Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 501: 'Magic' fails

"Old guy, do you really think that you can subdue me with just this little 'magic' power in your hands?"

Here, [Uncle Long] had a little contact with the Avengers.

On the other side, [Holy Master]'s scarlet eyes flashed a tyrannical color, and he opened his **** mouth with sharp fangs and let out a deafening roar: "Your magic is just a drop in the bucket compared to the power of an immortal, if not Because if the body I just broke free from the seal can't fully adapt, I can burn you all to ashes with just one [plasma fireball]!"

Shaking his huge body to vibrate the base, with the shaking of the [Holy Master], the originally hard military base was like a paper paste, and a large number of spider-like textures covered the entire base.

"Everyone, quickly evacuate from the base!"

Swinging his body to stabilize his footsteps in the shaking base, Steve looked at the shaky appearance around him, and then frowned to remind the soldiers in the base.

Inside the military base, facing Captain America's shouts, the soldiers' faces showed hesitation.

Obviously, it is impossible to adapt to the change in the position of the opponent who has just killed and killed him.

Noticing the hesitation on the soldiers' faces, Steve didn't explain much. He took a step and used the vibranium shield in his hand to block the falling gravel from his head, striding towards the general's position at superhuman speed.

"Be careful!"

At this moment, a stone on the top of the base was shaken down because of the movement of [Holy Master], and it fell straight in the direction of the general.

Seeing this, without the slightest hesitation, Steve's arm muscles swelled in an instant, waved the shield, and threw it towards the general's head.


The indestructible vibranium shield is like a sharp blade that instantly smashes falling stones.

"This is?"

Recalled by the loud noise from the top of his head, the general looked at the rubble scattered around and Steve who was still waving and throwing not far away, and the look in his eyes couldn't help but change.

"Why, Captain America, obviously I wanted to kill you before, why are you still..."

"Indeed, we used to be your life-and-death opponents before, General."

Successfully rescued the general at the last minute, Steve breathed a sigh of relief, pressed the magnet device in his hand to control the shield that fell not far away and returned to his hand, Captain America replied in a deep voice: "However, the current situation has With change, we need to fight against formidable adversaries that could spell disaster for all of humanity."

Compared with the [Holy Lord] who has the power to destroy the world, Steve chose to find more helpers to fight side by side.

Even if this helper had vowed to take their lives more than ten minutes ago.


Looking up and Steve looked at each other silently for a few seconds, the general finally retracted his gaze with flickering eyes.

He looked at the huge monster not far away, took a deep breath and replied: "Perhaps you are right, Captain America, the recovery of this monster comes from my greed and ignorance, but I will never allow it to be so terrifying. The existence of my cherished country destroys the country I hold dear, even for Canada."

Regardless of whether the reason given by the general is true or false, the result of [Holy Lord] awakening in Canada is beyond doubt.

Therefore, if he wants to stop this monster from causing irreparable damage to Canada, he as a military must do something.

"All soldiers, follow my orders and leave this dangerous place in front of you."

Thinking of the damage that the recovery of the [Holy Lord] might cause to the Canadian mainland, the general's heart instantly became a little urgent. If things really happened, then his identity would also change from a hero who led Canada's rise to a sinner. .

Thinking of this, whether it was for Canada or for himself, the general responded quickly.

"Yes, sir!"

Hearing the command from the general, the already restless soldiers in the base turned around and ran towards the entrance of the base without hesitation.

In the blink of an eye, the base that was still crowded with people became a bit empty.

"Ultron, I need your help."

Looking at the soldiers evacuated from the base, Steve turned to look at the one that Ultron had invaded and nodded, and said to the general beside him: "General, it's not just these soldiers that we want to evacuate. ."

"I see."

Here, the general cooperated with Steve and the others to issue an emergency retreat order to the soldiers in the base, evacuating the crowd.

On the other hand, Dad's "magic" attack on the [Holy Master] also began to change.

"Aaron, tell the captain to leave the base quickly!"

Raising the dried puffer fish and dried gecko in his hands to point in the direction of the [Holy Master], the father frowned and shouted at the [Uncle Long] behind him, "Father's 'magic' won't last long!"


Hearing his father's cry, [Uncle Long], who was still in front of Natasha with a relaxed expression, suddenly changed his expression and said in a panic, "Father, I thought your 'magic' could directly turn [Holy Master] 】For the uniform."

"Do you think Daddy is a fairy, Aaron, Daddy is just an ordinary magician, how can he compete with such a ruthless, selfish, manic and evil demon as [Holy Master]. If Dad had such an ability, he wouldn't have been so hard chasing the guy who mastered the power of evil magic."

As he spoke, several fine textures began to emerge on the dried puffer fish and dried gecko on Dad's hand, giving people the feeling that these two "magic props" would be scrapped in the next second.

"Then what should we do, Dad, if even your 'magic' doesn't work, then won't we be directly given by the resurrected [Holy Lord]..."

Hearing his father's words, [Uncle Long]'s expression became a little more flustered, and he muttered at the same time.

"Unfortunate, unlucky, unlucky, but at this time, Mr. Bugarati thought that the other tasks of the Foundation could not be rushed!"

"No, it's not that bad yet!"

Hearing [Uncle Long]'s concern, the father in front of [Holy Master] immediately cooperated and said: "I just noticed that it seems that although [Holy Master] used the power of the [Rat Charm] to break free from the seal of the immortal Come out, but the power of the seal on it has not been completely lifted, so we still have a chance."

Following her father's words, Natasha looked at the body of the [Holy Master] and found that although the entire half of the body of the [Holy Master] was able to move freely in the base, the lower half of his body was still covered with a lot of rocks. wrapped up.

