Of course, [Dominic Butch] and Thor are different after all.

Thor, as the gods of Asgard, Thor is more like authority to him, which means that even without the existence of Thor's Hammer, he can still freely control the power of thunder and lightning, and this power has no space limit, even if he asks Even if you go to outer space or other planets, you can still summon Thunder to fight for it.

And although [Dominic Butch] also showed control over the lightning, in the end, his ability is just a kind of control over the climate by the stand-in [Weather Forecast].

Although, from the performance point of view, the power of the thunder and snow storm created by [Dominic Butch]'s stand-in [Weather Forecast] is more violent than the appearance of Thor's battle.

However, such power is not without flaws. After all, it can be seen from the introduction of the system's avatar ability [Weather Forecast] that the ability of [Weather Forecast] comes from the control of atmospheric clouds. In short, this avatar Capabilities target the manipulation of Earth's specific atmospheric structure.

If you change to another different planet, or simply have a completely different atmosphere, the ability of [Dominic Butch] as a substitute [Weather Forecast] will not completely fail, but a big discount is inevitable.

Simply put, this is a limited-edition ability of the earth, and only the ability of [weather forecast] on the earth can exert its most powerful effect.

However, as a B-level character card character, Li Ran has no plans to fly out of the earth through [Dominic Butch].

Of course, there are a large number of objects outside the universe that can gain fame, such as the Guardians of the Galaxy and even a series of cosmic aliens, and even higher-level alien races. would be foolish enough to think they were really vulnerable.

After all, but from the perspective of technological development, a group of alien groups that have developed space flight exploration and even rules, and the Earth that has not even been explored in the Milky Way so far.

Which technology is higher and lower is naturally clear at a glance.

Even if, in the technology currently developed by the earth, Tony or not the country is unique in having the ability to explore space.

But above the overall level, it is still a long way behind the entire universe.

With such an overall level of technology, even if Li Ran wanted to go to outer space to gain the fame of other aliens in the universe, it was inherently unrealistic.

He could just stuff it into a spaceship and launch it into outer space like everyone did to Hulk a few years later.

It's just that it's still a little troublesome to create a spaceship with Li Ran's current methods. Come, he wouldn't do such a thing if he wasn't completely sure of his cautious character. Even if it is his clone who flew to outer space, even if he encounters any unstoppable damage, it will not affect the main body, but he still thinks it is not appropriate.

However, although it is not possible to arrange for a clone to go to outer space for a while to gain fame, if only the nearby planet is like the moon...

From the ability of [Dominic Butch] to stand in for [Weather Forecast], the thinking has been divergent.

Inside the antique shop, Li Ran raised his head and glanced at the sky outside the window, his eyes suddenly flickered.

Speaking of which, he does have props in his hands that can easily travel to the moon.


Inside the antique shop, Ontology had a new idea on a whim.

On the other hand, in the Canadian military base, the battle between [Dominic Butch] and [Holy Lord] seemed extremely stalemate. Under the complex and dangerous thunder and snow climate, the movement of [Holy Lord] was obviously restricted. It opened its mouth and let out a deafening roar, but the continuous lightning around it greatly hindered its movement.

However, such a dangerous climate is obviously impossible to continue forever. Although [Weather Forecast] can change the refraction of the surrounding atmosphere to produce complex extreme climates, this change is also limited in its ability, just as the previously created vacuum environment requires At a glance, the thunder and snow climate is also attacked by extracting the surrounding atmospheric clouds to form this complex and dangerous climate environment.

In particular, this kind of complex climate control is also a huge burden for the stand-in [Dominic Butch] itself.

"Looks like the people at the Foundation have reached their limit."

Soon, Natasha noticed the increasingly pale expression on [Dominic Butch]'s face.

She raised her head and looked at the [Holy Lord] wrapped by thunder and blizzard. The blizzard that was generated in an instant had accumulated a thickness of 40 to 50 centimeters on the huge body of the monster, and the continuous thunder was even more The rocks wrapped around her body kept falling down, but even so, Natasha didn't see a trace of injury from the body of the [Holy Master].

It can be said that [Dominic Butch] is a natural disaster for humans, but the damage caused to [Holy Lord] is not as great as imagined.

"Sure enough, even if the resurrected is not the complete body of the [Holy Master], relying on the power of the remaining [Spell], the [Holy Master] is still not so easy to defeat."

Looking at the still fierce [Holy Master] in the thunder and snow, the old man sighed in a timely manner.

"Father, now is not the time to say that."

Following his father's sigh, [Uncle Long] also cooperated with an anxious look: "If there is no way to defeat the [Holy Lord], then it will be us who will suffer next, after all, the goal of the [Holy Lord] is from Destroying the world in the first place."

"Why, I think of my father now. Didn't you have confidence in the Foundation's capabilities before, Aaron? Don't you think that the [Holy Master] can definitely be dealt with by the Foundation's power?"

"Dad, you know, what the Foundation needs to face is not only the threat posed by the [Holy Lord], and the Foundation's containment measures are often very dangerous, and the sacrifice during the period is not a problem. The second tactical unit where Mr. Lati is in has suffered heavy losses due to the containment mission, and even if the Foundation arranges personnel to contain the [Holy Lord], it will take time, and now we are most short of time."

"I know the foundation is not reliable."

Facing the explanation given by [Uncle Long], the old man deliberately made a murmuring appearance.

