time in Banner's mouth.

"Maybe we should look at this from a more optimistic perspective."

Seeing that the atmosphere in the Avengers Building was a little dignified, Falcon couldn't help but ease his mouth and said: "If the information the captain said is correct, the scp foundation has also started the containment work for the [Holy Lord], maybe the final result is the foundation. The [Holy Master] will be successfully contained, and we may not need to take action."

"If things really go according to what you said, it's naturally the best outcome."

Hearing Falcon's analysis, Nick Fury, the former director of S.H.I.E.L.D., who had been silent, swept over everyone in the Avengers Building with his only one eye, and vaguely reminded: "However, I always think that things are not It would be that simple."

Nick Fury trusts his instincts, and it was his instincts that helped him survive the crisis decades ago and avoid the worst-case scenario for the planet.

At the same time, it was also because of that experience that Nick Fury became what he is today.

"Nick Fury is right."

His eyes stopped for a while on the former SHIELD director. Although Tony didn't agree with many of Nick Fury's actions, this time he clearly agreed with the other party's position: "We can't put all our hopes up. On the body of the scp foundation, especially from the description of the containment expert Long from the foundation, the foundation's containment process is not smooth, on the contrary, they often fall into crisis due to containment tasks."

"Also, we are the Avengers, everyone."

In the Avengers Building, Tony's eyes swept across the Avengers and slowly said: "Protecting the earth is our mission."

In order to deal with the crisis brought by the [Holy Lord], Tony could start preparations as early as the [Charm] event, and Ultron was part of his plan, although from a certain angle, Tony hoped that this preparation would never happen. Used that day, but apparently, that hope has been dashed.

"Everyone, although I don't want to disturb your solidarity time..."

Just as the Avengers were mentally preparing for the upcoming battle.

In front of the computer, Agent Hill, who had been working silently, spoke and interrupted.

"However, I have some news that I have to tell you."

"Report, Agent."

Hearing Agent Hill's report, Nick Fury subconsciously returned to his identity as the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"First of all, on the Canada part, I don't think there's any need to hope for that anymore."

Following Nick Fury's order, Agent Hill first mentioned the reaction from Canada, where the incident occurred: "According to the current situation, Ottawa is conducting a parliamentary vote to decide whether to make a military action against the SCP Foundation occupying the military base. In accordance with Ottawa's traditional practice, this voting process will last all night, which means that even if there is action on the Canadian side, it will not happen until the next day."

"It was an efficient parliamentary decision."

Tony was obviously not too surprised by the Canadian response, shrugging his shoulders and saying mockingly.

"On the other hand, the White House seems to already know the intelligence about the SCP Foundation and the [Holy Lord] in the Canadian base, and is evaluating whether the [Holy Lord] will cause damage to the United States. If so, the White House will directly use military means to attack the The [Holy Master] of the Canadian base launched a long-range strike, and even the one in the White House has already shown that there is no shortage of nuclear weapons among the means he will use!"

The news about the White House brought by Agent Hill obviously brought a lot of pressure to the Avengers.

Based on their knowledge of the White House, if the [Holy Lord] really shows a threat to the United States, the topic of nuclear weapons is not a joke.

After all, for the United States, as long as there is no war on the mainland, no matter how many people are sacrificed, it doesn't matter how many people are sacrificed, and these sacrificed people have no votes anyway.

"Please tell the White House that the Avengers will not let this happen, we will work hard to fix everything, and I hope Mr. President will remain calm and restrained."

In the face of the overreaction from the White House, Steve immediately opened his mouth to give his position through Agent Hill.

Nodding, and conveying the Avengers position represented by Steve to the White House, Agent Hill opened his mouth to pass on his last and most important message.

"Finally, there is a message from the Canadian military base, that is, the military base occupied by the Foundation. It is the information transmitted by Mr. Long."

Following Agent Hill's voice, she reached out and pressed a button on the keyboard, and a photo of the interior of the military base was projected in front of the Avengers.

"This is?!"

Looking at the photo in front of, the first people to react were Steve and Natasha who had sneaked into the base.

In their eyes, on the base that had been turned into ruins due to the battle of the [Holy Master], a brand-new building was erected on it to surround the [Holy Master] who had turned into a stone statue, and there were a lot of surrounding buildings. The personnel in research uniforms are conducting research on the [Holy Master].

"From Mr. Long's information, it seems that the Foundation has begun to try to contain the [Holy Master], and they are trying to use the power of the [contained object] to deprive the [Holy Master] of the power of the most critical [Rat Charm] in the body. If If the containment process goes smoothly, the Foundation will directly contain the sealed stone statue transformed by the [Holy Master] into the Foundation after stripping out the [Rat Charm], to prevent it from breaking free from the seal again."

"How, it looks like I'm right, maybe it really doesn't need the Avengers to take action to solve all this smoothly."

Inside the Avengers Building, Falcon looked at the news from [Uncle Long], and then raised his eyebrows with a smile on his face.

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