"In other words, as long as we can seize this opportunity, we can seal the [Holy Lord] back again!"

Hearing his father's analysis, [Uncle Long] immediately showed an excited expression on his face.

"Do not!"

However, before [Uncle Long] finished speaking, Dad immediately shook his head and poured cold water.

"As long as there is the power of the [Rat Charm], it will be a matter of time before the [Holy Master] gets rid of the seal."

"What do you mean by chance, daddy?"

The excited expression on his face stopped abruptly, [Uncle Long] came back to his senses and looked at his father with a puzzled face.

"The opportunity is, at least we can use the time when the [Holy Master] has not completely broken free from the seal, and quickly leave this place where birds don't shit."

"Dad, you mean run away!"

"What escape, daddy, this is a strategic retreat, to find a way to defeat the [Holy Lord]."

While correcting the words of [Uncle Long], the expression on Dad's face was obviously a little more labored than when he first came to the base.

Click, click—

At the same time, the fine texture on the dried puffer fish and dried gecko in Dad's hands became more and more obvious.

"Haha, old guy!"

As the 'magic tool' in Dad's hand gradually became invalid, the [Holy Master] also made a roaring roar on the hideous face of the monster: "Your 'magic' is about to die, I have to wait and see." After the magic thing works, what are you doing to deal with me!"

"Aaron, don't hurry up and take my father to retreat, do you want to see my father burned to ashes by the [Holy Master]?"

Hearing the roar of the [Holy Master], the father's face could not help showing a bit of anxiety.

"I see, Daddy!"

Under the urging of his father, [Uncle Long] hurriedly rode his motorcycle in a hurry, and at the same time did not forget Natasha who was beside him to remind: "Well, Natasha, you should also understand the situation in front of you. Now, my father's 'magic' is about to lose its effect, so you should retreat quickly, and I will take my father and leave this dangerous place immediately."

After finishing speaking, ignoring Natasha's reaction, [Uncle Long] stepped on the accelerator of the motorcycle and rushed straight to the direction of the father in front of the [Holy Master].

"Dad, here I come!"

Click, click!

He drove a motorcycle to his father's side and stopped. With his flexible skills and proficient control of the motorcycle, [Uncle Long] turned the motorcycle head around his father to perform an extreme drifting action, and then With both feet propped up, the front of the car was gently touched behind him, and he took Dad directly into the car.

At the same time, at the same time when Dad's **** touched the motorcycle, the dry puffer fish and dry gecko on his head also made two cracking sounds at the right time, and they both turned into pieces and scattered.


Just the second after the dry puffer fish and dry gecko shattered, the [Holy Master] shook his head and let out a huge roar, opened his **** mouth and aimed in the direction of the motorcycle, and began to condense the fireball.

"Unlucky, unlucky..."

Feeling the terrifying high temperature coming from behind him, [Uncle Long] stepped on the accelerator immediately, and the motorcycle under him suddenly drove out like an arrow from the string.


In the mouth of the [Holy Master], the huge fireball formed by the compressed and condensed power instantly scorched the air of the entire base like a furnace.

Under the pursuit of [Plasma Fireball], [Uncle Long] and Dad, who were driving motorcycles, were almost at a loss, and they could barely escape from the base with the flames [].

"Huh, it was almost cooked."

Sitting on the back seat of the motorcycle, the old man wiped the sweat from his forehead with a look of the rest of his life.

"Mr. Long, are you all right?

With [Uncle Long] and Dad's hatred for attracting [Holy Master], Steve and the others successfully evacuated from the base. They looked at the motorcycles that were obviously charred and even a little melted at the back. , suddenly asked worriedly.

"Nothing yet."

He stopped the motorcycle and patted his heart with a frightened expression. Hearing Steve's concern, [Uncle Long] swallowed and turned his head to look at the base: "But wait a minute if anything happens. I no longer know!"



As the voice of [Uncle Long] fell, the base where [Holy Master] was located began to vibrate violently. During this vibration, visible cracks climbed up the surface of the base.


A few seconds later, the military base, which was so strong and heavy that it could even withstand dozens of shells and remained largely intact, collapsed like a building block with a loud rumbling sound.

Immediately afterwards, in the dust and gravel package, the [Holy Master] dragged his huge body and slowly moved out of the ruins where the base was located.

"Lock on target, launch!"

And while the [Holy Master] was destroying the base, the general did not rest.

He ordered the soldiers in the base to bring over all the weapons that could be used, including the remaining dozen or so tanks, two armored vehicles, mortars, and surface-to-air missiles.

Although it seems that these weapons are not many, this is the limit that can be taken out in the entire base.

As a country whose military strength has been compressed all the year round, Canada's entire army force is only in the early 20s.

This is also the reason why the generals are so dissatisfied with the United States, because the decline of Canada's military power is not the most powerful, and it is the United States.


bang bang—

Under the command of the general, dozens of tanks with mortars and surface-to-air missiles fired shells that hit the huge body of the [Holy Lord]. Although the firepower formed by dozens of missiles was not amazing, it was at least a little bit. Even the power of the cannonball is enough to cause a devastating blow to a building.

However, this kind of destruction fell on the huge body of the [Holy Master], but there was not even a single obvious injury.

Ignoring the shells and explosions that fell on his body, the [Holy Master] moved his huge body to produce obvious vibrations, forming clear footprints on the ground and walking towards the location of everyone.

"Launch, launch!"

Looking at this huge monster that became clearer and clearer in the smoke, dust and gravel of the ruins of the base, the general's emotions were pulled to the extreme, and he almost gave instructions to attack the soldiers with a distorted voice.

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