I saw him put his hand into his pocket and rummaged for a while, and then with a painful face, he took out a solid object wrapped in black cloth, and carefully opened the black cloth to reveal the true colors of the contents— A sun-dried cobra.

Dry cobra? !

Looking at the thing that Dad took out carefully, even though Natasha and Steve had a full understanding of this 'magic', they still couldn't help twitching the corners of their mouths with a subtle change in expression. a bit.

"This is, Dad, you even brought the cobra here. This is a magic item that you didn't even let me touch before."

Looking at the dry cobra that Dad took out, [Uncle Long] immediately opened his eyes and said nonsense to perform a surprising performance.

"Fortunately, Dad, I was prepared. I had a hunch that things might happen this time, so I brought the cobra over in advance. Now it seems that thanks to my vigilance, Dad, otherwise we may really be planted in this time. Resurrection is under the [Holy Lord]."

Taking over the exclamation of [Uncle Long], the old man also said a few words with seriousness.

Hearing the conversation between Dad and [Uncle Long], even if Natasha and Steve looked at it, they couldn't see any magic or mystery from the dried cobra, but it was still preconceived. I think this is a very remarkable 'magic tool' in my dad's mouth.

But, in fact, the original judgment of the two Avengers is accurate.

The dried cobra in Dad's hand is actually a dried cobra.

The source is just the dry goods that Li Ran bought from Chinatown before. If it is changed into the hands of other people, the final result will not be used to make wine. Who knows that there will be a 'magic item' after changing hands. high status. Come to think of it, even the cobra itself would never have imagined that he would have such an identity after his death.

Although the dry cobra in his hand is just a product, the performance of the father is unusually real.

I saw that he picked up the tail of the dry cobra, pointed his head in the direction of the [Holy Lord], and at the same time muttered again: "The monsters and monsters are about to leave! The monsters and monsters are about to leave! The monsters and monsters..."

As the old man was talking, Li Ran in the antique shop also cooperated to transfer the magic power of the high priest to the old man. Suddenly, he saw that the old man who looked thin and ordinary was supported by an invisible force. The whole person floated slowly under the gazes of Natasha and Steve. At the same time, there seemed to be an inexplicable light flashing in the eyes of the dry cobra in his hand, and the next second. I saw a crimson light flashing out from the cobra's eyes, and it fell straight onto the huge body of the [Holy Lord] not far away.

"What, this power, **** it, no!"

The magic power of the high priest passed on by Li Ran through the clone is not much, and its biggest purpose is just to make the old man look a little bit.

And the red light emitted from the dry cobra is even less powerful, and even the tanks behind it can easily resist it.

However, although this red light is just a fake, but with the personal cooperation of a clone [Holy Master], even if it is fake, it will become real.

Under the shroud of the thunder and snow weather created by [Dominic Butch]'s stand-in [Weather Forecast], the huge body of [Holy Lord] obviously couldn't avoid the magical attack of his father through the dry cobra.

However, even if he could dodge, he would not dodge in order to cooperate with the performance of the [Holy Master].

I saw the red light falling on the huge body of the [Holy Master], like water droplets merging into the sea, without the slightest wave, but the [Holy Master] matched with a deafening roar, and said with anger: "Old guy, I didn't expect you to hide this method, but so what, even if you can trap me for a while, when the magic power subsides, I can still be resurrected again, all you do is just put yourself And the time of the destruction of the earth will be delayed for a little time, and eventually the earth will still return to my rule, and then I will swallow you into my stomach..."

With the tyrannical roar of [Holy Lord], its huge body began to petrify at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the part that petrified from the very beginning was the part where it was hit by Dad's magic.

After only a few minutes, the huge body of the [Holy Lord] turned into a motionless rock statue again.

In conjunction with this, the dry cobra in Dad's hand also turned into fine ashes the second after the [Holy Lord] turned into a stone statue and scattered from his hand.

"This time, in order to deal with the [Holy Master] father, I am bleeding heavily, and even the powerful magic props left by the master have been consumed."

Looking at the dry cobra in his hand that was turned to ashes, the father's face made a pained expression.

"This one, old gentleman."

As an ordinary person, even the best commander of the entire base, the battle in front of him is far beyond the scope of the general's ability to intervene.

Therefore, after finding that the shells could not cause damage to the [Holy Lord], the general quietly pushed back.

At this moment, seeing the [Holy Master] changed his previous rock posture under the magic of his father, he had the courage to speak again, and said to the father who did all this: "The monster has turned into a stone, isn't it? it means..."

"How could it be possible~www.wuxiamtl.com~ He broke the general's extravagant hopes without hesitation. Dad turned to look at the [Holy Lord] who turned into a stone statue and shook his head: "To deal with such a powerful demon as the [Holy Lord]. , how can it be defeated by the power of magic alone, my magic is just like what [Holy Master] said before, it is only temporarily sealed again, this is still a loss to this time [Holy Master] The resurrection is not completely related, but even so, according to the speed of mana consumption, I estimate that in about three days, the sealed [Holy Lord] will be resurrected again. "

"What, only three days!"

Hearing the time limit given by the father, the general's face suddenly changed greatly. He looked up at the huge body of the [Holy Master] and lowered his head to sweep the base that had turned into ruins. The expression on his face was full of unease. : "Old gentleman, Mage, three days is a drop in the bucket for Canada. We can't even organize an effective counterattack in such a short period of time."

As a general, based on his knowledge of Canada, three days may not even be able to hold a useful meeting and discussion for those politicians.

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